248913571113141661218Árvore de talentos+1000 Icarus Dive Cast Range25+2 Supernova Hit Count+0.5s Supernova Stun Duration20+1.5% Max Health Sun Ray Damage+20 Health Regen15+20 Fire Spirits Damage Per Second+0.5% Blinding Sun Miss Chance10+25% Icarus Dive SlowÁrvore de talentos+1000 Icarus Dive Cast Range25+2 Supernova Hit Count+0.5s Supernova Stun Duration20+1.5% Max Health Sun Ray Damage+20 Health Regen15+20 Fire Spirits Damage Per Second+0.5% Blinding Sun Miss Chance10+25% Icarus Dive Slow10Árvore de talentos+1000 Icarus Dive Cast Range25+2 Supernova Hit Count+0.5s Supernova Stun Duration20+1.5% Max Health Sun Ray Damage+20 Health Regen15+20 Fire Spirits Damage Per Second+0.5% Blinding Sun Miss Chance10+25% Icarus Dive Slow15Árvore de talentos+1000 Icarus Dive Cast Range25+2 Supernova Hit Count+0.5s Supernova Stun Duration20+1.5% Max Health Sun Ray Damage+20 Health Regen15+20 Fire Spirits Damage Per Second+0.5% Blinding Sun Miss Chance10+25% Icarus Dive Slow20
389161457210111461218Árvore de talentos+1 Geminate Attack25-3s Shukuchi Cooldown+0.5 Swarm Armor Reduction20+70 Bonus Damage On Geminate+2 Swarm Attacks to Kill15+20 Mana Break+7 Strength10+60 Shukuchi DamageÁrvore de talentos+1 Geminate Attack25-3s Shukuchi Cooldown+0.5 Swarm Armor Reduction20+70 Bonus Damage On Geminate+2 Swarm Attacks to Kill15+20 Mana Break+7 Strength10+60 Shukuchi Damage13Árvore de talentos+1 Geminate Attack25-3s Shukuchi Cooldown+0.5 Swarm Armor Reduction20+70 Bonus Damage On Geminate+2 Swarm Attacks to Kill15+20 Mana Break+7 Strength10+60 Shukuchi Damage15Árvore de talentos+1 Geminate Attack25-3s Shukuchi Cooldown+0.5 Swarm Armor Reduction20+70 Bonus Damage On Geminate+2 Swarm Attacks to Kill15+20 Mana Break+7 Strength10+60 Shukuchi Damage20
489102111314135761218Árvore de talentos+1s Rage Duration25+1% Feast Heal and Damage+25% Open Wounds Lifesteal20+15% Infest Target Movespeed/Health+15% Open Wounds Slow15+50 Ghoul Frenzy Attack Speed+3% Ghoul Frenzy Movement Speed10+4 All StatsÁrvore de talentos+1s Rage Duration25+1% Feast Heal and Damage+25% Open Wounds Lifesteal20+15% Infest Target Movespeed/Health+15% Open Wounds Slow15+50 Ghoul Frenzy Attack Speed+3% Ghoul Frenzy Movement Speed10+4 All Stats15Árvore de talentos+1s Rage Duration25+1% Feast Heal and Damage+25% Open Wounds Lifesteal20+15% Infest Target Movespeed/Health+15% Open Wounds Slow15+50 Ghoul Frenzy Attack Speed+3% Ghoul Frenzy Movement Speed10+4 All Stats16Árvore de talentos+1s Rage Duration25+1% Feast Heal and Damage+25% Open Wounds Lifesteal20+15% Infest Target Movespeed/Health+15% Open Wounds Slow15+50 Ghoul Frenzy Attack Speed+3% Ghoul Frenzy Movement Speed10+4 All Stats20Árvore de talentos+1s Rage Duration25+1% Feast Heal and Damage+25% Open Wounds Lifesteal20+15% Infest Target Movespeed/Health+15% Open Wounds Slow15+50 Ghoul Frenzy Attack Speed+3% Ghoul Frenzy Movement Speed10+4 All Stats25
111314162489135761218Árvore de talentos2 Charges of Disruption25-30s Demonic Purge Cooldown+150 Demonic Purge Damage20+15% Disseminate Shared Damage-1s Shadow Poison Cooldown15+25 Movement Speed+10 Strength10+15% Shadow Poison DamageÁrvore de talentos2 Charges of Disruption25-30s Demonic Purge Cooldown+150 Demonic Purge Damage20+15% Disseminate Shared Damage-1s Shadow Poison Cooldown15+25 Movement Speed+10 Strength10+15% Shadow Poison Damage10Árvore de talentos2 Charges of Disruption25-30s Demonic Purge Cooldown+150 Demonic Purge Damage20+15% Disseminate Shared Damage-1s Shadow Poison Cooldown15+25 Movement Speed+10 Strength10+15% Shadow Poison Damage15Árvore de talentos2 Charges of Disruption25-30s Demonic Purge Cooldown+150 Demonic Purge Damage20+15% Disseminate Shared Damage-1s Shadow Poison Cooldown15+25 Movement Speed+10 Strength10+15% Shadow Poison Damage20
