General Discussion

General Discussion7.00 riki unplayable? Thoughts?

7.00 riki unplayable? Thoughts? in General Discussion
Gabba Gabba Games TTV

    With the change to diffusal is playing riki a thing of the past? No way to purge dust or check for a sentry seems like a bad pick now which sucks because he was my most played with a 70% wr... Technically you can maybe dodge sentries and dust with blink strike and ult but if you have to use all your abilities defensively if they have detection with no way to stop it makes him unplayable IMO


      I mean you could play around it or you could get another item that purges. Not actually sure if there are any others that will purge dust but those are your options. In no way is he unplayable.

      Gabba Gabba Games TTV

        How can you play around dust or a gem or sentries? Any competent team has them.


          Greaves might purge dust. Manta definitely purges dust


            more Mantastyle on riki now.

            Gabba Gabba Games TTV

              I mean you used to be able to play around detection by getting diffusal (there goes dust) then you can carry a gem and quelling blade (there goes sentries) and you're basically unkillable... but now you cant purge dust so you cant safely hold a gem so you have no way of knowing if you're in a sentry...... I still say he's just a loss waiting to happen if the enemy team is atleast a little competent

              Gabba Gabba Games TTV

                manta riki new meta boys


                  dude you play around it by not running into the middle of the enemy team when they have a gem. you play around it by playing like the enemy can see you.


                    if you become useless because the enemy bought a 900 gold item that they drop when they die then you're a terrible riki player

                    Gabba Gabba Games TTV

                      Lol how do you play around them having dust or sentries??? just never fight?

                      Gabba Gabba Games TTV

                        You've played 8 matches of riki and lost half im not quite sure you understand the mechanics


                          ur right..and difusal was nerfed mostly cause of Riki(if not only reason)..

                          Johnny Rico

                            buy euls


                              yeah i dont play riki very much. really only when i get him in single draft, but you have a lot more to offer to your team than just your invis. you have a silence and a slow, a blink that allows you to stay on a hero or get away from enemy heroes, you have a scaling aoe ult that can now with an aghs be casted on a teamate to maximize your damage as well as something that gives you another escape


                                riki is enormously buffed u fucking mongols.

                                the right way to play riki is you roam at level 1 and go win every lane. but the major downside is you end up being extremely low level and low gold until lane phase ends and you can get gold/exp from a teamfight.

                                but now because of bounty runes you are SO FUCKING STRONG. riki is a fucking god in this patch. i used to have 85% winrate on him, im sure i could get it to 90% this patch.

                                who fucking CARES about dust when you have EYEBALLS to scout that shit and not get dusted in the first place??? it's not like u don't have ur blink strike and ulti to escape with still. and if you are playing a roam riki you aren't the #1 priority target.

                                only ur 2k shitstain "carry riki" garbage is nerfed in this patch

                                Gabba Gabba Games TTV

                                  "dude you play around it by not running into the middle of the enemy team"

                                  "a blink that allows you to stay on a hero"

                                  "you have a silence and a slow"

                                  "you have a scaling aoe ult" (aghs for pocket riki seems is a meme (It may be used rarely like a luna aghs ) )

                                  You have to be close to do all of this and without a diffusal it seems difficult to stay close enough to actually contribute any of this unless like i said you your blink and ult to escape if they dust you (which then takes out a large part of your damage) The only solution really is a manta which cant be used to reliably purge dust because the cd is too long </3 which means you cant safely carry a gem making sentries a threat.

                                  I mean i could be wrong but i think riki was 100 % hit with the hardest nerf of the patch by far indirectly by nerfing diffusal something pretty much every riki bought

                                  Gabba Gabba Games TTV

                                    "riki is enormously buffed u fucking mongols.
                                    the right way to play riki is you roam at level 1 and go win every lane. but the major downside is you end up being extremely low level and low gold until lane phase ends and you can get gold/exp from a teamfight.
                                    but now because of bounty runes you are SO FUCKING STRONG. riki is a fucking god in this patch. i used to have 85% winrate on him, im sure i could get it to 90% this patch.
                                    who fucking CARES about dust when you have EYEBALLS to scout that shit and not get dusted in the first place??? it's not like u don't have ur blink strike and ulti to escape with still. and if you are playing a roam riki you aren't the #1 priority target.
                                    only ur 2k shitstain "carry riki" garbage is nerfed in this patch"

                                    But but but but i did play roaming riki....


                                      manta cooldown is what 20s on a mele hero. which is the same cooldown as dust which means that they need dust on multiple heroes and often even then people will double dust and you can purge off both at once and your good. If you play with your team then you should either have someone else to initiate for you or your team will be following you up. And aghs on riki actually seems to me like it could be very good. Jump in a sb or a pa or legion of even a tide hunter and they just jump on heroes and now its almost impossible for them to get out of your ult.

                                      Gabba Gabba Games TTV

                                        "only ur 2k shitstain "carry riki" garbage is nerfed in this patch"

                                        What decides if you're carry or not? looking at your riki games you dont support with items just sentries here or there and gem pick ups

                                        So how is your roaming riki different than mine? because my items? is it my fault if my items let me farm faster and win more than you so that makes me a core riki even though i roam and dont steal farm? your logic seems very bad.

