General Discussion

General DiscussionIs PL the best hero for solo ranked right now?

Is PL the best hero for solo ranked right now? in General Discussion
cookie monster

    I just played a pl game vs Abed's timber, and won, despite him getting quite fat early on

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      the fact that certain hero is good against f.e. pl doesnt mean u r always gonna win, eh? besdies the fact that you can outplay any hero with any hero, there are 8 more players in the game. dota is le balanced game.

      plz do

        yes, u are right. he can remove the debuff w doppelganger, manta or diffusal instantly. U have to time the use of silver edge w follow up lockdowns/silence or after he used his debuff mechanisms - then manfight him and he suddenly cries like a spec, who has been silver edged. U HAVE TO KNOW HIS CDs. If u walk up to him being invisible and using silver edge, he just dodges u instantly. anyways, that is the only way to win vs pl, u have to know when he dodges u and when he cannot.

        its not the best item vs him, more like a niche item, which can work effectively if used at the right moment. A better item is mjollnir, which destroys his illus effectivly before he gets hot/skadi. but who gets mjollnir these days?


          and who is abed? idr seeing him in timbersaw hero rankings, neither heard of him as a good timbersaw player.

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            @TripleSteal Lesh wrecks PL only until a certain point, once PL has BKB and diffusal he can kill the Lesh. That being said, Lesh is one of the best heroes this meta so he wouldn't even allow PL to reach late game



              Well considering that by the time a hero gets Silver Edge, PL would have a Manta so it's not worth for the passive disable but its a great item regardless on heroes like DK who need the initiation.


                lesh is pretty fat and fast, given euls and BoTs u always get on him. on the other side, pl terribly lacks of dmg - the biggest part of it comes from illusions' diffu burst. here we got 2 points
                1) lesh can purchase bkb
                2) illusions dont have spell imunity and die quickly to lesh's ult, so even w/o bkb only real pl attacks leshrac, and thats not enough to bring him down


                  @aleizon, i like listening to House, who needs music



                    Considering that even PL would have a BKB, Lesh won't do squat to him for the duration of the BKB. PL actually does a lot more damage during this time with his illusions and basically because he's a right clicker. Once their Bkbs end, PL's diffusal will drain Lesh's Mana pretty quick. Also remember that Lesh has been using spells since the beginning of the fight to clear illusions so he won't have much left after Bkb ends


                      im awful in reasoning, sry
                      just try it if u dont believe me


                        i could only add that bkbs more or less cancel each other cz nor pl neither lesh deal dmg at that point, so we more or less see same situation as before then - no one has bkbs. and at the point of game when pl has diffu, bkb and at least 1 dmg item, lesh usually has mana pool close to infinite. pl illusions die to fast and dont drain much mp, on top of said above.


                          I guess we'll both stick to our guns until one of us is proved wrong in game

                          plz do

                            im gonna side w triple here. 20 min bloodstone+euls, 25 min bkb/glimmer on lesh and lesh can kite pl all day w his ult wreckin everything and basically losing no mana. lesh is too ez to execute ; so 8/10 times (in pubs) lesh wins.


                              an why would pl go after lesh ?

                              pl is rat hero like antimage he farms and splitpush and chips towers and farms until he gets his core items

                              then he destroys shit in teamfights and win games


                                Storm is in my opinion. only have to be remotely competent to win with him. as evidence, see me. i'm fucking garbage and storm is still an easy win for me.

                                even if by some miracle a pub manages to coordinate a gank on you early you can so easily catch up, and if you lose the lane it's the same thing, you can catch up so easily.


                                  Not in the current patch. There is a lesh, shaker gyro ember every game in pubs you will get rekt if you play him every game

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