General Discussion

General DiscussionIs PL the best hero for solo ranked right now?

Is PL the best hero for solo ranked right now? in General Discussion
Welt aus Eis

    can flash farm
    doesn't mind playing for late game, but is a good fighter since mid game
    hard to kill
    his main counters are not the most popular heroes in solo queue


      As a guy who plays in games from 4.5k - 7k id probably say PL is really strong... great early fight, can hold his own vs average/decent bloodseeker players, good vs lesh when he has items.

      Dodge is an amazing skill.

      Good push... list goes on really.


        Some heroes like PL, Magina, Lesh and Bloodcyka are strong in this patch but it always comes down to player skill, if you suck no hero will carry you (ala sniper & troll couple of patchs before).

        Lesh, Ember & Shaker are very popular this patch and they handle PL really well so IMO i dont think there's a definitive hero to spam this version in solo ranked.


          i think pl is super bad in pubs. he definity doesnt flash farm .. hes too ally dependant

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          Welt aus Eis

            AM is countered by seeker, who is very popular atm, and can't fight early on
            Lesh is OP, fine.
            Seeker isn't very good late game so you have a clock to end the game and your stupid teammates usually wont finish it fast

            Lesh isnt that good against PL, PL burns through him with Diffusal
            Shaker also isnt that strong against PL
            Ember is very good but hes not among the most picked heroes

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            Welt aus Eis


              if you think PL doesnt flash farm then you have issues

              saving private RTZ

                I know that he does ( every one said this) but i never understand how? Its based on how fast you clear camps with illu? Cuz then it means that i knew it :). Cuz otherwise he is just a hero last hitting creeps, through yea he clear camps very fast and if you add BoTs you farm even faster


                  PL can flash farm after getting higher levels. His flash farm depends on skills, not on items. You clear out woods with Doppleganger and you use Phantom Rush to highten up mobility. But this requires at least level 13. Before rework on his skills and stats gain, that PL could flash farm due to high base damage. He was starting with 78 damage if I remember correctly and with Quelling Blade there was no way to miss many last hits. Still decent, high base damage, high agi gain, can farm up quickly with Quelling Blade. But there are many carries would outfarm PL.

                  IMHO, PL is right there with Void, Gorgon, Spectre when it comes to hardest carries in late-game. Hero is too damn strong. A PL with 600-650 gpm would most likely win against 750-800 gpm AM. A 6 slotted PL is hard to kill even for an aoe carry.

                  About PL build, BTW, after Diffusal Blade got rid of uam, having Skadi on PL amond Heart and Fly is great. Makes illusions tougher and makes getting kills easier.

                  Still, I don't recommend PL to learn for pub games. It really shows its full potential in late-game. A mid-game oriented carry like Lycan would be better to learn. Although it's way better than Lycan in late-game, Lifestealer is a great hero pub games as well. He has own BKB with just 19 secs cd, he has great lifestealing abilities. You mostly focus on attack speed. I generally suggest str carry rather than agi carry. Most agi carries relies on their supports because they need babysitting big time. But if you insist on an agi carry, I recommend Luna because she can farm pretty fast. And if you are not doing great, still gives you a chance for making comeback.


                    u just dont know what flashfarm is.

                    if u take sf /gyro/luna /am and compare them with pl u'll know that pl cant flashfarm. this hero doesnt deal shit before a long time, he cant ancient, he cant clear stacks, so yeah if by flashfarm u mean 200gpm then yeah pl is a flashfarm hero as every other heroes in the game.

                    he can farm a lot once he has levels+items but only cuz hes not catchable, not because he has anything going on for him to flashfarm.

                    The old pl, that was a flashfarming hero. but yeah comign from 4-5k scrub i get why ur confused

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                      definitely not, he's weak to aoe, etc. Not strong at all

                      saving private RTZ

                        Wtf odinn, naix is bad.
                        And PL is probably among the few carries that can fight very early

                        Giff me Wingman

                          Nah, compared to storm, TA, Bloodcyka, meepo and leshrac he isn't all that strong in pubs. If you look for a hero to grind, i'd suggest leshrac, TA, storm or bloodcyka. If the enemy doesnt have a single AOE spell i would even suggest broodmama.