                                        "and not get dusted in the first place???" <<<<<<<<<<<< This is legendary advice so i feel the need to share some of my own advice with you to make us even but dont tell anyone or it will be new meta! (In your next game.............. dont die)


                                          and even if you are playing a carry riki you probably have at least one other dps core unless you got fucked by single draft

                                          Gabba Gabba Games TTV

                                            "manta cooldown is what 20s on a mele hero" its 30 seconds <3


                                              okay still then you purge it off and if you get dusted 20 seconds later then its your fault. Either you should have run away because you dont have any backup or the teamfight should be pretty much over and you should be chasing down the stragglers, in which you shouldnt care if you get dusted because their not likely to kill you at this point, or you lost the teamfight and your either dead or getting the hell out of the area.


                                                72% is greater than 82% you heard it here first boys.

                                                also 72% in 1k is better than 82% in 5-6k L E L

                                                Gabba Gabba Games TTV

                                                  1.You say you had 82 first of all.... you don't currently so it means nothing.... you have a less than 70% win rate with less games played than me...

                                                  2. You've been playing the game for 4-5ish years and your 5k ive been playing for 1 and im 3k (2.9) sure the gap is huge but at least i know what playing core means something you clearly have yet to grasp seeing as how you couldn't tell i was roaming riki

                                                  3. But the saddest fact of all is that you sit around going from forum to forum arguing and trash talking tells me you have a really sad life so i pity you. So this Saturday night when you're sitting home alone resenting yourself, just know i feel sorry for you.

                                                  Este comentário foi editado

                                                    sir the only one ive seen in this topic that doesnt know how to dota is you


                                                      im 1k and even I can point out all the ways in which riki can play around teams that buy dust or sentries or gem

                                                      Gabba Gabba Games TTV

                                                        Then go play riki and show me at actual 1k they dont even buy dust so you'll be fine




                                                          sorry i don't spam riki?

                                                          1k player feels sorry for me XD

                                                          Este comentário foi editado



                                                              lmfao he thinks all-time winrate is how u check how good someone is.


                                                              Gabba Gabba Games TTV

                                                                Lmao you cant just pretend your other riki games didnt count you've been playing for 5ish years i've been playing for 1ish


                                                                  why not? I was garbage back then and I learned how to properly play him.

                                                                  if you don't understand how that works you're literally braindead.

                                                                  Gabba Gabba Games TTV

                                                           I can apply filters too my games too.... look i have a higher wr than you now


                                                                      battle fury riki lul

                                                                      Gabba Gabba Games TTV

                                                                        Lol it was so good though it let you farm plus carry a gem and instant deward near unkillable plus your ult did crazy damage with it <3


                                                                          yea ur literally a moron, no point arguing with you.

                                                                          Gabba Gabba Games TTV

                                                                            You seem mad about something

                                                                            All you've done was trash talk since you commented not saying anything to back up your claims didnt even bother to check i played roaming riki... Then claim you have a 82% wr with the hero by filtering how you want to... (If i filter to my last month as riki i have a 100% wr)
                                                                            And the worst part is my item timings, and kills, and assists, and gpm, and xpm are better than yours and you're 5k and im "a 2k shitstain"


                                                                              i think about rabbits

                                                                              Gabba Gabba Games TTV

                                                                                That's nice... I like rabbits



                                                                                  Gabba Gabba Games TTV

                                                                                    IDK this whole thread got off topic I just wanted a nice civil talk about the new riki </3


                                                                                      1) i told u my opinion. which diffusal isn't a big deal if u use ur eyes and position accordingly. the early game bounty runes makes riki much better in this meta.

                                                                                      2) u clearly are braindead if you think slightly higher GPM at 4000 less mmr is an accomplishment.

                                                                                      3) im not cherry picking stats. I simply sort by the previous year. No need to look at when I first started playing and have no idea what I'm doing. Imagine a chess player with 1000 matches. He started young as anyone does, plays with his friends and has a 50% winrate for 600 matches. He starts studying with a grandmaster, trains a lot and goes pro. The next 400 matches vs. his friends he has a 90% winrate. But with your logic, you think this player is only as good as his buddy steve who has a 66% winrate because you are a moron who uses all-time winrate.

                                                                                      you need to look at recent matches with a decent sample size to understand winrate. and winrate only applies at your current skill level. if you played riki with your moron battlefury build at 5k you would have a 10% winrate.

                                                                                      Este comentário foi editado

                                                                                        ofc now he cant purge but riki got buffed with these amount of bounty runes like you dont ever farm with riki sure u cs from here or there

                                                                                        Gabba Gabba Games TTV

                                                                                          "2) u clearly are braindead if you think slightly higher GPM at 4000 less mmr is an accomplishment."

                                                                                          It's a higher everything not just gpm which means statistically every single part of my riki is better than yours and that's even with you filtering it the way you want it (not your overall riki).... I don't understand why you're so defensive and hostile... Couldn't you have came in the thread and been like

                                                                                          "Yeah man, the diffusal blade hurts riki a bit. But with the bounty ruins it powers him up a lot too, also the way i play riki is roaming to ensure my team wins the lanes" rather than spitting garbage from your mouth?

                                                                                          Este comentário foi editado

                                                                                            yea ur hopeless.

                                                                                            ur right, ur riki is totally better than mine. see u at 6k


                                                                                              maybe it is

                                                                                              Gabba Gabba Games TTV

                                                                                                <3 im 3k now eventually i'll be there... the difference is i wont be on the forums trash talking players who played for a year (who play the hero better than me) it's not just even this thread you're like this on i've seen you in other threads posting stuff like this too...



                                                                                                But hey man I wish you luck with whatever makes you so angry all the time. maybe one day you'll get the attention you need




                                                                                                    guess what guys I have better gpm and xpm on my riki than op as well as more kills per game clearly I'm the better riki player


                                                                                                      that spunki flame Kappa