General Discussion

General Discussion7.00 riki unplayable? Thoughts?

7.00 riki unplayable? Thoughts? in General Discussion
Gabba Gabba Games TTV

    @bearcat Except you don't where as i actually do <3.... I don't have just better gpm/xpm than him i have better assists, kills, item timings, net worth, just compare each of our last 5 riki games i even smoke his damage by a ton.... but you can stay defensive (I'm not saying im the best riki by any means but i am saying every single stat on my riki is better than the random 5k mmr player trashtalking for no reason in my thread... i mean im shit at a lot of heroes I know that I can accept that)

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      Gabba Gabba Games TTV

        <3 love you babe


          I haven't played him much recently at all (I stopped after a terrible 5 game losing spree :( ) but have played him a few times over the past year and won 5/6 times. The times when I did go diffusal I don't think I ever used it to purge dust, only to keep people in the silence cloud. You usually would just ulti and then wait to blink strike out when you got dusted. I don't know if its that big a deal really, and as Marlan said playing him as a roamer seems to be more effective than laning him as a carry (the only time I lost over the past year was when I was laning him).


            ♡♡ i wanna join OP rekting 5k scrubs


              im going to be honest I actually went and checked and I do have a higher gpm xpm kills and assists than you. I cant say when I got my items because none of them are analyzed but in those catagories im better than you.

              Gabba Gabba Games TTV

                "I haven't played him much recently at all (I stopped after a terrible 5 game losing spree :( ) but have played him a few times over the past year and won 5/6 times. The times when I did go diffusal I don't think I ever used it to purge dust, only to keep people in the silence cloud. You usually would just ulti and then wait to blink strike out when you got dusted. I don't know if its that big a deal really, and as Marlan said playing him as a roamer seems to be more effective than laning him as a carry (the only time I lost over the past year was when I was laning him)."

                I do play him as roam.(I know my item builds make it look weird but i just roam) i sit mid for a minute or two then try to snipe cour as it comes to mid (I get it sometimes) then i go to the other lanes and help them win i dont play safelane riki it would be so hard to do... I mean the diffusal is still great for slowing people and killing them i didnt exclusively use it to diffuse myself.

                but either way it's nice to actually talk to someone who isn't flaming


                  and you know what yes you are probably a better riki player than I am because you have spamed the hero and are probably more skilled than I am. But I played all eight of those games without ever purging dust from myself and still did fine. I've also improved a shit ton since the last time I played riki. so trust me the hero is 100% playable without having difusal to purge.

                  Gabba Gabba Games TTV

                    Yeah but all your games are in casual.... people don't care as much in casual.... actually look at my last game...


                    i was stacked with 4 so we played casual.... There is a 0% chance i would have ever gotten close to that kind of match in ranked people just have fun there... (which is why i was able to go first item aghs and not lose) its also why i didnt have a ton more deaths people dont buy detection is casual. which is why im not gloating or saying i'm a good tree because i'm not it's kinda just how casual goes

                    im not saying you're a bad riki man just that you may not have played where people actually tried to kill you in the fights

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                    Kill yourself in the name...

                      they nerfed him and added this shitty talent tree.

                      Johnny Rico

                        If you think that you are fucked, probably when they pick Bounty and Slardar, just buy an euls, it works, i bought one time in a game agaisnt bh and slardar, i had my charges to gank/trap and enemy in the smoke, and when i got tracked/other i just used euls to purge the effect, and for a support riki it is kind of gud, since you dont have the mana to sustain, and euls grants you that needed regen, plus you can combo the euls with a lot of spells depending of your team composition.

                        Gabba Gabba Games TTV

                          I reaaaaaally like the -4s smokescreen cooldown in his skill tree it's actually pretty good but i just dont know about playing him man... that's why i wanted to gather the general opinion here to see if anyone had a good idea on how to get along without a diffusal

                          Gabba Gabba Games TTV

                            @hook & roll does euls purge dust/track...? am i dumb for not knowing this?

                            4pos pudge/grim only

                              yo dude, you literally complaining that you cannot self-purge dust with diffusal anymore, am i right? i used to play riki back then when diffusal have no cooldown and i quit using him when they increased the cd of diffusal by 5 seconds (everyone carry dust, i know the struggle of infinite dust). then i started playing bounty hunter. imo as an invisible roaming hero, dust, sentry and gem kinda fuck shit up for us but saying its unplayable sounds stupid lol. ive never bought any diffusal on my bounty, nor any dispell on him (except for grieves, but im buying it for my team) and i never have any problem when i was dusted or anything like that. if you dont know when to back off or when to strike, then getting dusted surely destroys you (and your 70%+ winrate whatsoever). and riki have even more escape mechanism than bh right. so whats with the complaint? riki is playable, as he always is, but he deserved that slight nerf. hes not your main damage dealer (unless your team dedicated you to be the hard carry LUL) so dont act "but i cant do anything in teamfight when im dusted" lol. and people dont buy diffusal on riki for the damage. its for the slow and purge so you can help the team, not only yourself. in conclusion, riki is still playable (suprise, suprise) but just cant get the dust out of his head (literally every problem invis hero having for a long time)

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                              Johnny Rico

                                yes, euls is a tornado effect, it purges almost everithing, i think it even purges some tipes of invis.

