General Discussion

General DiscussionEcho Sabre AM (no BF)

Echo Sabre AM (no BF) in General Discussion

    2016 version of anti mage slahser build I guess


      Seems ultra retarded and bad in my opinion but if it works for you than okay.


        phase vanguard manta linkens abyssal bloodthorn is my mid am build

        sometimes a silver edge in between



          doc joferlyn simp

            what's your build and optimal item timings?

            Dune, the Desert Planet

              PT/Vanguard or Vanguard/PT depending on the lane. Then get Ogre Axe and complete Sabre, after ES go for Manta and then make Abyssal. Afterwards you go for whatever you need (Fly, AC, Linken, BKB).

              PT, Vanguard and Sabre timing should be same as BF timing, aka 12-14 mins or so.

              one syllable anglo-saxon

                isn't it way better to go oblivion before ogreaxe first especially on am

                lp pesok #2

                  When this Echo Sabre patch came out, Allison said this and nobody believed him


                    No thanks


                      seems good if am can 6 slotted in 30 min mark if not bad


                        I can support a fighting am but i wouldnt build echo. Vanguard yasha manta abyssal. After that it all depends. Ac, butter, heart, mkb, bkb, linkens. I was even thinking abt radiance (though that is WAY out there, probably bad, but u cud get it with octa for manta rat like a naga?) and sny for more early game health. Maybe late game bloodthorn or crits? Maybe heart? Maybe even mjollnir against pl.


                          Am doesnt hit hard enough to warrant an echo imo. The stats r rlly nice but maybe aquila instead. Vanguard gets u the health u need, u might need ur teams arcanes a bit but mana wise a bottle shud do too.


                            The returns u get for the item on hero like am seems low. Could just be am is a good hero now. Skipping bf is always viable if u can fight earlier. Try DL on him instead of echo u will still win games.

                            Bow to your daddy

                              ^ a normal skill player (daddy) give an advice to a VHS player #seemsgood :v


                                I advise VHS players all the time. because they are usually wrong about a lot of things. Like how is aghs not core on blood seeker?


                                  you're so good jacked why do you have a 6 loss streak? you deserve ot be 5k


                                    Nah man naaaah


                                      Just because someone is 5k they are always right about something
                                      Use your brain and analyze what is the most efficient, only good, or horrible instead of blindly following the mighty blue star


                                        Dog shiet


                                          I definitely deserve to be 5k because the loss streak was due to teammates. LUl


                                            Wow you should be 5k your team is obviously holding you back


                                              Gonna test


                                                Bws, obviously bro. Obviously xD


                                                  dunno man vanguard just works better for me if I want to play him the other way.


                                                    Jacked u just needs to play more and forum less and you get 5k in no time. Your head is in the right place, thats 4 sure


                                                      ^hahaha thx for the luls bro. My head is hardly in the right place. I would play more if I didn't have to work. And I would forum less if I could play more. 1v1 me m8?


                                                        I would love to play more myself.. Work nd gf is taking up to much time, its hard to become a grownup ;)
                                                        I 1v2 you m8, bring a friend!


                                                          God damn I was just feigning manliness. Ur obviously alpha and I'm sorry


                                                            Thats right, sit down son ;)


                                                              From a purely theoretical standpoint if would seem to be bad. But hey, if it works for you.

                                                              Dune, the Desert Planet

                                                                Why is this forum plagued by low skilled players who think they know anything about Dota? When in reality you just run around the map doing nothing and hoping that enemy team will have the last throw in the hour long game of throws.




                                                                    Mr "Positive", feck u talking ab?


                                                                      u wot m8? in case you're forgetting, elitist blue star little shit. u represent a minuscule proportion of the entire dota population.

                                                                      don't forget u were once normal skill too. u guys are starting to sound a lot like the american spastics who cry about immigration without realizing they were immigrants themselves.


                                                                      Dune, the Desert Planet

                                                                        @Kitrak, are you serious or trolling? Seems legit tho. I love Silver Edge idea.


                                                                          ^ if it were anyone other than KR posting the same thing it would be 100% "low skilled plauyers who think they know anything about dota" LUL.


                                                                            Salty mood here today, I like it alot! Jacked stay off that sosialistic shii, two x wrong dosent make it right ;)
                                                                            Mr Positive, IRL im a notorious player (6k mmr atleast.) Manners or will come tap your gf when you get one in ab 10 years.

                                                                            one syllable anglo-saxon

                                                                              ^ if it were anyone other than KR posting the same thing it would be 100% "low skilled plauyers who think they know anything about dota" LUL.

                                                                              maybe it's because kitrak isn't a low skilled player, genius


                                                                                nah he's low skilled af fucking NORMAL SKILL


                                                                                  Why do valve name it Normal Skill?
                                                                                  Seems like they're too nice with the name
                                                                                  If it was named "Low Skill" I'm sure a lot of people would get motivated to increase their MMR

                                                                                  one syllable anglo-saxon

                                                                                    what about "kys skill"


                                                                                      U r right jennmenn. Irl I'm 6k mmr and get all the bitches. @unnamned. That's my point innit. U judge the same completely worthless statement differently based on who u think said it. It's a cognitive bias that affects your ability to think analytically and properly for yourself. that's my point. Not trying to argue about whether what anyone says is right or wrong


                                                                                        Im actually fine with this

                                                                                        Dune, the Desert Planet

                                                                                          if it were anyone other than KR posting the same thing it would be 100% "low skilled plauyers who think they know anything about dota" LUL.

                                                                                          Maybe cause he's 7k overlord and not a 1k shitlord and his suggestions should be considered?

                                                                                          It still works , 5 win streak (actually 6, but I won't count first game cause I had no game impact at all).

                                                                                          Dune, the Desert Planet

                                                                                            @Kolac, stvarno je funkcionalan build. Barem tako deluje.

                                                                                            Dune, the Desert Planet

                                                                                              Another thing that can be useful is Orb of Venom.


                                                                                                Jel igras solo ili party?

                                                                                                Dune, the Desert Planet

                                                                                                  Igram i jedno i drugo, kako kad. Add cu te, pa mozemo da cepamo nekad. Vec smo igrali jednom u solo que, doduse nisam imao nikakav impact iks de.

                                                                                                  one syllable anglo-saxon

                                                                                                    U r right jennmenn. Irl I'm 6k mmr and get all the bitches. @unnamned. That's my point innit. U judge the same completely worthless statement differently based on who u think said it. It's a cognitive bias that affects your ability to think analytically and properly for yourself. that's my point. Not trying to argue about whether what anyone says is right or wrong

                                                                                                    LMAO so listening to someone who is objectively good at smth while disregarding advice of someone who's objectively shit at something(1325 solo mmr) is a bad thing and shouldn't be done OKAY THANKS BYE

                                                                                                    btw i think it is safe to say at that point that anyone who stays low mmr AND constantly theorizes, gives advice and uses "analysis" is a stupid person IRL


                                                                                                      @UnnamedPlayer, damn dude, a little to harsh?