General Discussion

General DiscussionQuestions about the meaning and purpose of life

Questions about the meaning and purpose of life in General Discussion

    Sup guys. I'm sure many of you are deeply conflicted by thoughts of after-life, God and the purpose of our life on earth here. I have designed a survey that explores what people think about these deeper questions in life. I've had 38 responses so far and they're pretty interesting. To increase the sample size and increase the diversity of the respondent nationalities, I'm posting this survey here.

    I'd be VERY GRATEFUL if u guys could fill it; it's not long.

    I'll post the results after a couple of days here, since I'm sure many of you will be curious about them just like I am.


      I'm gonna wait for someone else to click it so I know it's not a screamer




          It's not lol. It's a survey questionnaire I made on surveymonkey. It simply wants to know ur take on these issues/ideas/beliefs.

          Also its completely anonymous - even your IP address cant be traced

          Also, thanks again

          1-IceTea 🌟

            It's either a Yeh or Nah or Meh selection,It can't express on more details and better opinions because u already set either this or that

            basement :)

              It was too painful to complete.


                I stop at the bonus question and i couldn't continue. Fuck this shit got deep to fast bruh


                  the problem with a personal god who grants wishes is that if every wish got granted this world would've gone extinct by now.

                  anyways, you can have 2 towns both praying that their team will win, if both were equally religious and equally worthy. then who gets his prayer answered?

                  the thing about such a god is that you can't confirm nor dis-confirm it.

                  let's say that a god exists that is all powerful, all knowing and beyond space-time. and like most gods that he wants to be seeked by belief.

                  such a god would make the universe such that you literally can't test his existence.

                  so then a person can't test if the reason for something was god or nature, as it's untestable.

                  so when 2 cities prayed for their sports team to win, as both were equally worthy, how do you figure out if it was god or just the skill of the players which decided the outcome?

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                  1-IceTea 🌟

                    You have put a condition on your self and put on other.
                    This kind of questions are not able to answer so easily.

                    It's like u said in world they is only 12 types of human by constellation.It's just too rough and not accurate


                      @1IceTea Do you feel that a more customized answer approach where respondents describe their beliefs would have been better? The problem with that is that not everyone wants to spend so much time on a survey, also the data analysis becomes a big hassle with such kinds of surveys.

                      @joemama haha bro just answer it to the best of ur abilities. I can understand that it got "too deep" too fast, but they're are only 4 questions, rest is demographics like age and nationality. Once I have enough responses, the overall data will be very interesting for everyone to see. Will post it here.

                      @cookie yeah man that's called a zero sum situation. that is certainly a problem with a "personal god who grants wishes"

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                        nice survey, managed to clear it tho it rly gets deep atcthe bonus question

                        well if u like these kinds of stuff i recommend that you read a short story titled "The Egg" if you havent already. i wont spoil anything at all so please give it a read it really mindfucks you


                          ^ thanks, and will do. thanks for the reccomendation


                            Also, Cookie your last comment is very interesting and is actually the basis of the question of God healing amputees. Because in the healing of amputees there can be no coincidence, unlike in other medicinal/biological recoveries like cancer. Either God answers the prayer of the person with severed limbs. Or he doesn't. No doctor or surgeon can grow a limb for him (at least to this day) There is no gray area in that.

                            You can read more about it here, the website which inspired me for this question:


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                            1-IceTea 🌟

                              Ya true not everyone wants to spend so much time on a survey.But for a quickie you are doing good job,I have completed them

                              'Don't live a life like an animal,even a animal have a purpose of it,find yours'


                                Interesting. But why would God want his existence to be untestable


                                  because all the thousands of testable gods have been de-bunked

                                  example greek gods(like Zeus) lived on mount olymp as people couldn't get there.

                                  example greeks also believed the sun gets risen every morning on a sleigh and that it's tiny, now we know the sun is a giant ass STAR which makes the earth look like a grain of rice in comparison.

                                  you'd think someone would notice a giant sleigh behind the sun by now?

                                  as soon as people were able to get there, they figured out that there isn't any guy called ZUUS there and the religion faded away in history

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                                    @1ICeTea Thanks man

                                    @Jacked An argument could go like this; God wants people to have blind faith in Him....a faith that holds strong even when science and rationality explains away the idea of God and rebukes it.... so even if logic and reason tell you that God is imaginary, you still believe in God, and you are therefore a strong believer and in God's good books. While people who tried to test the existence of God never had blind faith in him in the first place, so they are not true believers. It becomes more of a test of your own belief in him.

