General Discussion

General Discussionevery game is winnable

every game is winnable in General Discussion

    saving private RTZ

      jungling lul


        i had locked offlane


          📞 hello arin here why are all of my teammates retards???

          🔊 hey arin my boy, they are not

          📞 ofc they are rofl look at my last few games no way to win lmfao

          🔊 Mabye you should try to git gud

          📞 but I AM good!!!

          🔊 maybe you should stop tilting

          📞 no thanks

          🔊 then fuck off


            ^ mods can you ban this guy for derailing my thread


              Este comentário foi editado
              Fee Too Pee

                why bristle always pick lately anyway. useless in "offlane" tbh


                  x D

                  Dire Wolf

                    cus of the immortal? i have no idea, bristle sucks nuts and people keep picking him


                      just low mmr things


                        Giff me Wingman

                          4k logic.

                          Go afk jungle exepct lanes to win hard. Venge and treant shitfucking your mates while you sit afk jungle and complain on db forums how awful the game is.


                            i had locked offlane

                            no worries this was like the first game in 200 where i went jungle and i have plenty of completely winnable games ahead so stay tuned!

                            white boy summer

                              every game is winnable but he lost it lul fucking weabo shit

                              Fee Too Pee

                                @Dire Wolf , I know right , his skill 3 and ulti DO NOT SYNERGY AT ALL, cheap damage , seriously , not even painfull , maybe at early stage quil relevant , no stun , not that tanky.

                                BUT IT ALWAYS SHOW IN RANKED GAMES WHY

                                btw , why Luna rush pike lmao , ez no sustain , ez no damage. is this 4k where i dream i can climbed on mannnn

                                Este comentário foi editado

                                  what are you on about. BB is a pain in the ass to lane against. too overpowered in early game I'd say. scales well too


                                    you can't stop me i have the moral highground thanks to my previous question about "when is diox getting banned"

                                    this behavior is supported by dotabuff staff
                                    i expect inappropriate comments deleted by tomorrow 9 AM

                                    Fee Too Pee

                                      @Milad , in my bracket any competent support can zone him easily , he does not have any lockdown , bad slow , easily zoned tbh.
                                      there is never a situation when bristleback is picked , someone panic or feeling lazy to play , he do not give any threat at all.

                                      i never see bristle that do not feed because for some reason BB players always dive and think they are immortal

                                      me, government hooker

                                        can we get cookie in here do some behavior score research and teach us how to control the mental and emotional state of the opponents resulting in us outplaying and outsmarting them??


                                          definitely, we need some high mmr advanced psychological analyser


                                            psychological tricks


                                              GiT gUd ScRuB

                                              one syllable anglo-saxon

                                                so what are we supposed to deduct from the screenshot? won and threw way worse games


                                                  its all so clear now

                                                  Arin = Armin


                                                    but to win u must become like mikasa


                                                      bb is weak level one, but as soon as he hits lvl 2, it becomes very difficult to zone him out. basically as a support u either zone him lvl 1 or just ignore him if it fails.
                                                      bb rlly isn't THAT shit, I think that he is best as a situational mid however.
                                                      ancient stacking is back and bristle benefits a lot from that, also bb can be very nice paired with an io.

                                                      one syllable anglo-saxon

                                                        okay thanks for the input dude!


                                                          please stop hitting my soft spots ywn this is serious matter


                                                            I think even I could have managed to get more farm on luna in that game. Like that luna has managed to get less than 300 gpm, that's almost an accomplishment.


                                                              WHY NOT SHOW DUEL DAMAGE YOU CUCK SO I KNOW HOW BIG YOUR EPEEN IS?!?!????!??!?!?

                                                              well did ya win?
                                                              (SECOND EDIT 168 THX BRO)
                                                              also Arin you are a special snowflake. Don't listen to these weiners in here trying to bring you down.

                                                              Jungle LC is good as gold as proven by our resident jungler Licetea that you can get to 5k with 1/4 a brain. Clearly your teammates sucked and you have more people muted in one game then I would have in 10 games.

                                                              Its not you that flames them in game, its the tilt talking. It's the tilt making these threads. THe tilt makes you do it.

                                                              Good luck in next game sir. :)


                                                              Este comentário foi editado

                                                                every game is winnable but he lost it lul fucking weabo shit

                                                                WHY NOT SHOW DUEL DAMAGE YOU CUCK SO I KNOW HOW BIG YOUR EPEEN IS?!?!????!??!?!?
                                                                well did ya win?



                                                                  Legion Commander
                                                                  Very High Skill
                                                                  Lost Match
                                                                  3 hours ago
                                                                  All Pick

                                                                  team: sucks
                                                                  enemy: wtf gods

                                                                  respect or get lc as your enemy and rekts your pro gaming and you left because everytime you farm she kills you.

                                                                  Giff me Wingman

                                                                    normal skill bot abuse.

                                                                    Diox = Retard confirmed


                                                                      that was confirmed after his first post here


                                                                        Very High Skill
                                                                        Won Match
                                                                        6 hours ago
                                                                        All Pick

                                                                        your IQ is tab w, tab w, tab w, tab w, tab w skill.


                                                                          I CANT TAKE CRITICISM


                                                                            that was for Mia's meepo gameplay

                                                                            Very High Skill
                                                                            Lost Match
                                                                            2 days ago
                                                                            All Pick

                                                                            your IQ is now based on people who rages on you and calls you injoker *and they have more deaths than you* and blames you for being shit and starts to turn retarded because your no injoker that they think your just pressing qweqeerqeqweqweqweqwerwqeqwrwwewqerqwewqeweqwerwwqwwqweqer

                                                                            Giff me Wingman

                                                                              normal skill bot abuser seems mad.

                                                                              How are those 20FPS gaming on 720P coming along?

                                                                              Match Duration
                                                                              Win Rate


                                                                              Este comentário foi editado

                                                                                Giff me Wingman


                                                                                  doc joferlyn simp
                                                                                    Este comentário foi excluído

                                                                                      meanwhile this sniper has same mmr as me


                                                                                        I gained 1000 mmr after reading diox guide 100% legit . Thanks diox


                                                                                          wow I'm blunt I'm so cool ill roast people based on their computer set up of all fucking things haHAA


                                                                                            wow im as bad as you can get and i give advice on getting better haHAA

                                                                                            Este comentário foi editado
                                                                                            Giff me Wingman

                                                                                              Wow, daddy is apparently in the potato PC club and feels insulted when people make fun of the barely functioning potatos that some people own.

                                                                                              If you don't want to be upset about having a potato as a PC then start going to work you shit.


                                                                                                16 minutes ago


                                                                                                my opponents are not dumb dummy I just counter picked them hard core. also go last before first.

                                                                                                so retarded needs to be executed.

                                                                                                queen's speech

                                                                                                  SHUT THE FUCK UP I'M TRYING TO MAKE A FUCKING VIDEO


                                                                                                    did u buy a 7k account to post here?


                                                                                                      2 ywns? WutFace