13578131424910612Árvore de talentos+1 Weave Armor Reduction/Increase25+-40% Poison Touch Slow+75 Poison Touch DPS20-4s Shallow Grave Cooldown+90 Attack Speed15+45 Shadow Wave Heal / Damage+1.75 Mana Regen10+300 Poison Touch Attack RangeÁrvore de talentos+1 Weave Armor Reduction/Increase25+-40% Poison Touch Slow+75 Poison Touch DPS20-4s Shallow Grave Cooldown+90 Attack Speed15+45 Shadow Wave Heal / Damage+1.75 Mana Regen10+300 Poison Touch Attack Range11
248913571011121361418Árvore de talentos-12s Remnant Charge Restore Time25=2 Sleight of Fist Charges+50 Sleight of Fist Hero Damage20+60 Searing Chains Damage+1s Searing Chains Duration15+100% Flame Guard DPS+165 Flame Guard Barrier Amount10+12 DamageÁrvore de talentos-12s Remnant Charge Restore Time25=2 Sleight of Fist Charges+50 Sleight of Fist Hero Damage20+60 Searing Chains Damage+1s Searing Chains Duration15+100% Flame Guard DPS+165 Flame Guard Barrier Amount10+12 Damage15Árvore de talentos-12s Remnant Charge Restore Time25=2 Sleight of Fist Charges+50 Sleight of Fist Hero Damage20+60 Searing Chains Damage+1s Searing Chains Duration15+100% Flame Guard DPS+165 Flame Guard Barrier Amount10+12 Damage16
289114131416135612187Árvore de talentos2 Toss Charges25-8s Avalanche CooldownToss Requires No Target20+60 Tree Grab Base Damage+70 Avalanche Damage15-8% Grow Attack Speed Reduction+8 Strength10+200 Avalanche Cast RangeÁrvore de talentos2 Toss Charges25-8s Avalanche CooldownToss Requires No Target20+60 Tree Grab Base Damage+70 Avalanche Damage15-8% Grow Attack Speed Reduction+8 Strength10+200 Avalanche Cast Range10Árvore de talentos2 Toss Charges25-8s Avalanche CooldownToss Requires No Target20+60 Tree Grab Base Damage+70 Avalanche Damage15-8% Grow Attack Speed Reduction+8 Strength10+200 Avalanche Cast Range15Árvore de talentos2 Toss Charges25-8s Avalanche CooldownToss Requires No Target20+60 Tree Grab Base Damage+70 Avalanche Damage15-8% Grow Attack Speed Reduction+8 Strength10+200 Avalanche Cast Range20
18114913142357612Árvore de talentos+50% Wyrm's Wrath effect during Elder Dragon Form25+12 Dragon Blood HP Regen/Armor+85% Breathe Fire Damage/Cast Range in Dragon Form20+150 Elder Dragon Form Attack Range+300 Health15+0.4s Dragon Tail Stun-30% Breathe Fire Damage Reduction10+15 DamageÁrvore de talentos+50% Wyrm's Wrath effect during Elder Dragon Form25+12 Dragon Blood HP Regen/Armor+85% Breathe Fire Damage/Cast Range in Dragon Form20+150 Elder Dragon Form Attack Range+300 Health15+0.4s Dragon Tail Stun-30% Breathe Fire Damage Reduction10+15 Damage10Árvore de talentos+50% Wyrm's Wrath effect during Elder Dragon Form25+12 Dragon Blood HP Regen/Armor+85% Breathe Fire Damage/Cast Range in Dragon Form20+150 Elder Dragon Form Attack Range+300 Health15+0.4s Dragon Tail Stun-30% Breathe Fire Damage Reduction10+15 Damage15
4891013572612Árvore de talentos+40 Intelligence25+1 Gorgon's Grasp Volley+1.5s Stone Gaze Duration20+3 Mystic Snake Bounces-3s Mystic Snake Cooldown15-8% Split Shot Damage Penalty+10% Stone Gaze Bonus Physical Damage10+20% Gorgon's Grasp RadiusÁrvore de talentos+40 Intelligence25+1 Gorgon's Grasp Volley+1.5s Stone Gaze Duration20+3 Mystic Snake Bounces-3s Mystic Snake Cooldown15-8% Split Shot Damage Penalty+10% Stone Gaze Bonus Physical Damage10+20% Gorgon's Grasp Radius11Árvore de talentos+40 Intelligence25+1 Gorgon's Grasp Volley+1.5s Stone Gaze Duration20+3 Mystic Snake Bounces-3s Mystic Snake Cooldown15-8% Split Shot Damage Penalty+10% Stone Gaze Bonus Physical Damage10+20% Gorgon's Grasp Radius13Árvore de talentos+40 Intelligence25+1 Gorgon's Grasp Volley+1.5s Stone Gaze Duration20+3 Mystic Snake Bounces-3s Mystic Snake Cooldown15-8% Split Shot Damage Penalty+10% Stone Gaze Bonus Physical Damage10+20% Gorgon's Grasp Radius14