General Discussion

General DiscussionQuestions about the meaning and purpose of life

Questions about the meaning and purpose of life in General Discussion
1-IceTea 🌟

    I didn't know well about more then dozen religious - but mainstream religious is only about all good thing on oneself including Islam


      You have some emotional intelligence and empathy which keeps you from doing things you do not want others to do to you, it's much simpler and more honest.

      But do ppl really apply that? no
      why? Cus who cares. There is no judgement for that. If u dont belive in god and religion you ignore your humanity and do whatever u want.

      religion has 2 important thing: faith and fear of hell. Now the only way that a person stays righteous is beliving in god and religion. Cus if there is no heaven or hell there is no reson to do good.

      Religion and and having faith in god separate humans from animals. And bring a reason and reward(heaven) for being good and makes humanity viable. The ones who dont follow religion are no difrrent from animals.

      Animals purpose of life is having fun and Reproduction. So do purpose of ppl without beliving in after life.
      If a person being righteous without beliving in god is at a loss to find the reason for his/her goodness cus he dont belive in judgement day.


        ^ Here is a thought experiment for you Zest

        If God made one, single, Do-anything-you-want-day-without-any-consequences-no-bullshit-like-hell day, would you:

        1. steal from someone on that day
        2. cause someone pain on that day for your benefit (for example become a hired assailant, etc)
        3. kill someone on that day (for money or for personal pleasure)
        4. rape someone that day?

        Is the promise of reward and fear of punishment the only thing keeping you from becoming an animal and losing ur humanity?


          blind faith and fear of hell is actually really bad

          blind faith would leave a sane reasonable person doing unreasonable things because of the promise of a reward. (holy wars)

          and i agree, if fear of hell is the only reason that you're not harming other people then you're deep down a corrupted person.

          i don't get my morals from thousand year old scripture, i get it from common sense. example: don't do wrong to other people, not because something says so, but because you wouldn't want that happening to you.

          you gotta remember, in a big portion of religions during a ''holy war'' killing a person is justified and you won't go to hell for it.

          so would you justify a group starting terrorizing and then getting away with it because ''lul i go to heaven for this''

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            Would i do those? Yes i do

            Is the promise of reward and fear of punishment the only thing keeping you from becoming an animal and losing ur humanity? Yes
            Rules and laws are the only things that prevent ppl form doing evil things. These things are basic reasons of creation of religion and laws. Humanity brings religion(heaven and hell) and religion supports humanity and bring a reason for that.
            U may ask what if we try to have humanity without religion. It cant be done cus > theres nothing prevents and stops us > no judgement and punishment


              who creates this pool is tellling the creator of universe that it doesn't know what its doing when it created everything at the beginning


                I just like to believe that there is something for us when we are dead


                  The simple fact of the matter is that human progress has outgrown, outwitted and outclassed religion.

                  Our ideals, concepts and policies have improved drastically from the barbaric ideas of the past, which many of our religions ascribe to (slavery, sexism, racism, war, conquests, taking sex-slaves, rape, etc.)

                  For our next advancement we need to rid ourselves of religion completely. Humanity Patch 2.0

                  1-IceTea 🌟

                    ^^^^^Very agree with cookies

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                      there are the worms in the ground, so that's something XD

                      1-IceTea 🌟

                        ^^^By saying that I do not think our 'religious' has the same concept.
                        Edit : In modern world 'religious' can be very scientific what we should be followed is the truthfulnes and righteousness behind it.

                        Small tiny example out of millions : All religious ask you you not to lie,not to get angry.Oldern age human still not realise it.Now even just a tiny little bit fact have been discovered - do you know what does lying and anger do to your mental and physical?go check it.

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                          nah dude, What i mean is, what if there really is a God, it wont hurt anyone accepting religion and going to heaven after we are dead.


                            let's say god exists, but then which religion is he from?

                            if you don't accept you'd go to hell

                            but if you'd accept it you go to heaven

                            it seems like a 50/50, right? you'd have the same chances?

                            well no, there's thousands of religions and thousands of different life styles/methods of following htem

                            so you can accept to believe in god, but then end up believing in the wrong god and still going to hell

                            so your chances of being in the right religion and/or practice of that religion and going to heaven are almost zero to none, and that's being generous with the statistics.

