General Discussion

General Discussionevery game is winnable

every game is winnable in General Discussion

    hi man gud und dir


      send help


        I need help as well :C


          can't get out of the trench helppppppppp


            Here ya go boys... another game with a pair of trash cans that decide to go offlane duo of LIch clinkz against jug, pudge and ww.

            by minute 9 they died 7 times... impressive.

            of course they ended the game with 26 of the 41 deaths. LIch of course rushes drums despite being mowed down muliple times by jugs ult and probably a few times by ursa.....

            GEE What item counters all the phyisical damage... GHOST maybe?

            anyways ... just remember to keep it PMA and get that behavior score up... cause it won't fucking matter when you have shitters like this on your team

            MMR assassins indeed



              Someone show me what I could've done to win these games. The Undying game, my mid Tinker maxed march against SF. My AM game, my Pudge forced going solo offlane, fed the Spec, and gave the enemy team a free game


                i am 4465 from ~5200 in span of a month. not a single one of my games is possible to win even if a 6k person played on my acc. rage buybacks every single game. i either get lastpicked to the point where mid is unplayable (bloodseeker meepo hello), or get instantly trilaned and blamed by teammates for dying between my t1 and t2 to two man ganks while i'm playing with junglers. losing late games with late game carries that should not be humanly possible to lose.

                im pretty sure i didnt get worse at the game to lose 800 mmr (go ahead and prove me wrong from any of my recent games)

                even if i win my lane, it doesn't matter, because the other two lanes lose by default no matter the heroes - while collectively blaming me of course for either "losing mid" when enemy zeus is godlike in 12 mins from ganking safelane (????) or for not ganking sidelanes myself when im lvl 5 tinker/sf.


                  7395 games 4465 mmr,your team sucks keep it up SeemsGood


                    wew lad never heard that one before
                    you might be able to win like 10% more games than i in this hidden pool but that's still sub 50% winrate


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                    one syllable anglo-saxon

                      i admire ur perservance arin
                      despite being unable to learn and having imminent poverty stepping at your heels you still chase an arbitrary milestone that would indicate you got good at a computer game all the while actively avoiding getting good at said computer game

                      its a hard task but i believe in u!


                        I remember shortly after the first season started I climbed from 5.1k to 5.4k (almost divine 4 at the time), I was so close to divine 5.

                        Then all my games were unwinnable. Well, unwinnable in the sense that I was playing like shit and wasnt getting carried.
                        So I fell from 5.4k to 4.9k and basically wanted to quit the game. I thought I would never get divine 5 and was not at all a 5k player.

                        That's when I started playing on my smurf and climbed from 4.0k to 4.7k in a week, which basically got my confidence back and then I started slowly playing on my main again. Now I am two games away from 6k poggers.

                        Maybe make a smurf and do some heavy climbing in 4k to boost your confidence as you win games you shouldnt be losing in the first place xddd


                          )))) stop being toxic then,you are in hidden pool for a reason. C a n c e r


                            i haven ormal behavior score


                              Maybe make a smurf and do some heavy climbing in 4k to boost your confidence as you win games you shouldnt be losing in the first place xddd

                              that sounds like a good idea but levelling smurf is rather tiring
                              i'll probably do it though

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                                while actively avoiding getting good at said computer game while actively avoiding getting good at said computer game while actively avoiding getting good at said computer game while actively avoiding getting good at said computer game while actively avoiding getting good at said computer game while actively avoiding getting good at said computer game while actively avoiding getting good at said computer game while actively avoiding getting good at said computer game while actively avoiding getting good at said computer game while actively avoiding getting good at said computer game while actively avoiding getting good at said computer game while actively avoiding getting good at said computer game while actively avoiding getting good at said computer game

                                one syllable anglo-saxon

                                  wow i wanted to write something snarky again but this screenshot made me have my words stuck in my throat
                                  my bad, your games ARE actually unwinnable and im sorry for ever doubting they were not

                                  one syllable anglo-saxon

                                    id say youre a fucking clown but you are now even funny at this point




                                        Honestly my ranked games have been absolute trash too. That's why I've been a N O R M A L gamer lately.
                                        Look at this garbage

                                        Almost 50% (FIFTY) of my games have ended before 20 minutes. Why?

                                        Because every single game there has been someone griefing from the very beginning on either team, it's always the same thing:
                                        1) divine 3 took core (which is basically griefing in this avg)
                                        2) someone gets mad at someone and runs it down mid.
                                        3) My offlane crushes their safelane and their safelaner sells items or abandons

                                        Thankfully I have gotten lucky and been on the right side of most of those games, but I'm always afraid gaben will soon punish me and put me on the other team.

                                        I just want normal games. Idc if i lose but I want to lose a fair game not some 20 min clownfest.

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                                          Honestly I feel like this meta is just "lmao u rofled ur lanes, looks like games over at 20 min xddddd"

                                          And it's just cancer offlane all around.

