General Discussion

General DiscussionMaximum starting (calibrated) MMR 2016?

Maximum starting (calibrated) MMR 2016? in General Discussion
mr octupus

    @makingplays 3.71 ave death is insane bro!

    anyone can predict my mmr? im just smurfing around.

    when my team saw my name, they literally cry. hahaha.

    edit: my other game with normal and high skill is only party with my friends. all of my solo is vhs exept from my first 5games.

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      I must imagine you meant that 3.71 avg deaths are insanely low? Or am i wrong?

      As for your mmr, 3.9k flat.

      Btw i got an update on this topic (can't say where did i get info), max calibrated MMR is 5.5k, or at least it should be.

      Meat Spinner

        Uve got impressive stats ! I m just curious bout avg of your first calibration match


          Thanks, we will see about that, i'm curious too...

          fuck you

            Pozdrav ili ti ga greets however u want ;p
            I've been doing this stuff a lot in the recent time, making accounts + calibrating them and then selling them. Like everyone already said the mmr bracket is already defined just after a few matches on the account. I've calibrated 5 accounts this year and the results were around 4.5k and the last one was 4.8. However the maximum number of mmr after calibration games is still 5k. I've been totally researching this a lot of time and even had a case where one of my friends (who is over 7k) told me that his first 2 calibration games were around 5.1k, and even tho he did very well in them the result in the end was below 5k because the system just works like that. The point is that your games CAN BE approx 5k while calibrating but the final result will always be under 5k. However even if u calibrate over 4.5k u can easily climb over 5k in a few weeks. I am saying this because I and whoever else u ask will say the same. 4k - 4.5k is the most toxic bracket in dota and everyone who was there can confirm it. The amount of flame and stupid picks are insane and a ton of smurfs get into that bracket as well which makes the bracket even more and more toxic. Everyone thinks that he's the best and he belongs to 5k. In case u calibrate over 4.5k, let's say ~4.8 u should not have any problems by climbing to 5.5k or even 6k, because it's not even comparable to the 4-4.5 bracket in sense of the attitude of people. However, everyone who said to u that he calibrated over 5k in this year or in the past months is obviously lying and there's no proof of that. When the game came out it was actually so easy to calibrate over 5k (if u are skilled of course) because there were no limits and there were thing like Zeus abuse and the most recent one Oracle abuse (which is fixed now thank god)

            Ako imas jos pitanja, feel free to ask.


              So my question would be what my stats need to look like to calibrate 5k (4999) then?

              Thanks for long and detailed answer.

              Other than that, do you have any examples (dotabuff link+calibrated mmr) for me?

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              fuck you

                Currently nothing in your unranked games. Depends on the 10 calibration games NOW. Damage > KDA > GPA > XPM. Win/Lose isnt even a thing. Just play well on those 10 games and give ur best.


                  stop stressing, you're not 5k material yet


                    So you are saying that it only depends on 10 calibration games? I don't think so, that makes no sense to me...

                    "stop stressing, you're not 5k material yet" And where are arguments for that? I mean you can't just say that can you?

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                    fuck you

                      Re-read both my posts again and u will understand. Currently neither your winrate neither stats are important actually. Your first games actually played a huge roll just in determining in which bracket u are, so your calibration games will be above 3.7. YOUR STATS only during calibration now will matter, and i wrote u how already. HD/HH > KDA > GPM > XPM > EVERYTHING ELSE. Anyway I still think you are aiming high and I doubt that u can reach over 6k in near future but I won't go too deep into it. Good luck further anyway.

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                        Hmm that's interesting, thanks for info.

                        As for 6k, i don't know, need to test myself, that's why i'm playing.


                          Mvp Phoenix pic guy, how did you get to VHS in 2 games


                            MMR IS based on other games too i mean normal games when you go on calibrated, anyway you can just play 10 games and you will get 4.7k or a little higher dunno but max is 4.5k-4.9k. So stop playin normal games since you could play rank matches and raise up your mmr this is my advice, also i would love to post your mmr after ten games thanks gl hf

                            C@LL' ME-Yt

                              How can get very high skill on dotabuff?