248911131416135761218Árvore de talentos+80% Celestial Hammer Cast Range/Speed25-4s Starbreaker Cooldown-1 Luminosity Attacks Required20+150 Solar Guardian Radius-20s Solar Guardian Cooldown15+40% Luminosity Critical Strike Damage+15% Celestial Hammer Slow10+12 DamageÁrvore de talentos+80% Celestial Hammer Cast Range/Speed25-4s Starbreaker Cooldown-1 Luminosity Attacks Required20+150 Solar Guardian Radius-20s Solar Guardian Cooldown15+40% Luminosity Critical Strike Damage+15% Celestial Hammer Slow10+12 Damage10Árvore de talentos+80% Celestial Hammer Cast Range/Speed25-4s Starbreaker Cooldown-1 Luminosity Attacks Required20+150 Solar Guardian Radius-20s Solar Guardian Cooldown15+40% Luminosity Critical Strike Damage+15% Celestial Hammer Slow10+12 Damage15Árvore de talentos+80% Celestial Hammer Cast Range/Speed25-4s Starbreaker Cooldown-1 Luminosity Attacks Required20+150 Solar Guardian Radius-20s Solar Guardian Cooldown15+40% Luminosity Critical Strike Damage+15% Celestial Hammer Slow10+12 Damage20Árvore de talentos+80% Celestial Hammer Cast Range/Speed25-4s Starbreaker Cooldown-1 Luminosity Attacks Required20+150 Solar Guardian Radius-20s Solar Guardian Cooldown15+40% Luminosity Critical Strike Damage+15% Celestial Hammer Slow10+12 Damage25
135114131416278961218Árvore de talentos+1 Multishot Wave25+10% Marksmanship Chance50% Gust Self Movement Speed20+25% Multishot Damage-6s Multishot Cooldown15+75 Attack Range+1 Multishot Arrow Per Wave10Gust Costs No ManaÁrvore de talentos+1 Multishot Wave25+10% Marksmanship Chance50% Gust Self Movement Speed20+25% Multishot Damage-6s Multishot Cooldown15+75 Attack Range+1 Multishot Arrow Per Wave10Gust Costs No Mana10Árvore de talentos+1 Multishot Wave25+10% Marksmanship Chance50% Gust Self Movement Speed20+25% Multishot Damage-6s Multishot Cooldown15+75 Attack Range+1 Multishot Arrow Per Wave10Gust Costs No Mana15Árvore de talentos+1 Multishot Wave25+10% Marksmanship Chance50% Gust Self Movement Speed20+25% Multishot Damage-6s Multishot Cooldown15+75 Attack Range+1 Multishot Arrow Per Wave10Gust Costs No Mana20Árvore de talentos+1 Multishot Wave25+10% Marksmanship Chance50% Gust Self Movement Speed20+25% Multishot Damage-6s Multishot Cooldown15+75 Attack Range+1 Multishot Arrow Per Wave10Gust Costs No Mana25
410111317814235961218Árvore de talentosCorrosive Haze Undispellable25-3s Slithereen Crush Cooldown-4 Corrosive Haze Armor20+125 Slithereen Crush Damage+40 Bash of the Deep Damage15+300 Health+12 Seaborn Sentinel Bonus Damage10+2s Guardian Sprint DurationÁrvore de talentosCorrosive Haze Undispellable25-3s Slithereen Crush Cooldown-4 Corrosive Haze Armor20+125 Slithereen Crush Damage+40 Bash of the Deep Damage15+300 Health+12 Seaborn Sentinel Bonus Damage10+2s Guardian Sprint Duration15Árvore de talentosCorrosive Haze Undispellable25-3s Slithereen Crush Cooldown-4 Corrosive Haze Armor20+125 Slithereen Crush Damage+40 Bash of the Deep Damage15+300 Health+12 Seaborn Sentinel Bonus Damage10+2s Guardian Sprint Duration16Árvore de talentosCorrosive Haze Undispellable25-3s Slithereen Crush Cooldown-4 Corrosive Haze Armor20+125 Slithereen Crush Damage+40 Bash of the Deep Damage15+300 Health+12 Seaborn Sentinel Bonus Damage10+2s Guardian Sprint Duration20Árvore de talentosCorrosive Haze Undispellable25-3s Slithereen Crush Cooldown-4 Corrosive Haze Armor20+125 Slithereen Crush Damage+40 Bash of the Deep Damage15+300 Health+12 Seaborn Sentinel Bonus Damage10+2s Guardian Sprint Duration25
