489101357211131461218Árvore de talentos+1% Static Field Damage25325 AoE Lightning Bolt+0.5s Lightning Bolt Ministun20+60 Arc Lightning Damage+1 Heavenly Jump Target15+75 Thundergod's Wrath Damage+200 Health10+1.75 Mana RegenÁrvore de talentos+1% Static Field Damage25325 AoE Lightning Bolt+0.5s Lightning Bolt Ministun20+60 Arc Lightning Damage+1 Heavenly Jump Target15+75 Thundergod's Wrath Damage+200 Health10+1.75 Mana Regen15Árvore de talentos+1% Static Field Damage25325 AoE Lightning Bolt+0.5s Lightning Bolt Ministun20+60 Arc Lightning Damage+1 Heavenly Jump Target15+75 Thundergod's Wrath Damage+200 Health10+1.75 Mana Regen16Árvore de talentos+1% Static Field Damage25325 AoE Lightning Bolt+0.5s Lightning Bolt Ministun20+60 Arc Lightning Damage+1 Heavenly Jump Target15+75 Thundergod's Wrath Damage+200 Health10+1.75 Mana Regen20
279101458311131461218Árvore de talentos+10s Phantasm Duration25+10% Chaos Strike ChanceReality Rift Pierces Spell Immunity20+0.6 Min/Max Chaos Bolt Duration+10 Strength15-3s Chaos Bolt Cooldown+225 Reality Rift Pull Distance10+30% Chaos Strike LifestealÁrvore de talentos+10s Phantasm Duration25+10% Chaos Strike ChanceReality Rift Pierces Spell Immunity20+0.6 Min/Max Chaos Bolt Duration+10 Strength15-3s Chaos Bolt Cooldown+225 Reality Rift Pull Distance10+30% Chaos Strike Lifesteal15Árvore de talentos+10s Phantasm Duration25+10% Chaos Strike ChanceReality Rift Pierces Spell Immunity20+0.6 Min/Max Chaos Bolt Duration+10 Strength15-3s Chaos Bolt Cooldown+225 Reality Rift Pull Distance10+30% Chaos Strike Lifesteal16Árvore de talentos+10s Phantasm Duration25+10% Chaos Strike ChanceReality Rift Pierces Spell Immunity20+0.6 Min/Max Chaos Bolt Duration+10 Strength15-3s Chaos Bolt Cooldown+225 Reality Rift Pull Distance10+30% Chaos Strike Lifesteal20Árvore de talentos+10s Phantasm Duration25+10% Chaos Strike ChanceReality Rift Pierces Spell Immunity20+0.6 Min/Max Chaos Bolt Duration+10 Strength15-3s Chaos Bolt Cooldown+225 Reality Rift Pull Distance10+30% Chaos Strike Lifesteal25
189112357413141661218Árvore de talentos+20% Bodyguard Damage25Unleash Duration Extended By 6s On Kill+10% Unleash Movement Speed20+0.75s Rebound Stun Duration+10% Rebound Movement Speed Bonus15+100 Dispose Damage+75 Rebound Landing Radius10+1.5s Dispose Slow DurationÁrvore de talentos+20% Bodyguard Damage25Unleash Duration Extended By 6s On Kill+10% Unleash Movement Speed20+0.75s Rebound Stun Duration+10% Rebound Movement Speed Bonus15+100 Dispose Damage+75 Rebound Landing Radius10+1.5s Dispose Slow Duration10Árvore de talentos+20% Bodyguard Damage25Unleash Duration Extended By 6s On Kill+10% Unleash Movement Speed20+0.75s Rebound Stun Duration+10% Rebound Movement Speed Bonus15+100 Dispose Damage+75 Rebound Landing Radius10+1.5s Dispose Slow Duration15Árvore de talentos+20% Bodyguard Damage25Unleash Duration Extended By 6s On Kill+10% Unleash Movement Speed20+0.75s Rebound Stun Duration+10% Rebound Movement Speed Bonus15+100 Dispose Damage+75 Rebound Landing Radius10+1.5s Dispose Slow Duration20Árvore de talentos+20% Bodyguard Damage25Unleash Duration Extended By 6s On Kill+10% Unleash Movement Speed20+0.75s Rebound Stun Duration+10% Rebound Movement Speed Bonus15+100 Dispose Damage+75 Rebound Landing Radius10+1.5s Dispose Slow Duration25