                            @icetea i like to think of that as being spiritual but not blindly religious

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                              That is true cookie, but man, the idea that after you die, nothing comes after, well thats just depressing aint it?


                                do you remember anything before you were born?

                                sure, you can read a history book, but that's information you've gained after you were born.

                                so what's so scary about being dead?

                                i'd say it's scarier to live non useful life, than be dead.


                                  Humans ascribe meaning to everything. See patterns in randomness. They need a sense of control. Death is just scary af because you lose all control


                                    Thats a good way to put it, all the more incentive to live life to the fullest and die with no regrets

                                    1-IceTea 🌟

                                      I believe that is only one and it's not from 'my' religious it is from everyone religious.I don't, think that is coincidence that all mainstream religious said that is heaven in hell (and all of them said it's 'inside you') I believe that some of their different is only because of it need to suit where there care from.


                                        It's strange that we still hold onto these medieval beliefs. Where did the universe come from, God made it. Well then who made God? Oh he's always been around...well lets just say the universe has. Cut out the middle man. There is something like 3000 deities made up, Zeus Odin Hades Ra and they are all wrong. So when you say you believe in something for the afterlife do you realise that just your one God would have to be right and every other that is wrong is going to hell. Something is either right or wrong. We know how we got here, it's all been explained.


                                          not really, some believe in heaven/hell

                                          some believe in nothing after death

                                          some believe in reincarnation

                                          some believe in alternatives that are nothing similar to heaven/hell

                                          almost every religion has a different view of the after-life

                                          and even those who directly believe in heaven/hell have different stories about it. almost nothing lines up on every religion

                                          just do some research on other religions

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                                            God does no exist and all other things that religion claims. Those are the things that make humanity reasonble. And religion with its storys. God, evil, heaven, hell. Is here to make ppl to accept and be loyal to humantiy and follow they rules( religion lifestlye) and be human and dont go for their desires.


                                              Man did create religion
                                              edit: Threads like this, should be made more often, its fun to read other ppls opinions/beliefs

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                                                @zest. That is a common but incorrect depiction of how u should be thinking about religion


                                                  i'm not claiming that god does or doesn't exist or that some particular god does or doesn't exist

                                                  i'm just saying, it doesn't line up anywhere.

                                                  you're presented with ''evidance'' as in books which can't be confirmed

                                                  one source says that the earth is flat
                                                  another earth says that the earth is round
                                                  third source say that the earth doesn't have a shape

                                                  the thing is, if every answer is different, then which answer is correct?

                                                  sure you can run trough all the data and test it, and see example that the earth is round-ish

                                                  and you find the religions that are saying that and you rule out the others

                                                  but in that religion it says that the sun is smaller than the earth.

                                                  so then you have to ''chery pick'' your data from those religions

                                                  and at the end, none of them aligns with the others nor can you test some of the claims

                                                  and at the end you don't have a religion, as you don't need blind faith to prove your claims rather you and others can test them.

                                                  like pick a specific religion and do some testing on all the claims(don't cherry pick) and tell me if you can replicate all of them

                                                  but if you were to take a standard highschool physics book, you'll be able to test almost everything claimed there.

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                                                    why people talk about this as if its important.

                                                    just live your life until you die, thats all.

                                                    we come from nth and we are going to be nothing when we pass. what stays then stays, thats all


                                                      I was refering to @renshin believing in god to get into heaven. So nothing I said was wrong actually.

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                                                            The point is, there is nothing wrong in believing in life after death. What if man?
                                                            but I digress, Lets all just live how we want to live, Enjoy what little time we have here, Till death knowing we have no regrets.

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                                                              closing statement from me; if you cherry pick your data to what you like and is right and testable, you no longer have a religion but science & common day morals.

                                                              if you ask me, proving god's existence/non existence is impossible

                                                              @I'm just a Sexy Boy if your actions aren't destructive to others then personally believing in anything is fine.

