General Discussion

General Discussionspectre in the meta?

spectre in the meta? in General Discussion

    I know spectre can be a strong hero in late game no matter what, but how does he stand in the current meta, and is he a reliable pick?




        so he isnt a good pick?


          I like Spectre and I like Spectre with Mjollnir especially! But I cannot win with her even against passive bots.


            Im new spectre player and got some good success even though enemy has a tendency to harass you too much in lane. Also farming is tough in my bracket with support constant right clicking. The hero farms reaaaaaaally slow unless you get radiance. I like diffusal more than radiance also as I said because people make it hell to farm it's way easier and faster to go diffusal.



              Hatsune Miku

                if they have a weak offlaner, go for it ez win


                  I usually go pt/phase vang, then rad/diff manta


                    He isn't meta tho. It's just work in low MMR game because they let spectre farm. I played against spectre with offline clonkz. 25 denies and better farm then himy. Warded his ancient and asked team to push.



                      lul you dont even need THAT much farm on spectre. you make pms phase urn yasha, and you can already join fights with haunt and murder people.


                        You can join fights but you can't carry team by yourself. But once farmed you can rekt enemy team.

                        Btw isn't it obvious you'll be joining team fight whenever you get chance to kill. Map awareness is imp for spectre. How are you supposed to get that ks gold lol

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                          Imo spectre cant rush radi anymore realistically. I mean with urn, phase, yasha u r already menacing. Add a diffusal and then u can be in a good enough spot to buy a late radiance. Rad is too good to pass up, but too expensive to rush on a hero who is good at fighting and shit at farming.


                            True that. Radiance is painful to farm. The worst part is I see people get brown boots and then go radiance. :D


                              you can still get a <20 min radiance after you buy phase urn and yasha anyway.


                                Phase urn Tasha and radiancein < 20 min. Damn you must be too good at the hero. The only time I even can think of doing it when I play in 5 party and my upp doesn't auto attack.

                                Erase Humanity

                                  Illusions benefit from attack speed in the new patch. And she has 4 scaling abilities and scales insanely well.

                                  Hatsune Miku

                                    my fastest rad was 17 mins with treads and vanguard, and i needed to kill 3 heroes and one of them had a kill streak


                                      That seems reaaonable


                                        How is mjolnir even good on spectre, situational af
                                        Overlaps with spectre's skillset and doesn't synergize that well
                                        Magic damage < pure damage
                                        Cant touch this < raw hp


                                          Also she's still the same
                                          Not broken but reliable on the right hand


                                            She really doesnt need dmg. U usually just tank the fuck up and burn everyone to death with radi. Eventually u just kill both supports with ur ulti.

                                            Ghastly Wail

                                              @secretly a cat
                                              I learned the basics with 'easy range heroes' like Viper or Razor.

                                              I would recommend that instead of Spectre. But well, i'm just 2k mmr support player, so w/e. xD


                                                Spectre is not that bad for beginners to learn with
                                                At least, compared to meepo or chen

                                                Erase Humanity

                                                  Mjolnir is a reasonable substitute for Radiance in 7.xx. Desolate, Haunt and Manta illusions scale with Mjolnir. It has some benefits and weaknesses though.


                                                    Aboslutely it is not. Radiance is way way too good to pass up on spec

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                                                          Idk about brood and furion unless u are a spammer or godlike with those heroes.

                                                          also OT:
                                                          Spec can be decent, but please don't rush radiance.

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                                                            @inigo well you normally have pms phase urn yasha talon in ~12 minutes and thats if you dont get total free farm. ur telling me that ~8 minutes of farm is not enough for a radiance, especially when youre not some weakling but a potent hero killer in teamfights.

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                                                            Erase Humanity

                                                              Positive side of Radiance: faster farm, better for chasing enemies, you just sit in team fight and damage, miss makes her and illusions tanky, illusions get the full burn.
                                                              Negative side of Radiance: hard to farm, illusions do not get the bonus damage
                                                              Positive side of Mjolnir: illusions get the attack speed, faster farm, easy to farm
                                                              Negative side of Mjolnir: no chase damage, chains do not happen without attack


                                                                Tbh brood is braindead at ns . Your 1 vs 2 lane is so easy too. You do need a little bit of skill to lane against axe or timber though

                                                                all role player

                                                                  radi is too good to pass. i always rekt spectre with diffu van build as slark offlane(ns thing). but when she buy radi damn dat miss :/


                                                                    VG rush is a NS thing
                                                                    Urn or stick or both is enough for sustain and doesn't delay your key timings that much

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                                                                      Mjolnir is good at clumped up fights, and you only proc desolate on solo heroes, it doesn't synergize that well, the mjolnir proc is worse than desolate, while where mjolnir is good (clumped up teamfights) you can just get radi or stack up raw HP and shit out dispersion damage
                                                                      I would only get it against spawnfest or against illusion heroes


                                                                        bws you are a ns thing


                                                                          Mjollnir isnt as good at farming than radi for spec. Mjollnir just gives attack speed and useless lightnings. If u want attackspeed buy butterfly or even ac. Its not a horrible item, but its outclassed and seems unnecessary.


                                                                            Thanks for suggestions and I'll try Viper next I think. Just got done with Luna who is now my favorite support.


                                                                              People like you trigger me
                                                                              Trash toxic delusional failed smurf who thinks he's better than anyone else, providing no argument against my point other than pointing out mmr difference and even then you're also a 2k trash AFTER SMURFING
                                                                              Oh what a coincidence
                                                                              You also get muted
                                                                              Go live in your own little world you shitfuck


                                                                                idk a 5k spectre player said his/her build of preference is vanguard rush, and you call it a "ns thing". well suit yourself, if flame is all you got then im not surprised you just take shit like "party mmr doesnt matter" for granted and live by that like its a general law of dota.

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                                                                                  Spectre is a she op. And she is great in NS. You can make up for your slow farming with greedy haunts...


                                                                                    I admit it "NS thing" wasn't the appropriate word, but if VG rush is nearly never done or never done at all in an official match that should tell you something

                                                                                    Erase Humanity

                                                                                      Vanguard vs Drum vs Mask vs Helm?


                                                                                        Helm > VG = drum >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> any sort of lifesteal


                                                                                          Spectre deals shit load of damage with Radiance. But the thing is the game got faster with introduction of 7.00. You need to be able to fight early on. That's why heroes like Spectre or Anti-Mage isn't that good any more. Sure Spectre is more relevant than AM but you get what I'm saying, right?
                                                                                          I always liked playing Spectre. But I started to play TB instead of her after 7.00.

                                                                                          BTW, for farming efficiency, even though Vanguard is the superior item for Spectre, I suggest you to get Dominator.


                                                                                            VG is probably slightly better than drum because drum is not that good of an item right now

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                                                                                              Erase Humanity

                                                                                                AM starts to scale after 30 min. Spectre has a sharp scalling before 30 min similar to PA. I like Terror Bulldozer too.

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                                                                                                  @deso dude you are talking about very ideal situation.
                                                                                                  You said you mKe Tasha urn phase PM's rad in <20 min. That's not possible unless there is a supp who harass enemy and you manage creep equilibrium + don't die by thanks + get few kill.
                                                                                                  You are a ns player you know how tough it is to last hit with supp auto attacking.
                                                                                                  On high skill fans it is possible but on high skill game supp create space to farm. People don't even buy wards in ns forget creating space.


                                                                                                    I prefer luna


                                                                                                      im not rly ns player my supp dont auto attack. and even if he does i still get all creeps...

                                                                                                      also i only rly play solo offlane spectre anyway :v

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