General Discussion

General DiscussionAnyone who wants 4k should play Riki, seriously

Anyone who wants 4k should play Riki, seriously in General Discussion

    Like it's so easy to climb with him.

    So far over 70% winrate with him, and he mostly helped me climb from almost 3.4k to 3850.

    It's never been easier to hit 4k, holy shit. This guy is crazy in 3k guys.

    On the other hand, I'm losing every game with Slark... :D


      You don't need any skill to play this guy, tbh.


        Don't need any skill to play him? lul


          Just don't be a retard and you'll do just fine.

          He really doesn't require any skill to be good with him.


            Not being a retard is a skill
            This is why NS people are stuck in NS

            < blank >

              You doomed yourself



                Lmao. :D

                < blank >

                  Things go good until people posting about it, then it goes downhill


                    We'll see.

                    doc joferlyn simp

                      can vouch for this, riki most braindead hero. even when i was playing for ze lolz with my friends ie 1600 solo mmr i still maintained a 60% winrate on him

                      casual gamer

                        gr8 hero, super game winning actually

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                            For the whole years Ive been playing dota1 and now when I play dota2 people complain about riki. Uhm its sad that so many people complain only because its INVI hero.
                            Looking on his stats and how easy you coutner riki I dont know why you people cry so much. Oh, I know. People are 2 greedy to spend 200 gold for wards. Seriously, any fed carry can smash riki. MKB counters forg and some HP and armor counters his ulti.
                            OFC, in some cases riki will own but tbh, which carry wouldnt. Its all about map possitioning and knowing your role. If you are support and you walk all over the map like a dumb, no wodner you get ganked. Duh.
                            But back to case, yes riki is awesome hero to own especially in NS, but when enemie supports know how to play against riki then there will be no chance riki getting fed.

                            Riguma Borusu

                              ^this kind of thinking is why you're in NS in first place

                              In case of riki, there's nothing stopping you from carrying sentries yourself along with tangos and a quelling blade, and depending on your angle of entry into the lane, you might be able to immediately look out for their sentries to deward immediatelly with a tango or quelling blade, and you won't even reveal yourself doing this if you position perfectly by abusing trees and hg vision.

                              When people start putting down sentries, if you have a riki on your team, you're kinda winning the economy game even if you deward because you can play very sacrificially and purchase sentries yourself since you'll be able to get some gold and exp from kills, which are only possible because you're dewarding in first place. So it's not just that "riki noob hero good vs noobs", riki can be good against very good players, if you're one yourself. I've seen a lot of streams where the roaming riki completely dominates games, and those games are 6k+ average, so are you going to say it's a noob hero that's only good because it's invis? In fact, his most powerful asset is rather the pressure he can inflict by people not knowing WHERE HE IS, so he suddenly pops a silence on a few heroes and wins a fight or a small engagement. Riki is really not all about invisibility, he's just really good at a time when nobody can deal with his silence, and he'll also force the other team to itemize in suboptimal ways and spend a ton of money on detection to begin with. He's also really annoying if you pick a slow mid hero prone to silences, so even if your mid hero is superior to theirs (say, a tinker vs shadow fiend matchup), you just might lose the lane because riki is constantly camping you and you can't do things as freely as you would want to, you don't get free and easy rune control and so on.

                              Also, you do not really counter riki by an MKB in a lot of cases, but rather a BKB, because silence and slow can be more detrimental than the miss chance in a lot of cases. You also do not really want to lose any mana to him. You want force staves on your supports and maybe on yourself if you play a hero it goes well with (OD for example). The slow and silence have a lingering effect so even if you force staff out of it, it might take too much time before you can actually use any spell and you could already be dead at that point if riki's team is smart at playing around him.

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                              Full Давай

                                Pick techies to balance out support net worth

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                                M U R D E R

                                  wel if you let riki get ahead u can just lose in mid game around 10-20mins

                                  but yeah there are plenty of ways to shut him down, ways that 3k scrubs don't utilise.

                                  however the skill cap on playing riki is also high so a skilled player is hard to counter rly

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                                    3.9k guys, never had easier time reaching 4k.. Damn if it was this easy last time I got my 4k..

                                    Riki is awesome.


                                      I got wrecked by a good riki support before even when our team had alot of detection
                                      He has some decent skillcap tbh as a roaming support
                                      Carry riki is dogshit


                                        @bws are you meaneed you are retard by yourself to yourself?

                                        @Vertoxity but on your profile you only have 3.8k and 59% win rate on riki

                                        Livin' Real Good

                                          ^ Why would he be lying, he probably lost one match and hit 3.8K. lol

                                          I'ma start playing Riki, he's so fucking cheap and easy to use, and can do so much with little items.

                                          Even the +6 agility he gets from a Poor Man shield + damage block + 1 armor is so good on him.

                                          I'll play him after I get out of low priority, i'm at 4.3, now I have to finish 4 fucking low pro games.


                                            just download a game from zdonfrank the 6k riki spammer and copy his playstyle. ez mmrino


                                              I will not offer my soul to spam riki martin.
                                              Go away, Satan, you have no power over me.

                                              Still, omni spammer might be worse tbh.


                                                Gameplay wise, of course
                                                Understanding that you're dogshit is the first step of improving


                                                  Force staff

                                                  Win game.


                                                    When I said I got over 70% winrate I thought this month, not overall-global winrate.