145923671011131481218Árvore de talentos+45 Spirit Link Attack Speed25-50s True Form Cooldown+30 Entangling Claws DPS20+150 Savage Roar Radius+7 Spirit Bear Armor15-5s Savage Roar Cooldown+30 Spirit Bear Movement Speed10+200 HealthÁrvore de talentos+45 Spirit Link Attack Speed25-50s True Form Cooldown+30 Entangling Claws DPS20+150 Savage Roar Radius+7 Spirit Bear Armor15-5s Savage Roar Cooldown+30 Spirit Bear Movement Speed10+200 Health15Árvore de talentos+45 Spirit Link Attack Speed25-50s True Form Cooldown+30 Entangling Claws DPS20+150 Savage Roar Radius+7 Spirit Bear Armor15-5s Savage Roar Cooldown+30 Spirit Bear Movement Speed10+200 Health16Árvore de talentos+45 Spirit Link Attack Speed25-50s True Form Cooldown+30 Entangling Claws DPS20+150 Savage Roar Radius+7 Spirit Bear Armor15-5s Savage Roar Cooldown+30 Spirit Bear Movement Speed10+200 Health20
189104131416235761218Árvore de talentos+1 Multishot Wave25+10% Marksmanship Chance50% Gust Self Movement Speed20+25% Multishot Damage-6s Multishot Cooldown15+75 Attack Range+1 Multishot Arrow Per Wave10Gust Costs No ManaÁrvore de talentos+1 Multishot Wave25+10% Marksmanship Chance50% Gust Self Movement Speed20+25% Multishot Damage-6s Multishot Cooldown15+75 Attack Range+1 Multishot Arrow Per Wave10Gust Costs No Mana11Árvore de talentos+1 Multishot Wave25+10% Marksmanship Chance50% Gust Self Movement Speed20+25% Multishot Damage-6s Multishot Cooldown15+75 Attack Range+1 Multishot Arrow Per Wave10Gust Costs No Mana15Árvore de talentos+1 Multishot Wave25+10% Marksmanship Chance50% Gust Self Movement Speed20+25% Multishot Damage-6s Multishot Cooldown15+75 Attack Range+1 Multishot Arrow Per Wave10Gust Costs No Mana20Árvore de talentos+1 Multishot Wave25+10% Marksmanship Chance50% Gust Self Movement Speed20+25% Multishot Damage-6s Multishot Cooldown15+75 Attack Range+1 Multishot Arrow Per Wave10Gust Costs No Mana25
347811314162591061218Árvore de talentos+150% Crit On Targets Affected By Spells25+60% Combustion Overheat Damage+10/1% Fiery Soul Per Stack20-20s Laguna Blade Cooldown+150 Light Strike Array Damage155% Fiery Soul Magic Resist Per Stack-3s Dragon Slave Cooldown10+25 DamageÁrvore de talentos+150% Crit On Targets Affected By Spells25+60% Combustion Overheat Damage+10/1% Fiery Soul Per Stack20-20s Laguna Blade Cooldown+150 Light Strike Array Damage155% Fiery Soul Magic Resist Per Stack-3s Dragon Slave Cooldown10+25 Damage11Árvore de talentos+150% Crit On Targets Affected By Spells25+60% Combustion Overheat Damage+10/1% Fiery Soul Per Stack20-20s Laguna Blade Cooldown+150 Light Strike Array Damage155% Fiery Soul Magic Resist Per Stack-3s Dragon Slave Cooldown10+25 Damage15Árvore de talentos+150% Crit On Targets Affected By Spells25+60% Combustion Overheat Damage+10/1% Fiery Soul Per Stack20-20s Laguna Blade Cooldown+150 Light Strike Array Damage155% Fiery Soul Magic Resist Per Stack-3s Dragon Slave Cooldown10+25 Damage20Árvore de talentos+150% Crit On Targets Affected By Spells25+60% Combustion Overheat Damage+10/1% Fiery Soul Per Stack20-20s Laguna Blade Cooldown+150 Light Strike Array Damage155% Fiery Soul Magic Resist Per Stack-3s Dragon Slave Cooldown10+25 Damage25
111131428910345761218Árvore de talentosx2.5x Plague Ward HP/Damage25Noxious Plague Aura reduces 200 Attack SpeedGale Creates Plague Wards20+1% Noxious Plague Max HP Damage+-5% Poison Sting Slow15-1s Plague Ward Cooldown15% Poison Sting Health Regen Reduction10-5s Venomous Gale CDÁrvore de talentosx2.5x Plague Ward HP/Damage25Noxious Plague Aura reduces 200 Attack SpeedGale Creates Plague Wards20+1% Noxious Plague Max HP Damage+-5% Poison Sting Slow15-1s Plague Ward Cooldown15% Poison Sting Health Regen Reduction10-5s Venomous Gale CD15Árvore de talentosx2.5x Plague Ward HP/Damage25Noxious Plague Aura reduces 200 Attack SpeedGale Creates Plague Wards20+1% Noxious Plague Max HP Damage+-5% Poison Sting Slow15-1s Plague Ward Cooldown15% Poison Sting Health Regen Reduction10-5s Venomous Gale CD16Árvore de talentosx2.5x Plague Ward HP/Damage25Noxious Plague Aura reduces 200 Attack SpeedGale Creates Plague Wards20+1% Noxious Plague Max HP Damage+-5% Poison Sting Slow15-1s Plague Ward Cooldown15% Poison Sting Health Regen Reduction10-5s Venomous Gale CD20Árvore de talentosx2.5x Plague Ward HP/Damage25Noxious Plague Aura reduces 200 Attack SpeedGale Creates Plague Wards20+1% Noxious Plague Max HP Damage+-5% Poison Sting Slow15-1s Plague Ward Cooldown15% Poison Sting Health Regen Reduction10-5s Venomous Gale CD25