                                    Doesn't appeal to me tho

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                                      Well cooky. But if the real God wanted ppl to know he existed and if ppl tested it and found it true. Wouldn't it then be much simpler world then?


                                        yep, that's why all the testable gods got de-bunked.

                                        because nature isn't simple as ''sun gets driven around by a sleigh lul"


                                          hmmmm really makes you think.


                                            if you ask me, the biggest problem with that isn't the sports part

                                            we can look at it another way,

                                            let's say there's 2 kingdoms who are in a war

                                            both follow a god which is similar to the other, all powerful, all knowing and follow that prayer rule.

                                            when it comes to ''holy wars'' you're allowed to defend your god, and in a lot of religions killing for your god in a war isn't a sin.

                                            so the question is: who do you chose?

                                            kingdom 1 or 2. if both have similar gods you can chose 1 and be right

                                            or you chose the 2nd and you kill the people from the correct god

                                            or if on the off chance that both kingdoms have the same actual god but only a different interpretation, you're now killing people from your own god. which makes it worse

                                            so 2/3 is a giant sin, and in a lot of religions you get to burn in hell forever for that.

                                            you get 1/3 chance to be a hero

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                                            Riguma Borusu

                                              The silly part about Abrahamic religions is how arbitrary they are - in majority of cases, what religion you are likely to belong to boils down to where you were born. I live in Serbia, so almost everyone's "Christian Orthodox". If I move south or east, Muslims crop up, and then some Catholics too. In this way, a lot of what people 'believe' (or pretend to) boils down to something that has nothing to do with their choices and is, hence, somewhat random.

                                              If you're saying that people are going to heaven/have fruitful afterlife based on such an arbitrary thing, that'd mean that the one existing God (let's assume it's one) pretty much just straight up hates people who are born in the middle east, if he's a Christian god, because that'd mean Jews and Muslims are all Satan's dinner, after all.

                                              I mean, the whole African continent is bound to end up in hell if the Only Existing God is actually that from Orthodox Christianity, because there are protestants and catholics in the south, and muslims and jews in north/central/western/eastern africa.

                                              Let's not get started with India, because it gets even more absurd at that point.

                                              You can say there were missionaries, but that's never enough because even those people haven't been able to break local beliefs, so if your parents haven't heard or been convinced to believe in a Christian god (but follow their pagan beliefs), if you end up as an uneducated child, you're literally condemned for hell by your sole existence.

                                              And yes, people will try to make cases for such religion saying that God's not that strict and so on, but I've read both the Bible and Qur'an (and Hadith, too), so I know that Abrahamic Gods would be VERY VERY VERY strict, to the point where it would've been obnoxious even 2-3k years ago, not only today.

                                              People who believe in (Abrahamic, in particular) Gods are at least one of the following things:
                                              1) Extremely egoistic (all with a personal god who caters to their personal needs)
                                              2) Stupid (because they buy the whole jahweh/jesus/mohammed story, come on, it's not rocket science that it's just unrealistic as fuck)
                                              3) Intellectually dishonest (they shit on similar religions, but try to use same argumentation to 'prove' their own)
                                              4) Emotionally dependent on religion (no matter how intelligent and smart the person is, this can make it a problem for them to overcome their religious delusions)
                                              5) Delusional/psychotic (goes without saying)
                                              6) Naive
                                              7) Cucks (it is not Chad's child, god impregnated my woman! See, just like Jesus was born!)
                                              8) Pedophiles (hey, I may have married my wife when she was six (and thus 10x younger than me) but I ONLY PUT IT IN once she reached the ripe old age of nine! Allahu Akbar!)

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                                                Isn't it 42? the answer to life and everything.


                                                  @ nom nom nom

                                                  “The God of the Old Testament is arguably the most unpleasant character in all fiction: jealous and proud of it; a petty, unjust, unforgiving control-freak; a vindictive, bloodthirsty ethnic cleanser; a misogynistic, homophobic, racist, infanticidal, genocidal, filicidal, pestilential, megalomaniacal, sadomasochistic, capriciously malevolent bully.”

                                                  ― Richard Dawkins, The God Delusion

                                                  1-IceTea 🌟

                                                    There is no 'holy war'
                                                    There is no glory in bloodshed.No holy in violence,anger,desire

                                                    If there is any religious,it should be only religious of love,to one self and all other. (and ALOT of religion state that CLEARLY)
                                                    Just human nowsday twisted it.

