General Discussion

General DiscussionAyy lmao

Ayy lmao in General Discussion

    because you come with those "rate" posts and the chicks looked something like the grills in the video

    what video

    sorry i actually have no idea what ure talking about

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    one syllable anglo-saxon

      i guess he meant that u have a kinda specific taste in women so u might find the girl in the video attractive and get offended by triple calling her ugly or something

      idk aimstrongs pretty bad at delivering his point clearly especially given the fact most of the times it makes little sens3e

      one syllable anglo-saxon
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          but what video
          if you mean that gif i posted, i dont find that woman anyhow attractive and it wasnt the reason why i posted that (if there was any in first place)


            is it time for catapult memes again


              aimstrongs pretty bad at delivering his point

              god bless


                triple is pretty bad in bed

                Jay the Bird

                  but i'm a pro if you get what i mean ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)




                      what a shit music


                        most of it was pretty bad actually yea


                          :thinking: :thinking: :thinking: :thinking: :thinking: :thinking:


                            @spunki about sleepin 11 to 5

                            first of all the shit is lit af like surprisingly effective on everything in life
                            I cant sleep at 10 simply bc i would lack time for some stuff.

                            And i also was once retarded enough to think it's different for each person and some ppl will benefit more from sleeping late till mid day. It's 100% not so yea

                            it took like a whole month of fuckin up till i actually did it right ...
                            First i just set it furthur back like 10 mins later, again 10 mins later and so on. Which sucks btw
                            But then i did this thing that worked for me. was like srsly deciding to do it before sleep. Like i reminded myself that the alarms gonna ring and imma be too sleepy to understand wtf im doin so i put my mind to WAKE DAFUQ UP.
                            Also could put ur own voice yelling urself u gotta wake up u lil shit xD both scares the shit out of u and makes u wanna shut the alarm fast b4 family wakes up in horror lul

                            < blank >

                              I'm bad at delivering my point because i'm not a delivery guy

                              < blank >

                                Also my posts are written like songs, deeper meaning if you think about it

                                And yes i meant the gif, my bad

                                Clockwerkula understood what i meant, i dont think it can be that bad if you actually did understand it

                                < blank >

                                  And good mornin' y'all


                                    Psst hello


                                      Psst, this way


                                        i'm not a delivery guy

                                        yeaaaah, lemme find that picture of you with a cap on

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                                          Right-wing cross from the left of the goal is scored by James Collins takes a lot of time in my career


                                            mfw slitbreaker still nowhere to be seen


                                              Ayy lmao worst thread





                                                      attack on titan s2 ost released

                                                      ch 94 released

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                                                        why is troll so fun to play


                                                          tell me your opinion about our greek rappers. i dont like the majority but i love some


                                                            first one sounds cool af

                                                            but I didn't like the rest though.


                                                              Its always the same. Same type of lyrics, same autotune, same theme in every country.


                                                                first one is very good, 3rd one is ok


                                                                  aimstrong reagiert darauf nicht mehr LUL


                                                                    Peoples that think Ferrari is still a car in 2k17 have Bigger Problems than Bad music taste.

                                                                    disgusting weebs

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                                                                        11:08 Thereponja: man I love trump if for nothing else then for making those libtards and sjws cry like little fcks they are
                                                                        11:08 Turbo xntNova: libtards and sjws BabyRage

                                                                        11:09 Turbo xntNova: trump muh president BabyRage

                                                                        11:09 Turbo xntNova: i talk about politics in twitch chat BabyRage

                                                                        11:12 Subscriber Twitch Prime digitalsleeve: @xntnova your grandmas pension is too high ee need to reduce it and move her to a smaller place while we move some "refugees" into your family home

                                                                        11:13 Subscriber Twitch Prime digitalsleeve: You must not be from Bavaria

                                                                        11:13 Turbo xntNova: ?

                                                                        11:13 Turbo xntNova: also idk what makes u think i agree with merkels refugee politics just because i dont like trump :thinking:

                                                                        11:14 Subscriber Twitch Prime digitalsleeve: @xntnova shutup libtard socialist jihadi loving scum i know what you are and im so woke im funna give you the jab

                                                                        ixmike chat, a classic


                                                                          thanks hommies

                                                                          Jay the Bird

                                                                            You don't agree with Merkel's refugee policies?
                                                                            You fucking racist anti-human piece of shit



                                                                                actually i do, 75%

                                                                                its just a real financial and social strain that divides the country i guess

                                                                                Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                                                                  Man, I did it. I fucking did it. I actually passed!




                                                                                      congratulations sam


                                                                                        I happen to work with refugees and all the administrative stuff around them

                                                                                        can confirm that 80% of the people arriving dont have any legit aslyum reasons. Only reason why so many stay is they throw away their passport, when lets say germany contacts country marokko about refugee moukthar assidi, (they would be legally obliged to take their citizen back) they wont take him backbecause no passport (we dont know the mentioned person)

                                                                                        And there you have the gigantic loophole that gets abused by ''refugees''

                                                                                        Also as you might can imagine this loophole doesnt attract people with good eductaion and a sober background.

                                                                                        right now abou 20% of the refugees we get are form tunisia, lybia and marokko. most of the dudes are drug addicts, young men that dropped out of school and analphabets.

                                                                                        then theres 50% from central africa, all underage ofc, guess what they lie and have no asylum reasons.
                                                                                        throw in some dude from georgia, sri lanka, pakistan and kosovo and you have your refugees.

                                                                                        legit refugees from afghanistan and syria are maybe 20%

                                                                                        and guess what this stream will never end, becasue people get the hang of it that barely any people get sent back, and reasons like ''not enough financial stability'' are reasons enough to get you a ''temporary allowance'' to stay in the country for 5 years, living off welfare.

                                                                                        ''not enough money'' is enough reason to let you stay in europe for 5 years. that basically meets the criteria for 2/3 fo the world

                                                                                        D the Superior
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