can someone lose a bit of party mmr with me soon? i want to practice a couple of heroes, and im feeling a bit nervous doing it in solo q, cz im pretty bad with them.
threads about GATE (basically a government project programming smart kids so they will inherit ameruca and continue the corrupt status quo) always get janitored or autosaged
i posted in ayy lmao once of a vidoe of a vigilante referring to this oligarchic manipulation of society
kittyminati do u have a twitch channel where do you ur speedruns? and do u find it fun i mean its just playing 1 game over and over (and the game isnt supposed to have much replayability value for single player)
threads about GATE (basically a government project programming smart kids so they will inherit ameruca and continue the corrupt status quo) always get janitored or autosaged
i tried to stream a few times, but I can't really stream over wi-fi without interrupts, and I can't play on my desktop atm because I can't hookup my controller to it.
privet, eto ruskij forum xaxaxa xorosho.
I'm a spiritual lyrical individual spiritual miracle lyrical individual spiritual miracle individual
Storm spirit wasn't picked for 8 days... I think he's starting to think that aimstrong is dead or he left him and found a new hero :[
This patch killed my joy for Dota and if OD shifts just to tier 2 pick after the nerfs then I'll probably quit
Today I had a game without OD!!
But then you had a Sven/Spectre in your game
can someone lose a bit of party mmr with me soon? i want to practice a couple of heroes, and im feeling a bit nervous doing it in solo q, cz im pretty bad with them.
Moku and meka exchsnging gay shit in russiam so no one except triplegay can understand
Btw nice threesome
i dont know where the gif came from..
3/10 miku
Not enough wall scrolls
is that rly urs wtf
Disgusting neetfågs
You don't even have any cool Bishies.
Git Gud Miku
just realized it's april 20th
hey guys
2 days before global 'mind awakening' of the human race.
if u have no idea its a meme on 8chan's /x board
I can't find any links to 8chan website anymore looks like it's finally dead. Notlikethis Hotwheels
people here are breaking us laws all the time, so u wont get anything from google lol
4/22/16 guys
threads about GATE (basically a government project programming smart kids so they will inherit ameruca and continue the corrupt status quo) always get janitored or autosaged
i posted in ayy lmao once of a vidoe of a vigilante referring to this oligarchic manipulation of society
pop sci lulz NotLikeThis
hey alison hmu with the account details i can play now
idk send me the link or whatever why would u do that tho
what the fuck is kitrak doing lmao
kittyminati do u have a twitch channel where do you ur speedruns? and do u find it fun i mean its just playing 1 game over and over (and the game isnt supposed to have much replayability value for single player)
not english audio
^I raise you this
yeah this is some interesting shit
also i just got a letter from college that i was accepted without having to take entry exams (both physics and comp sci)
Anime: Oneechan ga kita ( iirc its only 3 mins long )
lol im happy for you
so are u still going to study for self improvement?
like.. right now?
right now i'm studying so i can leave the high school lol
oh yea i got that mixed up whops
i'm retard who likes playing the same game over and over while awaiting a different outcome. just like everybody here
i tried to stream a few times, but I can't really stream over wi-fi without interrupts, and I can't play on my desktop atm because I can't hookup my controller to it.