413141613572891061218Árvore de talentos+1 Geminate Attack25-3s Shukuchi Cooldown+0.5 Swarm Armor Reduction20+70 Bonus Damage On Geminate+2 Swarm Attacks to Kill15+20 Mana Break+7 Strength10+60 Shukuchi DamageÁrvore de talentos+1 Geminate Attack25-3s Shukuchi Cooldown+0.5 Swarm Armor Reduction20+70 Bonus Damage On Geminate+2 Swarm Attacks to Kill15+20 Mana Break+7 Strength10+60 Shukuchi Damage11Árvore de talentos+1 Geminate Attack25-3s Shukuchi Cooldown+0.5 Swarm Armor Reduction20+70 Bonus Damage On Geminate+2 Swarm Attacks to Kill15+20 Mana Break+7 Strength10+60 Shukuchi Damage15Árvore de talentos+1 Geminate Attack25-3s Shukuchi Cooldown+0.5 Swarm Armor Reduction20+70 Bonus Damage On Geminate+2 Swarm Attacks to Kill15+20 Mana Break+7 Strength10+60 Shukuchi Damage20Árvore de talentos+1 Geminate Attack25-3s Shukuchi Cooldown+0.5 Swarm Armor Reduction20+70 Bonus Damage On Geminate+2 Swarm Attacks to Kill15+20 Mana Break+7 Strength10+60 Shukuchi Damage25
235791011131481661218Árvore de talentos+0.8s Reverse Polarity Stun Duration25+10% Empower Damage/Cleave+15% Skewer Damage Per Distance Travelled20+125 Shockwave Damage-5s Skewer Cooldown15+12 All Stats per hero hit with Reverse Polarity+1.25s Skewer Slow Duration10+1.5 Mana RegenÁrvore de talentos+0.8s Reverse Polarity Stun Duration25+10% Empower Damage/Cleave+15% Skewer Damage Per Distance Travelled20+125 Shockwave Damage-5s Skewer Cooldown15+12 All Stats per hero hit with Reverse Polarity+1.25s Skewer Slow Duration10+1.5 Mana Regen14Árvore de talentos+0.8s Reverse Polarity Stun Duration25+10% Empower Damage/Cleave+15% Skewer Damage Per Distance Travelled20+125 Shockwave Damage-5s Skewer Cooldown15+12 All Stats per hero hit with Reverse Polarity+1.25s Skewer Slow Duration10+1.5 Mana Regen15Árvore de talentos+0.8s Reverse Polarity Stun Duration25+10% Empower Damage/Cleave+15% Skewer Damage Per Distance Travelled20+125 Shockwave Damage-5s Skewer Cooldown15+12 All Stats per hero hit with Reverse Polarity+1.25s Skewer Slow Duration10+1.5 Mana Regen20Árvore de talentos+0.8s Reverse Polarity Stun Duration25+10% Empower Damage/Cleave+15% Skewer Damage Per Distance Travelled20+125 Shockwave Damage-5s Skewer Cooldown15+12 All Stats per hero hit with Reverse Polarity+1.25s Skewer Slow Duration10+1.5 Mana Regen25
145112131416378961218Árvore de talentos-1.5s Enchant Totem Cooldown25-50% Echo Slam Cooldown+50% Enchant Totem Damage20+50 Echo Damage+50 Aftershock Damage15+200 Fissure Range+90 Fissure Damage10+25 Base DamageÁrvore de talentos-1.5s Enchant Totem Cooldown25-50% Echo Slam Cooldown+50% Enchant Totem Damage20+50 Echo Damage+50 Aftershock Damage15+200 Fissure Range+90 Fissure Damage10+25 Base Damage10Árvore de talentos-1.5s Enchant Totem Cooldown25-50% Echo Slam Cooldown+50% Enchant Totem Damage20+50 Echo Damage+50 Aftershock Damage15+200 Fissure Range+90 Fissure Damage10+25 Base Damage15Árvore de talentos-1.5s Enchant Totem Cooldown25-50% Echo Slam Cooldown+50% Enchant Totem Damage20+50 Echo Damage+50 Aftershock Damage15+200 Fissure Range+90 Fissure Damage10+25 Base Damage20Árvore de talentos-1.5s Enchant Totem Cooldown25-50% Echo Slam Cooldown+50% Enchant Totem Damage20+50 Echo Damage+50 Aftershock Damage15+200 Fissure Range+90 Fissure Damage10+25 Base Damage25