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Убийст Воевреев

    i wait Natures Prophet and Spectre buff


      "but when meeting any enemy carry hero in a 1v1, Luna just doesn’t do enough."

      Level 6 enemy carry hero, who isn't Juggernaut, Lifestealer, Slark, Ursa, WK, etc., upon meeting level 6 Luna face to face: *heavy sweating*


        Not those heroes please
        They were meta in previous year, while heroes like Drow Ranger, Arc Warden or Abaddon are forgotten for years by now
        NP nor Spectre nor Luna deserves a buff


          Considering current best build for carry luna, she just a big ranged creep at lv 6. Even some pos 4 hero could easily delete luna now.

          CBT enjoyer

            Hard disagree with Norfus. Not only are some of your examples not true, but the goal should be making all heros viable at least situationally. There's no reason to leave heros in a borderline unplayable state.

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              Pál Maléter

                natures prophet was totally fine as an offlaner people only hated him with the sprout piercing bkb once that was changed he was just a medicore offlaner and sometimes good carry/mid hero situationally playable as a support
                now hes just trash at everything and hasnt been a core since sprout dmg change

                also person saying arc deserves buff is clueless arc has been good in pubs for years but keep pretending hes bad just because pros dont pick him


                  yall sleepin on np 5 rushing solar crest meteor hammer drums and running at towers, u feed ur ass off but it makes sooooo much space for ur team its hilarious

                  Entertainment 7wenty

                    What about replacing luna's current glaive active with a temporary search range increase (akin to sniper's headshot active) or temporarily makes all bounces apply modifiers? Idk just spit-balling, I liker Luna and want her useful again. Or just make one of her level 25 talents have her bounces apply mod's like Medusa's split shot talent?

                    Waltzman goj

                      with new shard and skill luna make so fucking more, 1.5k dmg on supp and 1k damage from a single ability


                        not a fan of the Silencer brain drain change, way harder to get perm INT

                        Not a 33-year-old Virgin ;)

                          I don't like Spectre