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    "His old ultimate, Weave used to create a massive Armor discrepancy between teams, making his rather tame healing capabilities matter that much more. After all — healing a target with 5 Armor is very different to healing a target with 30+."

    What does the last sentence mean? Is Dazzle healing amplified/reduced by the targeted ally armor? Or is it just the fact that a 5 armor target will get shredded by enemies faster than a target with 30+ armor and you have less time to react?


      @laliban it's the second. Imagine missing 100 health and you have either 25% or 50% reduction for armour. The one with 25% reduction recieves 133 effective HP vs physical (100:0,75=133) from the heal, where as the one with 50% reduction recieves 200 (100:0,5=200). You are increasing how much HP someone can tank with the heal by giving them more armour/resistance.


        You are doing these in very unusual hours lately and you are actively hurting my ambitions to be known as the biggest dotabuff fan in history

        I shall up my game, this is not over

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          Regarding Dazzle, I mostly agree, and I think he should be a support first and foremost; I also think there is a hero with a complete opposite problem - Silencer. Neither a good lane support, neither a good safelaner or mid. I think the hero always wanted to be a carry, but was always pushed into a support with numerous skill reworks. As a support, he still doesnt do enough until he becomes a dps after 40 minutes.

          As for Muerta, i think the problem lies with her clunky first and second spell; i do not see her shot as a great or overly reliable disable; and the silence, while being good, is easy to almost completely avoid (and there is no reason for it having that "kill in aoe = bonus spirit" upgrade, which I also find clunky).

          We agree completely on Invoker.

          Waiting for your next one!

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            Really nice article. Great thoughts!


              Talking about identity crisis look at Tinker. Since rockets got removed hero felt like he lost an arm and a leg. And march jumping from ability to shard to being removed at all to then becoming ability again, certainly doesn't help either.

              Also, i think Muerta actually found her role, instead of losing it. For example, remember when people tried to go Ringmaster mid? First week of hero release they shoved him every role, but very fast realized that number-wise he only works well as a support. Same with Muerta here. People tried Muerta+IO or Muerta mid, and not like it did terrible. But it performed below average, and in high level dota it is the biggest factor.


                I long for the days of old dazzle ultimate, the new one makes no sense to me, being able to sacrifice health constantly to put up three graves in a row is ridiculous to me, I would much rather play around a strong cooldown.

                For muerta, I just think having the calling is weird, it is a very strong utility spell on a hero meant to be a ranged right click carry which is apperantly so useful some people run her as support. The rest of her kit seems fine to me and makes sense, so if you really want to force her into being a core, then just looking into changing that ability


                  Dazzle briefly had some weave functionality back with the last juju rework. 1/2/3 armour per stack for 8/10/12s. Could keep everyone up with an extra 9 armour at max maybe with much more individually from casting juju as well.

                  7.36 killed this aspect for some reason, capping it to 1 per stack as an innate at all levels.

                  At this point, abandoning item cdr should hopefully mean he gets pushed back to being a viable support


                    The Dazzle and Armor thing... The heal goes a lot further when you have 65% damage resistance compared to 15%... That is effectively 50% more HP from the heal. This is why healing a high resistance target is always better than that Skywrath Mage with 500 hitpoint pool looking to be one-shot by an errant right click. Just and example, I know he has gotten tools to be less one-shotty but he is still quite vulnerable to physical attacks.

                    This is what the Dazzle and armor thing is about and the old ult that used to buff up friendly armor meant that the heal was effectively better than what the numbers told you. Now they have changed the ult and based on that, the healing potential of Dazzle has gone down the drain as well... He really is poison touch and shallow grave now more than a heal bot he used to be.

                    There are quite many heroes that could use some love and attention in the game... The same 30-40 heroes seem to be repeating in almost every game...


                      Poison also just isn't worth anything as a support once you get out of lane to be honest.

                      It's another ability the core emphasis has really ruined with stacking slow and only refreshing on your own attacks. Used to pair very well with chase heroes like pa, ember or weaver.

                      Too much of a liability to cast as a save hero and the shard doesn't even redeem it much anymore.

                      retired youtuber

                        The contents of these articles are always good, but sentence structure and flow is stilted. I've put some suggestions:

                        "They are not necessarily worse off and neither are they unviable. In fact, some of them are incredibly popular..."
                        > They are not necessarily worse off or unviable; in fact, some of them are incredibly popular
                        "He had decently short cooldowns, strong laning presence and high teamfight presence. All of this is somewhat true even now, but now he definitely needs gold"
                        > Dazzle previously had high teamfight impact and a strong laning presence due to his short cooldowns. While he hasn't changed drastically, he is more gold hungry than before
                        "...but we are still waiting for a support Dazzle to make a true comeback and become part of the meta. Or maybe for him to finally become a proper core hero. Otherwise the hero just feels lost."
                        > We are still waiting for Dazzle to make a comeback in the meta - either as a true support, or proper core. Currently, the hero's identity just feels lost

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