General Discussion

General DiscussionAyy lmao

Ayy lmao in General Discussion

    Yowai Mo

      omfg it's not even friday fml

      disgusting weebs

        so im 80% like

        the best mid player for the last 3 years

        me, government hooker

          sub 99% OMEGALUL



            pasha? second ramzes

            all from tiltus throw

            Este comentário foi editado

              give that kid something to eat


                holy shit man im quite skinny as well i wonder whether i look like this (hopefully not)

                Totentanz to The King: M ...

                  Not using tokens SoBayed

                  disgusting weebs

                    if some1 told u that in 2017 getting an acronym right wouldbe a meme in itself would u believe that person

                    Este comentário foi editado

                      federal bureau investigation? how does that procedure work? why is there a need to investigate federal bureaus?

                      disgusting weebs

                        trying to be a smartass are we? u are going to get punished for this

                        disgusting weebs

                          heres ur punishment, сunt




                              hahaha the hey boys/hey girls memes xd

                              Yowai Mo

                                who and why is this jacob satorious so famous, or how ever you spell that shit

                                disgusting weebs



                                    jacob who?

                                    Yowai Mo

                                      you posted like 2 memes with him just now

                                      disgusting weebs

                                        oh what do u know i got another one this time from my vk feed so have that too

                                        Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                          These memes actually made me cringe, good job!


                                            lord the cringe


                                              aight imma put some memes rate mei meimeis

                                              bulk photo upload


                                                Sweet memes boys....

                                                Appreciate it.

                                                They make my day bright, they make me LOL at work. Not too loud thou, dont want ppl to ask " whatcha laughing at ?? "

                                                God bless you meemers

                                                disgusting weebs

                                                  ur memes are fucking twrrible jafar


                                                    Yowai Mo

                                                      memes are like porn, you can't show them to others so they feel the same as you did

                                                      but what do i know, i never watched porn

                                                      disgusting weebs


                                                          expect stream today
                                                          i had an after-lunch nap and woke up at 10 pm


                                                            pretty accurate i suppose? this thing is pretty neat

                                                            Este comentário foi editado
                                                            Yowai Mo

                                                              YOU ARE 80% LIKE ZAI

                                                              Your play style is similar, because you both have a good understanding of possible moves on the map. You, like zai, prefer to play on the following heroes: Monkey King, Kunkka. You also create enormous pressure on the map!


                                                                fuck off we can't both be zai


                                                                  zai never threw


                                                                    i'm 82% russian seemsgood

                                                                    Yowai Mo


                                                                      you dare talking about throws?


                                                                        You can actually see on bulldog how much people dramatically change when they get in a first (or after long time)relationship

                                                                        i dont think thats gonna last for long

                                                                        Jay the Bird

                                                                          Throwback to when I shaved my head and looked like a fucking child molester

                                                                          Yowai Mo



                                                                              On June 8, at 23.00 (GMT +03:00) the winners will be selected in absolutely random way, among those who made a repost of "Who are you from Epicenter 2017?"

                                                                              good that i woke up like 10 mins after


                                                                                you almost make me want to take a photo of my current self with horribly longish hair but that would make havoc come to this thread and be eternally disappointed in me once more and i don't want that

                                                                                Este comentário foi editado
                                                                                Jay the Bird

                                                                                  Havoc doesn't like long hair?

                                                                                  Yowai Mo

                                                                                    my bigga havoc is getting married this weekend or was it next week? i don't think he will bother you cuz he really doesn't have time for that


                                                                                      it doesn't fit me at all and makes me look like a moron

                                                                                      Jay the Bird

                                                                                        Good to know someone from here actually has a life, a successful one


                                                                                          my nibba havoc is getting married?

                                                                                          Yowai Mo

                                                                                            on top of that he survived a terror attack last week

                                                                                            Yowai Mo

                                                                                              disgusting weebs

                                                                                                yall waiting to take the page arent u8

                                                                                                well have it morons

                                                                                                Yowai Mo

                                                                                                  what do you think?

                                                                                                  Yowai Mo

                                                                                                    what do you think?