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                                                      that's the biggest issue for my example, if there's no god then you just justified slaughtering the neighboring kingdom for nothing by de-humanizing them as heratics.

                                                      dehumanizing someone and making it an ''us vs them'' is one of the easiest ways for a human's brain to do harm to someone.

                                                      example in dota, where people blame their teammates because they're ''russians, peruveans, pinoys etc.'' and they can easily harm them forgetting that there's people behind those monitors on the other side.

                                                      another example of de-humanisation is when i recently played a game on my other account.

                                                      our ogre went afk and because of that our timber went full out flaming for the whole game

                                                      30 min later he comes back telling us he had to help his dad.

                                                      it's easy to harm someone when you forget about their individuality and just mark it as a ''us vs them''

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                                                        Are you Agnostic, Cookie?


                                                          If there's 1 ppl in radiant side and 1 ppl in dire side praying for get higher mmr, who will win?
                                                          Simple, the team with booster in their side will win XD
                                                          So, Booster > God

                                                          But, i'll hate that man for afk whatever he do
                                                          No Kappa

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                                                            yep, i just don't care. if i'm a good person, i'm good for myself and other reasonable human beings.


                                                              @Cookie yeah, I agree. I'm from Pakistan btw, brought up in an orthodox Muslim household.

                                                              It's amazing to see how even very understanding, sensible and learned people can be completely blinded by religion. It's the power of the band-wagon, of emotional arguments, and blind trust in what your forefathers tell you.

                                                              I mean if I told my parents that I'm'd break their hearts
                                                              And if word got around some parts of my country....I could be lynched and murdered

                                                              I so wish I could escape to the west. Feel like I don't belong to my society.

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                                                                The same thing that drives our advancement drives our humanity and fear of the unknown. Humans cannot conquer religion.


                                                                  but does that give the right to religion to conquer humanity?

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                                                                    Religion is so deeply imbedded within our humanity. Humans cannot help but seek it out. The only time humans will conquer religion is when find a way to no longer die.

                                                                    Riguma Borusu

                                                                      @icetea: so it's only possible to associate good things with religion, despite religion claiming really bad things about itself to begin with? That's too much cherry picking for something to be taken serioiusly.

                                                                      @Cookie: The worst thing is, sometimes dehumanization isn't even necessary. It's possible to make an 'us vs them' scenario when the resources are limited, or when your existence is solely dependent on how good you are at killing people. In a war, it's easy to dehumanize your opponents, but even in war, it could be as simple as "look, I know they are doing this to defend their families just like I am, but I still have to kill them to secure my own".

                                                                      Life itself is cruel on a biological level, even if you completely disregard manipulation and ideology. It just gets worse with ideology like religion.

                                                                      The only time humans will conquer religion is when find a way to no longer die.

                                                                      Or they grow the fuck up and realize that everything dies, and they are not an all-important being that's supposed to persevere throughout eternity. You see, it's not all about living eternally, it's about understanding why you aren't supposed to, having the intelligence to understand where your place in an ecosystem is, etc.

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                                                                        only way for a human to conquer religion is to explain everything in the universe.

                                                                        it's a natural instinct for even the cave-men because they always had to be looking out for dangerous animals which would hunt them down.

                                                                        religion isn't inbeded into humanity, it's the instincts that tell us to keep surviving that are inbeded.

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                                                                        Riguma Borusu

                                                                          only way for a human to conquer religion is to explain everything in the universe.

                                                                          Wrong, people are still going to be religious. The number of people who believe conspiracy theories proves just that - no matter how much something is researched, a bunch of idiots is going to believe the exact opposite. It caters to their need to be wise and special. And they are probably anything but.

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                                                                            well if you're presented testable evidence for something like 2+2=4 and not choosing to believe it even if you can test it will just make you ignorant, there's always going to be ignorant people.

                                                                            but it takes a whole way of life and a community to pressure a lie onto you, but the truth can always be found and it's correct universally.

                                                                            the human brain is still evolving, ignorance & stupidity won't get you anywhere even in the current world. i wouldn't think that an advanced future human brain with higher processing power than our current wouldn't accept simple logic, that'd be just ridiculous.

                                                                            highest paying jobs aren't for those who can't learn.

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                                                                              U can have science tell u our place in life and nature. We know all that. We are still afraid of dying. U can't conquer that. Even the brave souls who don't care about dying are that way because of some form of spirituality. And no. Humans are not going to just grow up. Humans as a collective group cannot just grow up. Even if you do.


