General Discussion

General DiscussionEcho Sabre AM (no BF)

Echo Sabre AM (no BF) in General Discussion

    A useful and efficient way to do things is consider the opinions of ppl who know more than u, of course. It's useful, but an expert may not always be right. Think for yourself.

    It is useful to consider the opinions of those lesser than u to be worthless. But it is extremely foolish not to think for yourself, if it may be the case that the idiot is right. Life is full of such lessons.

    Maybe when u graduate from school u will learn It the hard way. A useful tip is not to be a dick without using your brain first to decide who is who first. Or just think for yourself without all the cognitive biases, that usually works


      Lmao. Unnamed. Okay. Way to completely miss the point. Rofl.


        hey guys look I'm a 6 year old boy and I give advice on how to live n shit to 30 year old adults, cuz why the fuck not? NORMAL SKILL


          Im not giving advice, just my opinion. If i am wrong then tell me why and its all good.


            ^hahahahahaha afeect

            Oh gold. The number of ppl who think their smart because of their epeen number is way too high right now.

            At this point I haven't actually given a single serious dota comment for you to judge my knowledge on. It's not even about dota at this point, and you people are just relying on stereotypes of what the number on my page tells you, to say completely irrelevant stuff. Could you not completely embody what I've been saying any more than that? could u people not be any dumber ?

            Este comentário foi editado

              @tasaina +1. But anyhow.., There can be a difference between theory and practice in skills. I don't think all the casters are pro players etc.


                1325 xDD make it 1337 some day


                  ^ hope so bro. Teach me?

                  one syllable anglo-saxon

                    Could any of u be any more dumb?

                    yes we could be 1325 solo mmr and
                    advise VHS players all the time. because they are usually wrong about a lot of things.


                      Everytime someone on this forum mentions my mmr to validate their argument my dick gets hard.


                        is it just as small as ur mmr?


                          @aFeect, ohhh, not gonna lie that was.. damn! xD


                            I can see that my english is abit messy so here is an exemple (theory vs practice:)

                            Gardiola can't play for City, but he sure knows how to make a player better.

                            A men without arms can't detonate a bomb, but he can explain someone else how to do it.

                            Yiiiha, Im out : ) peace

                            doc joferlyn simp

                              is being low mmr but steadily rising still bad

                              Millicent of Scarlet Aeonia

                                Some normal skill players must be glad to being answered after saying all of those shitty advices.


                                  Can we talk abt echo sabre on am, instead of this shit. Start another topic.

                                  reaL stöge :D

                                    ROFL so Dota 2 MMR equals to your IQ :D That sounds so virgin to me
                                    smart and intelligent people don't play dota anyway

                                    Este comentário foi editado

                                      Jennmenn the true philosopher.
                                      @afeect. I'm from SEA, what do you think?
                                      On topic. Id actually like to hear people's thoughts on why echo might be plausible on am.


                                        BLACK^ MADE THIS BUILD EARLY THIS YEAR, IT WAS GOOD.

                                        Dune, the Desert Planet

                                          It might be plausible cause it fucking works. With Vanguard and Sabre you are tanky and deal decent damage. Sabre gives mana regen combined with PT switching. Sabre accelerates your farm and allows you to fight with maxed feedback you burn a lot of mana fast + slow people.

                                          I intentionally picked AM into worst possible heroes: Sven, Lion, Rhasta, Void, Beast Master, Earth Spirit, Bloodseeker. All of them are problematic for AM and yet 7 win streak.

                                          doc joferlyn simp

                                            need a specific guide for this lmfao, about to go on a match marathon would like to see if this is legit


                                              accelerates ur farm? But you skip bf because u get echo. Want to be tankier? Why not just get DL instead? The only thing I see is maybe mana. And if u already attack fast how much more effective does that item make u?


                                                early game u dont attack fast enough so echo sabre should help to get some kills early

                                                  Esse comentário foi removido por um moderador
                                                  casual gamer

                                                    with echo sabre and iron talon im sure u are not the insane farm vacuum u would be but still farm fast as other hero

                                                    doc joferlyn simp

                                                      so is this idea legit or nah?

                                                      Fee Too Pee

                                                        Probably very interesting with 5 winstreak works in 5k solo mmr. I will try this. This is actually legit with those kda and win streaks

                                                        doc joferlyn simp

                                                          im doinbg this build what is my playstyle

                                                          doc joferlyn simp

                                                            ayy success


                                                              maybe eblade am next trend


                                                                Many forget that echo sabre costs 2.8k gold. I am pretty sure it will get you manta faster than BF would and maybe even basher(unless supports are stacking a lot for you). I like this build, tho what's your order for vanguard, vlads and yasha?


                                                                  Ad hominem is a logical fallacy

                                                                  Vem Comigo

                                                                    Who the fuck cares about skill, i only play dota with one hand while i masturbate with the other, plus i am like 100k material

                                                                    Kill yourself in the name...


                                                                      Fee Too Pee

                                                                        tried the build
                                                                        PT + Vang let you farm echo fast , 14 minute u got PT + Vang + Echo you can blink often with echo mana , sustain for ancient farming which u cannot sustain with only pt + bf . u can farm fast with echo + blink + ancient farm faster. give you poorman basher which am greatly need

                                                                        i am a terrible AM (37 winrate ) because i love to play aggreisf and i always die because i tried to kill heroes not focus creep
                                                                        vs AM counter : PA , Omni

                                                                        managed to own


                                                                          man, mana is actually a lot more important on AM than i thought

                                                                          Vem Comigo

                                                                            ^yes blink, and the ult, early game it is a 200-300 dmg nuke, late game it can do more than 1.5k dmg(balance)

                                                                            \\  VintageR  \\

                                                                              i completely agree, am echo sabre is legit, with some orb of veno + extra slow and phase boots u can ensure to kill almost any support or assure a core kill with ulti, beautiful, wonderful, such an item imo, but every game i get echo sabre after that i get like 6-7 reports evene nmies report me like wtf echo am what a fucking noob


                                                                                I tried and this turned out to be very cool. Didnt lose much of farm speed (350 creeps at 40 min) while almost non-stop fighting