                                          Except when I offlane, then the enemy trilanes and our carry has autism

                                          Oh well


                                            Nah the meta is who's better at 5 manning at 15min


                                              maybe my feel from month ago - telling me that game is atm unwinnable (or at least highly dependant on teammates) from mid/carry -was correct

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                                                clearly refusing to learn the game

                                                one syllable anglo-saxon

                                                  holy shit u got a good score and lost? :O
                                                  gg report team sucks! >:(


                                                    support wr and techies, who intentionally feeds mines to enemies. despite my best efforts to salvage the game, every winning moment my bloodseeker decides to run into 3 people with not using one or more of his items and instantly stomps it into dust. him running at 800 speed JUST to hit me in ww curse was surely helpful
                                                    legend 3 keeps 10th pick carry, i pick tinker, enemy instantly locks zeus spectre
                                                    see image above
                                                    go 7 1 from laning stage, we destroy safelane yet once i get globaled and jumped by 4 we lose since nobody wants to do anything and void is busy hitting creeps or chronoing solo silencers or illusions after im already dead

                                                    id say youre a fucking clown but you are now even funny at this point

                                                    Este comentário foi editado

                                                      who wants this account


                                                        arin have u tried making a new acc? maybe ure in hidden pool :p

                                                        зачем я начал поиск

                                                          @blissful death
                                                          What's your behavior score?
                                                          I used to get abysmal people on my team because I used to be toxic in the past.
                                                          Not just bad players, but intentional feeders and throwers.

                                                          The problem was in my behavior score.
                                                          I went to turbo mode for 20 games or so and changed my alias to "Swap commends (PMA)". I spammed Brood and shitstomped people, while also being very positive and giving out commends + asking for swapping commends at the end of each match.

                                                          Boom. My behavior score became perfect and my matchmaking improved drastically.
                                                          I do get throwers occasionally, but it just happens. It's something you just have to deal with.

                                                          Ever since then I do my best to maintain a good morale and to not let my team down.
                                                          I don't ping people when they make mistakes, I don't whine about people going 1-10 or so. I'd be like "Yea, man, shit happens, just play".

                                                          Try this, please. It makes gaming much better both for yourself and for your teammates.
                                                          It is hard, but it is worth it. Turn off your mic, if you want to say something toxic to team and just say it without mic turned on.

                                                          I do believe you have abysmal games, man. Shit happens.
                                                          Try to get over it.

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                                                            my behavior score is normal since before medals were introduced

                                                            i dont use mic, i barely even chat

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                                                            зачем я начал поиск

                                                              Holy shit.
                                                              I scroll through your games and they are indeed weird en masse. Lul.
                                                              As if you're having a very bad luck, even though you maybe could've won a bunch of these, there are still too many that seem unwinnable,

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                                                                Maybe you need to pull out the reverse psychology and do everything you can to throw games. Then Gaben will realize that you don't belong in your bracket and boost you up to divine with all the other game throwers.

                                                                зачем я начал поиск

                                                                  Just don't be that serious about Dota.
                                                                  Play heroes that you enjoy playing, while not giving a fuck about rating.

                                                                  Play well, but only for the sake of enjoying the game.
                                                                  You've lost? Shit happens.

                                                                  You ain't going to get more public respect/more money/more p*ssy for being Divine or Immortal by itself in 99% of cases anyway.

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                                                                    My last wd game I was playing with/against russians(9 in total smh excluding me)
                                                                    Whenever this happens I expect one of the below scenarios:

                                                                    1. 40+minutes game with retarded picks, constant fights and at least 1 guy who left/abandoned since the beginning

                                                                    2. 20 minutes-30minutes game with either one in my team or enemy team who decides to feed and throw

                                                                    Yesterday the first scenario happened to me (


                                                                      yesterday i had 4 russkies in my team too. invo mid, spectre and the infamous mirana supp (aka carry that doesnt have farm)

                                                                      at start im telling them "we will loose early, dont tilt just play for lategame"
                                                                      10 mins into the game the spectre, mirana and invo scream at each other for 5 minutes without any pauses and go afk jungle LMAO


                                                                        monkaS classicism of dota 2


                                                                          arin server seems really cancer srsly

                                                                          one syllable anglo-saxon

                                                                            arin have u tried making a new acc? maybe ure in hidden pool :p

                                                                            Hidden Pool Warrior [✓ All Chat Muted]


                                                                              played visage we were 2 racks ahead jug dies > bbs and destroys items xd

                                                                              then had a gam as undying pos 4 off ck decides to rush heart vs tinker n sniper ololol pa gets his bkb after basher kek


                                                                                cry me a river :D

                                                                                Ching Chong

                                                                                  visit my account



                                                                                      LEGEND 2
                                                                                      -24 mmr game meanwhile I win a 50 mins game and gain only 20 olol

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                                                                                        Cry cry cryy, this community will never change




                                                                                            first pick injoker btw


                                                                                              visage's item build btw
                                                                                              smiley face


                                                                                                funny, 3 weeks since i played dota and i'm still convinced that i was right in all of my posts from last two pages

                                                                                                usually i realise that i was tilted and irrational and it showed up in match outcomes, somehow i don't get that feeling now

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                                                                                                  first game on main after my break has afk axe and naix without armlet
                                                                                                  second game gets tiny tossing me under tower from min 0

                                                                                                  here we go again

                                                                                                    Come to SEA servers. Every game is loosable.