Q1357W413141528911R61218Árvore de talentos+150% Crit On Targets Affected By Spells25+60% Combustion Overheat Damage+10/1% Fiery Soul Per Stack20-20s Laguna Blade Cooldown+150 Light Strike Array Damage155% Fiery Soul Magic Resist Per Stack-3s Dragon Slave Cooldown10+25 DamageÁrvore de talentos+150% Crit On Targets Affected By Spells25+60% Combustion Overheat Damage+10/1% Fiery Soul Per Stack20-20s Laguna Blade Cooldown+150 Light Strike Array Damage155% Fiery Soul Magic Resist Per Stack-3s Dragon Slave Cooldown10+25 Damage10Árvore de talentos+150% Crit On Targets Affected By Spells25+60% Combustion Overheat Damage+10/1% Fiery Soul Per Stack20-20s Laguna Blade Cooldown+150 Light Strike Array Damage155% Fiery Soul Magic Resist Per Stack-3s Dragon Slave Cooldown10+25 Damage16
Q14511W2379E81314R612Árvore de talentos-3s Boulder Smash Cooldown25Magnetize Undispellable+160 Rolling Boulder Damage20+30% Magnetize Damage & Duration+80 Boulder Smash Damage15+0.3s Rolling Boulder Stun Duration+150 Rolling Boulder Distance10-2s Geomagnetic Grip CooldownÁrvore de talentos-3s Boulder Smash Cooldown25Magnetize Undispellable+160 Rolling Boulder Damage20+30% Magnetize Damage & Duration+80 Boulder Smash Damage15+0.3s Rolling Boulder Stun Duration+150 Rolling Boulder Distance10-2s Geomagnetic Grip Cooldown10Árvore de talentos-3s Boulder Smash Cooldown25Magnetize Undispellable+160 Rolling Boulder Damage20+30% Magnetize Damage & Duration+80 Boulder Smash Damage15+0.3s Rolling Boulder Stun Duration+150 Rolling Boulder Distance10-2s Geomagnetic Grip Cooldown15
Q1131416W2357E48910R61218Árvore de talentos1.5x Flesh Heap and Meat Shield bonuses251.5x Dismember Damage/Heal-4s Meat Hook Cooldown20+0.75s Dismember Duration+150 Meat Hook Damage15+8% Spell Lifesteal+-10% Rot Slow10+5 ArmorÁrvore de talentos1.5x Flesh Heap and Meat Shield bonuses251.5x Dismember Damage/Heal-4s Meat Hook Cooldown20+0.75s Dismember Duration+150 Meat Hook Damage15+8% Spell Lifesteal+-10% Rot Slow10+5 Armor11Árvore de talentos1.5x Flesh Heap and Meat Shield bonuses251.5x Dismember Damage/Heal-4s Meat Hook Cooldown20+0.75s Dismember Duration+150 Meat Hook Damage15+8% Spell Lifesteal+-10% Rot Slow10+5 Armor15
Q2111314W1357E48916R612Árvore de talentos+120% Tidebringer Cleave Damage25+100 Spell AoE+15% Rum Damage Delay20-4s Torrent Cooldown+70 Tidebringer Damage15+25% Torrent Damage/Knock Up Duration-15s Admiral's Rum Cooldown10Tidebringer applies 60% slow for 1sÁrvore de talentos+120% Tidebringer Cleave Damage25+100 Spell AoE+15% Rum Damage Delay20-4s Torrent Cooldown+70 Tidebringer Damage15+25% Torrent Damage/Knock Up Duration-15s Admiral's Rum Cooldown10Tidebringer applies 60% slow for 1s10Árvore de talentos+120% Tidebringer Cleave Damage25+100 Spell AoE+15% Rum Damage Delay20-4s Torrent Cooldown+70 Tidebringer Damage15+25% Torrent Damage/Knock Up Duration-15s Admiral's Rum Cooldown10Tidebringer applies 60% slow for 1s15
Q28911W1457E31314Q612Árvore de talentos+400 Sharpshooter Max Damage252 Acorn Shot Charges-3 Armor Corruption20Sharpshooter Provides Vision While Charging+1 Acorn Shot Bounce15+60 Bushwhack Damage+1.5 Mana Regen10+1 Scurry Ability ChargeÁrvore de talentos+400 Sharpshooter Max Damage252 Acorn Shot Charges-3 Armor Corruption20Sharpshooter Provides Vision While Charging+1 Acorn Shot Bounce15+60 Bushwhack Damage+1.5 Mana Regen10+1 Scurry Ability Charge10
Q25914W41113161378R612Árvore de talentos-4s Charge of Darkness Cooldown25+20% Greater Bash DamageBulldoze 400 All Damage Barrier20-0.3s Greater Bash Cooldown+45 Damage15-3s Bulldoze Cooldown+4 Armor10+500 Night VisionÁrvore de talentos-4s Charge of Darkness Cooldown25+20% Greater Bash DamageBulldoze 400 All Damage Barrier20-0.3s Greater Bash Cooldown+45 Damage15-3s Bulldoze Cooldown+4 Armor10+500 Night Vision10Árvore de talentos-4s Charge of Darkness Cooldown25+20% Greater Bash DamageBulldoze 400 All Damage Barrier20-0.3s Greater Bash Cooldown+45 Damage15-3s Bulldoze Cooldown+4 Armor10+500 Night Vision15
Q1131516W3457E28910R612Árvore de talentos+6 Tombstone Attacks to Destroy25+50% Flesh Golem Strength Bonus-2s Decay Cooldown20Tombstone On Death+10 Soul Rip Damage/Heal15+20 Zombie Damage-15s Tombstone Cooldown10+40 Decay DamageÁrvore de talentos+6 Tombstone Attacks to Destroy25+50% Flesh Golem Strength Bonus-2s Decay Cooldown20Tombstone On Death+10 Soul Rip Damage/Heal15+20 Zombie Damage-15s Tombstone Cooldown10+40 Decay Damage11Árvore de talentos+6 Tombstone Attacks to Destroy25+50% Flesh Golem Strength Bonus-2s Decay Cooldown20Tombstone On Death+10 Soul Rip Damage/Heal15+20 Zombie Damage-15s Tombstone Cooldown10+40 Decay Damage14