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                                                                "I think human consciousness is a tragic misstep in evolution. We became too self-aware. Nature created an aspect of nature separate from itself - we are creatures that should not exist by natural law."
                                                                -Detective Rust Cohle


                                                                  This topic is getting heavier than apoop


                                                                    So you're a cop-out agnostic Cookie? So what you don't know if you believe or not. If you're agnostic about god then you have to be the same about Santa. You can't say you don't know. FYI Rust Cohle is a legend @deepblue


                                                                      you can believe whatever you want, just try to make sure it makes you a better person.

                                                                      we are nothing but stardust good sirs and nothing matters unless you make it matter.


                                                                        And respect each others beliefs, non-believer or believer


                                                                          i'm not closed on ideas, as i'm very creative(i have a good imagination), i'm just saying that i don't care to prove/disprove the existence.


                                                                            Many people believe in things that inspire them to do great things, sometimes good and sometimes bad based on nothing but faith.

                                                                            is that faith what we call god?

                                                                            1-IceTea 🌟

                                                                              'you can believe whatever you want, just try to make sure it makes you a better person.'
                                                                              good line,that concluded it

                                                                              saving private RTZ

                                                                                God does no exist and all other things that religion claims. Those are the things that make humanity reasonble. And religion with its storys. God, evil, heaven, hell. Is here to make ppl to accept and be loyal to humantiy and follow they rules( religion lifestlye) and be human and dont go for their desires.

                                                                                Religion however has caused some great wars through history. It doesn't seem to me that religion makes people kind to each other, just to other people of the same religion. For example crusades, or the more recent , IS.

                                                                                So you're a cop-out agnostic Cookie? So what you don't know if you believe or not. If you're agnostic about god then you have to be the same about Santa. You can't say you don't know.

                                                                                Yes you can. There are reasons to believe there is no Santa, which is said to bring presents to everyone on the 25th of December. Yet if parents don't get up early to put the presents under the christmas tree, there is virtually no chance their kids will actually find any present the next morning. Of course you can never be "sure", but really you cannot be sure of anything.
                                                                                Same with Abrahamic Gods, there are good reasons to believe they don't exist.

                                                                                However it is much harder to prove or disprove a deistic god, a creator who is outside our Universe and never interacted with it after its creation.

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                                                                                  ^ The full agnostic claim is a bit harder to accept tho - that we can NEVER prove or disprove God.

                                                                                  Small scientific advancements such as cloning / creating humans in the lab by ourselves, will make some non-believers out of believers but when we achieve some kind of immortality (not a very far-fetched concept - imagine uploading ourselves as data in the future) some thousand years later, I'm sure God will be firmly established as fiction by then

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                                                                                    Solid 5/7 discussion, bookmarked no Kappa.


                                                                                      Religion will always find fertile ground in the minds of technological skeptics, but it will decline.

                                                                                      lm ao

                                                                                        there are multiple times in my life that made me want to cry, but here I am now, still fighting for what I want to be in the future. There isn't really no inherent purpose in life. I've wasted all my ass years studying philosophy and I didn't get an answer anywhere near to the truth. The truth will always be inaccessible to everyone.


                                                                                          why does there have to be a meaning? life exists because it does.

                                                                                          lm ao

                                                                                            The best thing about Christianity imho is that its the modern society's penultimate source of moral objective authority, and is the best reason why the Western world isn't a huge shithole like Middle East is with Islam.

                                                                                            lm ao

                                                                                              @The MMR Santa
                                                                                              lol dude check what op's title is

                                                                                              lm ao

                                                                                                Religions that do not subject themselves to reform (unlike Christianity) are always sure to decline.


                                                                                                  I guess what ive meant is what ive said on the first page.

                                                                                                  That u cant prove/disprove a god with the tags "all powerful + all knowing + transcends space/time"

                                                                                                  As he could make the universe so that you can never find out on purpose.

                                                                                                  Meaning you can create thousands of gods like this and you cant figure out which one is correct.

                                                                                                  Obviously you can prove/disprove the existance of some gods

                                                                                                  fear is the mind killer

                                                                                                    we are god ourselves ffs


                                                                                                      Ayo mein, thats just not true. Western world is mostly secular.

                                                                                                      Remember, middle ages were hell holes controled by such extreme religions when almost no progress was made.

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