                            ^I disagree. PL definitely cannot fight early, he's too squishy. One AOE nuke and your HP is less than half, and if they have stuns or silences you're screwed. PL needs diffusal and Manta at least and then maybe he can take fights.

                            Miku Plays

                              imo wyvern and legion can take him out

                              the realm's delight

                                how does pl flashfarm. he is very bad at farming unless he has some items. and even then its meh. a hero like sf morph am slark etc can flashfarm, not pl. altho if u have the right lineup i suppose u can pick in pubs. tho id much rather pick am and lesh everygame in ranked rather than pl)

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                                  not in 3k, you wont have supports and have to go solo against bullshit lanes like centaur qop, jungle bs is the best way to climb in here

                                  cookie monster

                                    any hero you use exceptionally well is good for solo queue matches :) pl requires skill to use, and an amateur pl who has no idea how to play the hero would have difficulty playing against the heroes of this meta such as leshrac, ud +1 lanes, etc etc.



                                      best hero is based on situation

                                      heroes that counters other heroes don't lose laning stages and relevant in different stages of the game

                                      and pl most of the time fits that category


                                        have like 90% winrate with pl, usually getting carried tho


                                          Definetly Leshrac

                                          PL is pretty good (especially if you have Leshrac in your team), Queen of Pain, and you have those abuse hereos TA and Meepo. Pretty sure Meepo is total shit this patch though.


                                            ye with comeback mechanics meepo feeds too much i think


                                              its just his spawn cooldown. i need to wait liek 2 mins if ded playing mapo. sad

                                              lm ao

                                                What are you brats talking about.

                                                Learn blyat cyka. Win geims. Zero e4t.

                                                Welt aus Eis

                                                  half of the things said in this thread arent true

                                                  PL cant do ancients? well not before 20 min obviously, but after diffusal he melts ancients. he doesnt need to tank because of the illusion spam. he can fight from early on, YES hes squishy but you just position yourself in a safe way and spam lances, hit when its safe. doppelganger to dodge stuns and remove debuffs such as track / slardar ult etc. you can farm the whole jungle super fast because of your good stats. doesnt farm as fast as SF but doesnt need to.

                                                  aquila wand drums travel (most popular build in competitive) -> you can be anywhere in the map, decent hp, awesome mobility, can sustain in jungle


                                                    ofc pl can do ancients just buy dominator first item and he farms ancients since lvl 6 lol


                                                      Undying 4ever :^))))

                                                      Welt aus Eis

                                                        ^ holy shit how did you manage to get 26% ranked wr


                                                          @sano pretty sure it doesn't dispell slardar ulti

                                                          saving private RTZ

                                                            it does


                                                              just spam undying bloodseeker and lesh


                                                                Phantom Lancers second ability dispells anything purgestick dispells

                                                                Este comentário foi editado
                                                                casual gamer

                                                                  i dont think pl will be very good, his ult seems kinda useless in pubs and his only notable laning skill is atrophy aura


                                                                    @sano PL can do ancients and fight only after getting Diffusal and maybe Manta. But pubs never let you get your items at a reasonable time and require you to fight way before you're ready (<20 min), you can't really spam lances cuz you're still low leveled and that means low mana pool and high CDs. I play PL quite often and have been successful with him but I rarely had games where I could fight early, and those were games where the enemy team had no good counter whatsoever.

                                                                    Dire Wolf

                                                                      Dude he is shit in pubs, just look at shit that counters him, shaker is like 4th most played hero right now, and tons of high aoe dmg guys are super popular like gyro, sf, lesh, lina. All your illusions in a team fight, gone! And he farms ok, but defniitely doesn't flash farm like old troll or current sf, lina, lesh, gyro do.

                                                                      And he doesn't do that much dmg, he's very reliant on diffusal until majorly farmed. He isn't as good of a pub fighter as people believe. IMO.

                                                                      Este comentário foi editado

                                                                        ^ He's right. PL is an extremely situational pick. He takes way too much time to come online and heroes in the current meta counter him at one stage or the other.


                                                                          I actually have a really good time playing with meepo in solo ranked match, pretty match owning EVERYITHING. The hardest matches was against a timber or maybe a lich, but against any other counter, i can do it quite right. I think you need something that can have a really good early killing and be able to reach late with the same impact. Meepo is the real best hero for solo mmr in my personal opinion. (If you know how to use him perfectly)


                                                                            2/2 wins so far as pl




                                                                                i've tried this patch pl, but seems like constant leshrac, gyro and es picks don't make him a good insta pick material. so no.