145839111326141571218Árvore de talentos+250 AoE Hex25+600 Earth Spike cast range/travel distanceEarth Spike affects a 30 degree cone20+20 Finger of Death Damage Per Kill+15% To Hell And Back Debuff/Spell Amp15-2.5s Hex Cooldown+20 Movement Speed10+10% Mana Drain SlowÁrvore de talentos+250 AoE Hex25+600 Earth Spike cast range/travel distanceEarth Spike affects a 30 degree cone20+20 Finger of Death Damage Per Kill+15% To Hell And Back Debuff/Spell Amp15-2.5s Hex Cooldown+20 Movement Speed10+10% Mana Drain Slow10Árvore de talentos+250 AoE Hex25+600 Earth Spike cast range/travel distanceEarth Spike affects a 30 degree cone20+20 Finger of Death Damage Per Kill+15% To Hell And Back Debuff/Spell Amp15-2.5s Hex Cooldown+20 Movement Speed10+10% Mana Drain Slow16Árvore de talentos+250 AoE Hex25+600 Earth Spike cast range/travel distanceEarth Spike affects a 30 degree cone20+20 Finger of Death Damage Per Kill+15% To Hell And Back Debuff/Spell Amp15-2.5s Hex Cooldown+20 Movement Speed10+10% Mana Drain Slow20Árvore de talentos+250 AoE Hex25+600 Earth Spike cast range/travel distanceEarth Spike affects a 30 degree cone20+20 Finger of Death Damage Per Kill+15% To Hell And Back Debuff/Spell Amp15-2.5s Hex Cooldown+20 Movement Speed10+10% Mana Drain Slow25
235741314161891161218Árvore de talentos+0.8s Reverse Polarity Stun Duration25+10% Empower Damage/Cleave+15% Skewer Damage Per Distance Travelled20+125 Shockwave Damage-5s Skewer Cooldown15+12 All Stats per hero hit with Reverse Polarity+1.25s Skewer Slow Duration10+1.5 Mana RegenÁrvore de talentos+0.8s Reverse Polarity Stun Duration25+10% Empower Damage/Cleave+15% Skewer Damage Per Distance Travelled20+125 Shockwave Damage-5s Skewer Cooldown15+12 All Stats per hero hit with Reverse Polarity+1.25s Skewer Slow Duration10+1.5 Mana Regen10Árvore de talentos+0.8s Reverse Polarity Stun Duration25+10% Empower Damage/Cleave+15% Skewer Damage Per Distance Travelled20+125 Shockwave Damage-5s Skewer Cooldown15+12 All Stats per hero hit with Reverse Polarity+1.25s Skewer Slow Duration10+1.5 Mana Regen15Árvore de talentos+0.8s Reverse Polarity Stun Duration25+10% Empower Damage/Cleave+15% Skewer Damage Per Distance Travelled20+125 Shockwave Damage-5s Skewer Cooldown15+12 All Stats per hero hit with Reverse Polarity+1.25s Skewer Slow Duration10+1.5 Mana Regen20Árvore de talentos+0.8s Reverse Polarity Stun Duration25+10% Empower Damage/Cleave+15% Skewer Damage Per Distance Travelled20+125 Shockwave Damage-5s Skewer Cooldown15+12 All Stats per hero hit with Reverse Polarity+1.25s Skewer Slow Duration10+1.5 Mana Regen25
135748911213141561218Árvore de talentos+50% Blade Dance Lifesteal25+1s Omnislash Duration-3s Blade Fury Cooldown20+2 Healing Ward Hits to Kill+40 Movement Speed During Blade Fury15+1% Healing Ward Heal+4% Duelist Damage10-12s Healing Ward CooldownÁrvore de talentos+50% Blade Dance Lifesteal25+1s Omnislash Duration-3s Blade Fury Cooldown20+2 Healing Ward Hits to Kill+40 Movement Speed During Blade Fury15+1% Healing Ward Heal+4% Duelist Damage10-12s Healing Ward Cooldown10Árvore de talentos+50% Blade Dance Lifesteal25+1s Omnislash Duration-3s Blade Fury Cooldown20+2 Healing Ward Hits to Kill+40 Movement Speed During Blade Fury15+1% Healing Ward Heal+4% Duelist Damage10-12s Healing Ward Cooldown16Árvore de talentos+50% Blade Dance Lifesteal25+1s Omnislash Duration-3s Blade Fury Cooldown20+2 Healing Ward Hits to Kill+40 Movement Speed During Blade Fury15+1% Healing Ward Heal+4% Duelist Damage10-12s Healing Ward Cooldown20Árvore de talentos+50% Blade Dance Lifesteal25+1s Omnislash Duration-3s Blade Fury Cooldown20+2 Healing Ward Hits to Kill+40 Movement Speed During Blade Fury15+1% Healing Ward Heal+4% Duelist Damage10-12s Healing Ward Cooldown25