                                Johnny Rico

                                  Like invoker was the biggest enemy of omni, because tornado purged the repel and omni ult.

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                                  Gabba Gabba Games TTV

                                    I don't buy a dispell on bh either and have no complaints with him this patch i'll still play him but you play bh and riki drastically different IMO.... Yes i acknowledge riki has more escape but like i said earlier if you use all your abilities escaping is it worth using him rn. But thx for the tips


                                      u should buy dagon into rapier on riki

                                      Gabba Gabba Games TTV

                                        Lol my friend told me to go e-blade dagon rapier with riki today so it's funny you say that :D

                                        4pos pudge/grim only

                                          idk where tf is my sure ive post it here but i cant see it anywhere

                                          Johnny Rico

                                            saQil 12 minutes ago
                                            yo dude, you literally complaining that you cannot self-purge dust with diffusal anymore, am i right? i used to play riki back then when diffusal have no cooldown and i quit using him when they increased the cd of diffusal by 5 seconds (everyone carry dust, i know the struggle of infinite dust). then i started playing bounty hunter. imo as an invisible roaming hero, dust, sentry and gem kinda fuck shit up for us but saying its unplayable sounds stupid lol. ive never bought any diffusal on my bounty, nor any dispell on him (except for grieves, but im buying it for my team) and i never have any problem when i was dusted or anything like that. if you dont know when to back off or when to strike, then getting dusted surely destroys you (and your 70%+ winrate whatsoever). and riki have even more escape mechanism than bh right. so whats with the complaint? riki is playable, as he always is, but he deserved that slight nerf. hes not your main damage dealer (unless your team dedicated you to be the hard carry LUL) so dont act "but i cant do anything in teamfight when im dusted" lol. and people dont buy diffusal on riki for the damage. its for the slow and purge so you can help the team, not only yourself. in conclusion, riki is still playable (suprise, suprise) but just cant get the dust out of his head (literally every problem invis hero having for a long time)

                                            Gabba Gabba Games TTV

                                              @saQil your post is literally 6 above your most recent post asking where your post is


                                                honestly I think bhs tree is going to get nerfed hard real soon. if you can get to level 25 a right clicking bh seems godly because you can have a guarenteed crit every two attacks along with a slow. probably going to play him that way soon and see how it goes.

                                                Dire Wolf

                                                  riki got his overall like last year. Why would you compare stats older than that? op a year is plenty of time to learn dota and rank up. You are stagnant and properly rated

                                                  Super Speed Snail

                                                    You handle flamer quite nicely.

                                                    In here, mmr is everything. Even if you are right, your lower mmr will become target in any argument.

                                                    I not frequently played riki in ranked. Just doing it in norank and having fun killing heroes with diffu & deso without more thoughts on win rate.

                                                    Too bad my opinion will be rendered useless because I'm sucks. I'm just gonna wait and see you guys discussing about my favourite hero.

                                                    4pos pudge/grim only

                                                      yea lol i feel kinda stupid not noticing the next page button. im so embarrassed right now. im quitting dota forever. BYE ALL. btw to answer your question, even if you used your escape mechanism just defensively, its not that bad. i mean, using riki's ult with bf in a stack of enemy is pretty tempting, but its the same like running in the enemy team with bounty just to throw shuriken and jinada proc. both can be used defensively and offensively, and it depend on situations. if you alone and see 5 enemy running to you, you gtfo there. but if you all smoked together and fight as 5, i cant see any problem using your skills offensively.

                                                      Gabba Gabba Games TTV

                                                        @direwolf Imo the builds didnt even change that much for riki after the overhall so i don't think it to be a HUGE factor :D i mean theres no need to call people stagnant man my mmr has been increasing steadily.... you've been playing since 2012 you're about my mmr some would argue you're the stagnant one

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                                                          Ur mmr isnt everything. I have a low mmr and i dont always say stupid shit and then endlessly try to justify it if i do. Ots not abt his 3k mmr, its abt his autistic mentaility abt asking a QUESTION (inplying u want to know as u dont know already) then fucking ARGUING when more skilled and experienced players give a response with justification. This kinda shit triggers me so much. Btw just go urn into diffusal into lotus orb. Purge dust with lotus and prevent them from disabling u. U can also (i think) urn then ulti for full heal. After lotus u cud get maybe a skadi if u snowballed hard (but rlly luxury, kinda 1k shenanigans), or maybe vlads or other utility items. Also it doesnt matter if they dust u or whatever cuz ur so slippery, and as roaming riki u set up the kills. If its a gank u shud usually get the initiative and jump em with a gem/sentries to know if ur walking into a trap then kill em with ur team. In later game teamfights ur death is not a HUGE DEAL, cuz ur a low farm roaming support, as long as u set up kills and put ur carries in a better position u did ur job. U cud even buy blink dagger so if they dust u just ulti like phase shift then blink out.