                                                                                if you made a time machine and took a cave man baby from the past, and brought it up in the current day, no matter how good you are at teaching he'd still be at possible best not retarded. and that's being generous on the assumption.

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                                                                                Riguma Borusu

                                                                                  2 + 2 = 4 is easily demonstrable to people just because it's easy to grasp

                                                                                  Climate change is easy demonstrable, because effects are obvious. But underlying causes are complex and intertwined.

                                                                                  Pointing that there indeed is condensation vapor in the air is easy. Convincing retards that it is just water and not neurotoxic nanoparticles is barely possible.

                                                                                  Evolution is easily demonstrable in a closed system and controlled conditions. But creationists are still in denial.

                                                                                  Just because something is easily demonstrable and you can display testable evidence to anyone, doesn't mean people are going to take you seriously, because majority of people don't give a shit about facts.

                                                                                  Even people who claim to be scientifically minded can have a conspiracy or two they believe in against all evidence, because they are emotionally bound to them, or base their life on them being true. This is how otherwise scientifically minded people end up religious.

                                                                                  Amd the truth being easy to find and available on multiple levels doesn't make it approachable by everyone - after all, if you're too stupid or indoctrinated to understand something or even pay mind to it, it's likely that you'll end up believing the earth is flat, GMOs kill kittens, chemtrails are really made by reptillian overlord jews who faked moon landing after travelling through time to set up 9/11.

                                                                                  Even though you called those people 'ignorant', and I agree with you on most things, I don't think that denying obvious things is ignorance, it's being batshit insane. It's more so a kind of a mental disorder where someone's brain doesn't function properly.

                                                                                  Even the brave souls who don't care about dying are that way because of some form of spirituality.

                                                                                  I don't care about dying because it's pointless. I'm not brave, nor am I in any way spiritual. It's just meaningless to think too much about something that you can't grasp in any way (like how it's to be dead), nor would I really mind going back to the state I was in for billions of years (non-existence). Also, death is an inevitability, being afraid of it is a survival technique so we do everything to preserve our lives so we can pass on our genes. But I don't care about passing my genes, I don't need to focus on the survival of my race, and I can ignore the very human fear of death because I do not think it is logical.

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                                                                                    You say it. But I highly doubt it. Sure we can be logical about it. But our drives and consciousness won't let us be free of it. I'm not talking about one individual. I'm talking about humanity as a collective. It is well established what happens after death. Nothing. But it doesn't resolve our need to survive and our fear of the unknown of what happens to "me", ie my consciousness. Can I just cease to exist?

                                                                                    Because we are conscious beings we cannot see beyond this. Just like how we cannot see beyond space time dimension we live in because that is all we know. Sure we can be really smart and try to go beyond those boundaries. But we are ultimately creatures of experience. Hence you are right about a lot of things. Like how we are bound by emotions. And humans are just irrational although we try not to be. There's too many things in our DNA that can corrupt pure rationality. Not many can achieve it, even if you can. And even then I fucking highly doubt it (you might have some god complex)


                                                                                      might as well land into full on SCI-FI here, but i think sooner or later humans will learn to upgrade their own DNA.

                                                                                      it's just a matter of time till we figure it all out IMO.

                                                                                      that would let us upgrade our own brain to understand higher concepts easily.

                                                                                      right now 2+2 might seem just ridiculously intuitive and stupid, but who knows in the future the knowing of every digit up to the billionth digit of PI would seem ridiculously easy.

                                                                                      so what im saying is, either by natural evolution or us hacking our own DNA, humans should be able to increase their intelligence such that stupid ignorance to facts would be useless.

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                                                                                      Riguma Borusu

                                                                                        And even then I fucking highly doubt it (you might have some god complex)

                                                                                        Quite the opposite, a god complex would include a notion of permanence, while what I described is human life being transient and insignificant in the long run. Your life only matters as much as you do to people around you and those who are going to care about you in some way after you die. Maybe you leave some technological legacy or some art, but that's about it. Some day you'll simply be gone, and you won't be able to feel anything, and we actually know this because we're aware that people can only think properly when their brains are intact, and only feel properly when their nerves are. Our thoughts are physical in nature, even if we try to subscribe them to some ethereal existence.

                                                                                        The death of matter (or well, decomposition of matter, I should say) is the death of consciousness, and if you understand anything about physics, chemistry, biology or neurology, you'll find no reason to believe otherwise...