                                                    And I am 3.9k, it's just that Dotabuff didn't update my +25 I got few hours ago. Idk why.

                                                    Este comentário foi editado
                                                    M U R D E R

                                                      So I just checked your riki games...

                                                      Try to recall, how many times you were facing competent duo supports, get force staffs against you,picked properly(assuming not last pick)?(slardar and bounty hunter is riki advantage btw)

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                                                        Slardar and BH can't be Riki's advantage, but it's not hard to play against them either.

                                                        I don't remember I had competent supports. I do remember they wareded with setries and that they bought dusts, but tbh, so my team-mates did, so it wasn't like they didn't try to counter me.

                                                        Force stuffs? I remember a few, but tbh, once I get diffusal blade and echo sabbre, I can catch them even if they forcestuff away.


                                                          Took me 9 days to go from 3.5k to 4022 MMR.

                                                          Total of 20 matches played with Riki, 80% winrate(this month, only ranked)

                                                          A few Shadow Fiend games, and one Zeus game.

                                                          Instead of making smurfs just play Riki and git gud, it's actually pretty easy to get 4k with right mentallity and proper picks.

                                                          Este comentário foi editado

                                                            U play as a support or as a carry though?


                                                              Most of the time it's dual-offlane, I'm not buying supports items. I do buy wards/sentries to counter theirs tho.

                                                              Fox McCloud

                                                                Anyone actually play support riki and succeed?

                                                                Especialy with the recent smoke screen nerf he just feels so weak as a level 3-4 roamer.

                                                                Maybe dual offlane - damage dealer was always the way to go in pubs.


                                                                  I am getting to 4k by trying to last pick and adapting to the team. (if I can).

                                                                  Working out for me.


                                                                    i should spam riki to 6k luL

                                                                    casual gamer

                                                                      ^ I played against ur riki once and i wanted to shoot myself


                                                                        was it that bad? xd

                                                                        casual gamer

                                                                          you sniped the courier min 1, killed axe twice and stole his tranqs, then killed antimage

                                                                          meanwhile im mega tilted treant protector just trying to afk farm aghs rofl


                                                                            i mean i dont have any fucking idea how we lost that. that jugg was beyond useless :D!

                                                                            and those tranquils man HOLY FUCk i was getting SO TRIGGERED.

                                                                            he had the tranquils placed DIRECTLY under his feet. and his player model wouldn't let me click on them. I literally stood there for like fucking 10 WHOLE SECONDS trying to click on his tranquils without accidentally attacking axe...aeghy 4328hty432h8y4h
                                                                            IM STILL TRIGGERED BY THIS

                                                                            Este comentário foi editado
                                                                            M U R D E R


                                                                              Slardar and BH can't be Riki's advantage, but it's not hard to play against them either.

                                                                              I don't remember I had competent supports. I do remember they wareded with setries and that they bought dusts, but tbh, so my team-mates did, so it wasn't like they didn't try to counter me.

                                                                              Force stuffs? I remember a few, but tbh, once I get diffusal blade and echo sabbre, I can catch them even if they forcestuff away.

                                                                              it's not rikis direct advantage, but advantage to the rikis team. they commit 2 picks to counter a position 3-4, and don't even manage that (because riki can easily kill both bounty and slardar).

                                                                              I checked some of your games, you didn't really have any serious counter-strats (lion only one game, when that hero is pretty much beast at countering riki if played well) which explains your abysmal winrate.

                                                                              but i do agree that you can easily get into vhs by spamming riki if you're good, i'm planning to do that myself when i unlock ranked. but i don't like spamming heroes truth be told.

                                                                              on another note, my retard captain just picked a riki pos 1 -_-

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                                                                                some ppl say Slardar/BH is an advantage because then their team won't buy detection,b ut I think that's BS.

                                                                                I play enough BH/Slardar to think I'm good and you definitely still buy dust on them. You can't amp/track what you can't see. And usually 5k+ supports still buy sentries.


                                                                                  Lul riki weakness is an early sentries in lane. Dats why i buy blue ward as ursa so there is no escape for riki lul...



                                                                                    Don't forget that I also always buy sentries to deward..


                                                                                      Thats how riki is going supports wannabe lol... i even have seen nyx buy blue ward to avenge me as cm pro tactical ward. Before that, nyx going vendetta and i just gone tactical warding to rekt nyx together with ally carry

                                                                                      yung griphook

                                                                                        pos 4 riki you mean?

                                                                                        M U R D E R

                                                                                          Most of the time it's dual-offlane, I'm not buying supports items. I do buy wards/sentries to counter theirs tho.

                                                                                          i think he means 3.


                                                                                            It's 3, yeah.

                                                                                            Black EYES, that's true, and I agree.(about BH anD Slardar)

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                                                                                              3k scrub feeling good about riki when he is just lucky to win.


                                                                                                90% win is not a chance

                                                                                                King of Low Prio

                                                                                                  you need heroes like lion or skywrath to deal with riki. BH and slardar are awful vs riki

                                                                                                  Injoker Slayer

                                                                                                    one thing for sure. if you use riki, enemy support wont stand a chance to gather their gold for their items, they will continue to buys sentries, of which, will give your team advantage to kill them easier.

                                                                                                    Besn1q 3.0

                                                                                                      You dropped from 4k to 3.4k? holy shit.