                                                                                Este comentário foi editado

                                                                                  idk i just played vs es solokilled him 1v1 (i was safelane) he was offlane and he didin't do much in lane vlads or bottle is more than enuff for the sustain once u get any of those u go jungle inbetween farming lanes and chipping towers when lane is empty

                                                                                  while team is doign stuff in other side of the map (basicly playing like brood)

                                                                                  and once u get all the core items manta/upgraded boots/difusal/heart or butterfly or skadi u can just go slowly chip base inbetween farming their jungle


                                                                                    lesh is the best hero for solo ranked

                                                                                    easy win lane, can turn early gank ganks around, has the ability to snowball, has the ability to scale, tanky and easy to use. there are faults to the hero but you can't really get 'countered' unless everyone on your team is utterly worthless and enemies win by bkb.

                                                                                    it's like the best retard hero that I refuse to play because I'm not desperate enough to play something that boring and easy over and over to rise some epeen mmr

                                                                                    Este comentário foi editado

                                                                                      lesh is extremely squishy if u got atleast 1 roaming hero u can shut down him extremely easy make it 2 and he just feeds

                                                                                      Dread Pirate Cat

                                                                                        Lesh can come back from being ganked through his prodigious ability to flash farm neutral stacks, much like SF or SS, so saying ganking Lesh is a solution may not be enough. Lesh builds into items that make him tanky in a high HP sense but usually in a low armor sense until his 3rd or 4th major item (shivas) so physical damage strategies/heroes are pretty good. TA, maybe.

                                                                                        saving private RTZ

                                                                                          they said he nerfed cancer lancer in 6.82. They said cancer was cured.

                                                                                          Seriously, icefrog failed hard twice on this hero, he was the old cancer with that 4.2 agi growth, and it took him like 3-4 years to change him, and guess what, instead of the hero that can only splitpush for first 35 minutes of the game and then become unstoppable, he made him good early game, monster mid game, and probably same or even better late than the old one just because of Doppelganger. How was that a nerf? Oh and then the diffusal losing the orb effect status or UAM or whatever the fuck is called now you can get skadi, and get a way with a heart sitting on 4k hp, 30 armour, and still amazing damage just because diffusal+ illusions

                                                                                          Este comentário foi editado
                                                                                          saving private RTZ

                                                                                            and he is a pain in the ass because for trully nulifying him in fights ( considering you didnt crushed him to oblivion early game/ or crushed his team that now he cant do anything becasue team is dying) you have to draft specifically for him, and even then he can play around that pretty easily

                                                                                            Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                                                                              Because it wasn't a nerf. The hero was popular early on (after the big 2.8 agi to 4.2 agi change) and over time was just forgotten. He wasn't picked at TI4 at all I believe and that was the last straw. So he reworked the hero, not necesserily better or worse, but it seems like people got the hang of the hero now and should be more balanced with patches.

                                                                                              Este comentário foi editado
                                                                                              saving private RTZ

                                                                                                Well i dont think he fit the TI4 meta, he was more of a hard carry then, i mean he is still a hard carry , but then he was in the true way, like shit early on, monster late game, now he is strong at all stages of the game because of doppelganger.

                                                                                                now i never thinked about that, but i highly doubt that he was reworked because he was forgotten, the meta just didnt suit him, at TI3 he got few picks here and there, like the Alliance vs LGD game with the base race for example. But i definetely remember Alliance drafted him, not really a lot, but enough times.

                                                                                                though yea he was a boring hero to play and play against him so ya that might be a strong reason.

                                                                                                Polish Hussar

                                                                                                  Cancer is weak to Ebola is weak to HIV and HIV is weak to Cancer so everything in the world is right.

                                                                                                  Cancer= Pl

                                                                                                  Ebola= Ember



                                                                                                    since when is ember weak to bs

                                                                                                    Pom Pom 🍕

                                                                                                      doesn't ember ulti dodge rupture damage like storm ball?

                                                                                                      saving private RTZ

                                                                                               cuz you are not invulnerable during it