Q2489W1357E10131416R61218Árvore de talentos-12s Remnant Charge Restore Time25=2 Sleight of Fist Charges+50 Sleight of Fist Hero Damage20+60 Searing Chains Damage+1s Searing Chains Duration15+100% Flame Guard DPS+165 Flame Guard Barrier Amount10+12 DamageÁrvore de talentos-12s Remnant Charge Restore Time25=2 Sleight of Fist Charges+50 Sleight of Fist Hero Damage20+60 Searing Chains Damage+1s Searing Chains Duration15+100% Flame Guard DPS+165 Flame Guard Barrier Amount10+12 Damage11Árvore de talentos-12s Remnant Charge Restore Time25=2 Sleight of Fist Charges+50 Sleight of Fist Hero Damage20+60 Searing Chains Damage+1s Searing Chains Duration15+100% Flame Guard DPS+165 Flame Guard Barrier Amount10+12 Damage15Árvore de talentos-12s Remnant Charge Restore Time25=2 Sleight of Fist Charges+50 Sleight of Fist Hero Damage20+60 Searing Chains Damage+1s Searing Chains Duration15+100% Flame Guard DPS+165 Flame Guard Barrier Amount10+12 Damage20
Q2468W591011E131416R713Árvore de talentos+75% Hammer of Purity Bonus Base Damage25+160 Purification Damage/Heal-3s Purification Cooldown20+2s Guardian Angel Duration-20s Guardian Angel Cooldown15+5 Repel Strength/HP Regen per Debuff+35 Base Damage10+1s Repel DurationÁrvore de talentos+75% Hammer of Purity Bonus Base Damage25+160 Purification Damage/Heal-3s Purification Cooldown20+2s Guardian Angel Duration-20s Guardian Angel Cooldown15+5 Repel Strength/HP Regen per Debuff+35 Base Damage10+1s Repel Duration12Árvore de talentos+75% Hammer of Purity Bonus Base Damage25+160 Purification Damage/Heal-3s Purification Cooldown20+2s Guardian Angel Duration-20s Guardian Angel Cooldown15+5 Repel Strength/HP Regen per Debuff+35 Base Damage10+1s Repel Duration15
E13572489R61220Árvore de talentosShadowraze Applies Attack Damage25Feast of Souls Grants +30% Cast Speed+0.2s Requiem Fear per line20+2 Damage Per Soul+120 Shadowraze Damage15Presence Aura Affects Buildings+30 Feast of Souls Attack Speed10+30 Shadowraze Stack DamageÁrvore de talentosShadowraze Applies Attack Damage25Feast of Souls Grants +30% Cast Speed+0.2s Requiem Fear per line20+2 Damage Per Soul+120 Shadowraze Damage15Presence Aura Affects Buildings+30 Feast of Souls Attack Speed10+30 Shadowraze Stack Damage10Árvore de talentosShadowraze Applies Attack Damage25Feast of Souls Grants +30% Cast Speed+0.2s Requiem Fear per line20+2 Damage Per Soul+120 Shadowraze Damage15Presence Aura Affects Buildings+30 Feast of Souls Attack Speed10+30 Shadowraze Stack Damage11Árvore de talentosShadowraze Applies Attack Damage25Feast of Souls Grants +30% Cast Speed+0.2s Requiem Fear per line20+2 Damage Per Soul+120 Shadowraze Damage15Presence Aura Affects Buildings+30 Feast of Souls Attack Speed10+30 Shadowraze Stack Damage13Árvore de talentosShadowraze Applies Attack Damage25Feast of Souls Grants +30% Cast Speed+0.2s Requiem Fear per line20+2 Damage Per Soul+120 Shadowraze Damage15Presence Aura Affects Buildings+30 Feast of Souls Attack Speed10+30 Shadowraze Stack Damage14Árvore de talentosShadowraze Applies Attack Damage25Feast of Souls Grants +30% Cast Speed+0.2s Requiem Fear per line20+2 Damage Per Soul+120 Shadowraze Damage15Presence Aura Affects Buildings+30 Feast of Souls Attack Speed10+30 Shadowraze Stack Damage15Árvore de talentosShadowraze Applies Attack Damage25Feast of Souls Grants +30% Cast Speed+0.2s Requiem Fear per line20+2 Damage Per Soul+120 Shadowraze Damage15Presence Aura Affects Buildings+30 Feast of Souls Attack Speed10+30 Shadowraze Stack Damage16Árvore de talentosShadowraze Applies Attack Damage25Feast of Souls Grants +30% Cast Speed+0.2s Requiem Fear per line20+2 Damage Per Soul+120 Shadowraze Damage15Presence Aura Affects Buildings+30 Feast of Souls Attack Speed10+30 Shadowraze Stack Damage18Árvore de talentosShadowraze Applies Attack Damage25Feast of Souls Grants +30% Cast Speed+0.2s Requiem Fear per line20+2 Damage Per Soul+120 Shadowraze Damage15Presence Aura Affects Buildings+30 Feast of Souls Attack Speed10+30 Shadowraze Stack Damage25