                                                                                        ...unless you can't deal with the idea that you'll cease to exist someday.

                                                                                        It just requires a dose of humility, I guess. You don't have to be particularly smart or intelligent, you just have to realize that on the grand scale, you're small and insignificant, no matter how important you can be to those around you (this becomes an inspirational quote when you reverse it, however, so take it any way you will).

                                                                                        Este comentário foi editado

                                                                                          even if you stop existing after death(brain dead, no conscience to make existence a thing for you) it would be the same for me as before i was born.

                                                                                          you 'member anything before you were born?

                                                                                          you can read a history book, but that's information you've gained after you were born.

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                                                                                            i dont belive in after life or god but i try to follow some rules of religion (islam) that i think it makes me have a better, healthy and longer life.
                                                                                            basically religions are lifestyles and guildes for how to live your life the best. god, evil, heaven or hell is just a story.

                                                                                            Riguma Borusu

                                                                                              basically religions are lifestyles and guildes for how to live your life the best. god, evil, heaven or hell is just a story.

                                                                                              That's just cherry picking, pretty much. You choose what you like or can believe and then take everything at face value. That's not intellectually honest in the slightest. Still, if common decency doesn't occur to people without resorting to odd thousand year old writings, it's actually a huge problem.

                                                                                              Besides, a lot of religious teachings from those old dusty books in no way refer to modern life, only some really basic stuff (common decency). But those things aren't well enough emphasized in those books in first place, they are more so an after thought. In Christianity, 5 out of 10 commandments have to do with an arbitrary nonexistent being, in Islam, a lot of writings are about waging war on nonbelievers, and how they are bad people, and how women are inferior.

                                                                                              You can cherry pick something out of every religion, but that's kind of stupid, when you could've simply been a decent person to begin with. You're not forcing yourself not to kill because you read about that in a book. You have some emotional intelligence and empathy which keeps you from doing things you do not want others to do to you, it's much simpler and more honest.

                                                                                              even if you stop existing after death(brain dead, no conscience to make existence a thing for you) it would be the same for me as before i was born.
                                                                                              you 'member anything before you were born?
                                                                                              you can read a history book, but that's information you've gained after you were born.

                                                                                              Well, yes, one of the biggest arguments for why not to fear the state of being dead (not the act of dying, which is often painful, mind you), is that you've simply been 'dead' for way too long for you to care. We've all been 'dead' for a minimum of 13.8 billion years and obviously, yes, death = nonexistence.

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                                                                                                No one says they don't understand it. Logical folks all understand it. But it is still an unknown because all we've ever known is our own consciousness. The emotions, the representations of our identity, all biological driven as well. Fear is still a part of all living creatures. And logic cannot overrule fear. My point is that if you think it can, then you have some god complex (I don't mean it in the way you describe). Or to put it simply you overestimate yourself.

                                                                                                We can know what happens biologically after death. But our primitive brain cannot comprehend what this means for our identities. Ever wondered why people are so obsessed with leaving a legacy? This is magnified by humAns having the cognition to become aware of themselves and the world around them. Which is why I feel religion is a uniquely human thing, and non erasable.


                                                                                                  medically speaking(as i went to a medical high school) agony generally isn't painful

                                                                                                  well depends on how you die, if you die of old age(medically which is your organs failing at old ages) death isn't painful as your brain slowly shuts down.

                                                                                                  only can be if something kills you(stabing, shoting etc.) or if someone in the room tells you you're dying so you try to fight it.

                                                                                                  old age death actually isn't painful at all, as simply medically speaking your body just shuts down.

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                                                                                                  1-IceTea 🌟

                                                                                                    ' so it's only possible to associate good things with religion, despite religion claiming really bad things about itself to begin with? That's too much cherry picking for something to be taken serioiusly.'
                                                                                                    That is not the fact of religious,all of them begin with teaching on how to live a life of truthfulnes,righteousness,love,peace,mercy and sacrifice for other.
                                                                                                    That is no righteousness in ego and 'bad'. Is the person that twisted it origin and claims his self religious.
                                                                                                    Love is only religious - love for everything not a selfish love.
                                                                                                    Real religious person will be a most humble person.


                                                                                                      @1icetea depends on which religion you're from, there's thousands. some are peaceful, some are not.

                                                                                                      1-IceTea 🌟

                                                                                                        @nom nom
                                                                                                        Please don't try to influence other with your ignorance,study it deeply before you make any claim