                                                            idk why im still here

                                                            but apparently according to ur guys logic im better than shadow on antimage

                                                            him ( )

                                                            me ( )


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                                                            Gabba Gabba Games TTV

                                                              Hi again buddy :D i missed you too <3 you're telling me if you had to pick an antimage there just looking at the stats not knowing MMR or who the player was you wouldnt say the one with higher stats and wr was better? You would everyone would

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                                                                And if u use ur VERY LOW CD escapes to LIVE then cast em again in a teamfight after u buy time for ur team to respond then yes it is 100% worth it. If u jebait a disable or some other high cd ability it is worth it. If the enemy dies and ur carry lives and u die it is worth it


                                                                  Also mmr isnt a fucking linear graph. U dont just increase forever, and if u dont try for it u wont climb very far. So if marlan is tryharding and not climbing (though it is a new patch so it isnt entirely right for now) it doesnt mean he is stagnating. If he reached his highest potential mmr then he isnt stagnating. People talk abt time dofference between them getting their mmr and someone else getting theirs saying their improving faster. It takes longer to climb from 4k to 5k than it does to climb from 3k to 4k, and it takes longer to climb from 3k to 4k than it does to climb from 2k to 3k.


                                                                    And no i wouldnt cuz i have a 100% necro winrate and i bet im not better than Blink on necro. Does he have a 100% winrate? No. But i have 12 games in sub 1k bracket but he has way more games in a way higher bracket. If u judge things by half the picture then YOUR THE RETARD
                                                                    Edit: in response to @OP post abt judging shadow and marlan am winrate

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                                                                    Gabba Gabba Games TTV

                                                                      I didnt say he was....

                                                                      Gabba Gabba Games TTV

                                                                        Im going to be honest with you buddy your all over the place and i'm having a hard time understanding you... (and all your necro games are in unranked) Either way i'd reallllllllllly like this thread to go back to talking about riki he's still my favorite hero i'd like to know how you guys planto play him

                                                                        4pos pudge/grim only

                                                                          my plan to play riki: i dont

                                                                          start spamming bh and you will see how much you contribute to the team. riki is dead son. DEAD

                                                                          Johnny Rico

                                                                            daddy you say a lot of stupid shit LUL

                                                                              Esse comentário foi removido por um moderador

                                                                                I think I may try out manta the only problem is manta is very expensive for a 4 position Riki , I guess the extra bounty runes should help get him there faster though . Actually I dunno if manta would even be worth rushing , since you won't have anything to hold people in your smoke cloud, I kinda think you still gotta go diffussal first.


                                                                                  Ye cuz im stupid boi dont listen to me i have 700 mmr. And like i said if i say something stupid and people correct me then I FUCKING LISTEN instead of ARGUING. Im fucking TRIGGERED

                                                                                  Gabba Gabba Games TTV

                                                                                    @filthy yeah even getting to the point of having manta is going to suck </3


                                                                                      go euls then or lotus their cheaper than manta they just dont give real useful stats


                                                                                        Ye lotus does. Euls is too far down the mana rout, riki doesnt need that much mana. Lotus orb armor is rlly handy, and the active is way better than disabling urself with euls.


                                                                                          And euls costs a lot of mana too


                                                                                            Ya lotus helps alot
                                                                                            But then again, good luck getting lotus before 20 min like how you usually get diffusal


                                                                                              Played 2 7.00 games with Riki on enemy team already. And I fucking hate that hero in this meta. Seems broken. Anyone know how to deal with those Riki and slarkfkn pickers?


                                                                                                U dont need to rush these items. Just go urn diffusal lotus orb.

                                                                                                Good Luck

                                                                                                  riki is bad after nerf now with new map he is excelent roaming u can steal Bounty and +250 cast range +20 exp and - 4s smoke screen its amazing, and with aether lens u got like free swap every 5 sec, and with new patch diffusal its ez very ez to kill support ( u can cast smoke in 1000 range with talent and aether lens)


                                                                                                    riki unplayable?

                                                                                                    is it my birthday?

                                                                                                    Good Luck

                                                                                                      do not take talent damage u still lose compare another carry, go support talent and feel amazing Blink strike already 700 range +250 range talent + 225 aether lens, its very easy to catch enemy support who play very safe and -4s smoke screen u feel like free refresher orb
                                                                                                      on smoke screen, and u can cast it at 1100 range but first u most got talent extra +25 % exp rather than 10 agility, buy every tome and join every kill u got lvl faster than a midlaner

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