                              C@LL' ME-Yt

                                How can get very high skill on dotabuff?


                                  @방탄소년단 There's a guy with 48% winrate, avg 350 GPM/HPM and went 4-6 at calibration matches, got 4376, how would you explain that? I saw that with my own eyes in internet caffe, back in january.

                                  So is it that he dealt a lot of HD and made HH or what?

                                  @Badman I don't understand why are people crying for VHS? I mean when you deserve it Volvo will put you there, don't worry. Just improve your gameplay and you will get there, eventually.

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                                  Meat Spinner

                                    @Badman as I have returned to my main .. I dont need this smurf
                                    If u want ill give u .. just add me


                                      Making play may u post ur mmr after calibrated. I curious what ur mmr will be. 30 ++ match left before u can calibrate. Hope u can get 5k out of sudden. Good luck bro.


                                        D'Scare crow can I have your smurf if you don't need it? Thanks:)


                                          I just added you on steam, maybe you can PM me on steam thanks:)


                                            @OG>Yamuray Well it mainly depends on 10 calibration (ranked) games, and tbh those games depend on luck, it's low number of games so improbable things have room to happen. What i am trying to say is that if you play 500 games and fail with stats you can't say "I got unlucky with my teammates every game" but if you play 10 games, that surely can happen. We will see. I will say my mmr here as soon as i get it.


                                              @D'ScareCrow where are you from? Just pm me on steam when you see this message thanks:)

                                              Meat Spinner

                                                I will tell u username and pass when I ll enter dota ! And I m from country who has lowest average mmr overall xD ! Yeah and another thing ...account is in low priority ... make sure u complete low priority with frnds and not solo !

                                                Tom the Belieber

                                                  Draskyl is currently doing his calibration on his smurf, guy played solo the whole time, has quite unreal stats 9kills, 3deaths, 9 assists with an avg GPM of 603, and he's currently in 4.3k avg games lol

                                                  so looks like you can't get above 4k

                                                  here's his dotabuff if you cared:

                                                  Este comentário foi editado

                                                    Good job stating the obvious.


                                                      go to and see your result



                                                        Draskyl is not that good imo, and i feel like he belongs in ~4.3-4.5k bracket. As for his stats, not that impressive... I have better stats than him, but i don't find my stats impeessive too since i went from 95% winrate in dota 1 to 60% in dota 2.

                                                        mr octupus

                                                          @making plays, you predicted my mmr 3.9k flat. when calibrating my mmr is just 3690 then after 10 calibration i got 4014. did you get your calibration? can you share to us your mmr? i loss 3 games on my calibration match.. i thing the big deal on calibration depens ond kda, hero damage, and tower damage. the win/loss i think dont really matter on my opinion.

                                                          Este comentário foi editado

                                                            Dont worry that 60 will be 50 percent soon. Welcome yo dota 2


                                                              HI bro,

                                                              Look at my profile, i think u can get something from it.

                                                              I got exactly 4652 MMR after my calibration, im 4500 now..

                                                              B U L B A

                                                                I did calibration a few days ago my first game was 4970 average, then I drop to 4400 despite decent kda and 3rd HD on map, in the end I end up at 4513 and get +250 during 1 day. So i want to say than even if you cant calibrate 5k, you can climb there after, ofc if you can do so.


                                                                  No i didn't calibrate yet, i'm level 49. I had quite a few bad games recently so it might just affect what my calibrating average (mmr) will be. As i said, i will post my mmr as soon as i get it. Thanks for sharing experiences and info.


                                                                    Many of you asked, i calibrated 4607, after relatively horrible 10 games since i played tired. That's it i guess, i will try to get to 6k in a month...

                                                                    Mike Wazowski..!

                                                                      Spam all the OD you want before 6.87 :D

                                                                      Mike Wazowski..!

                                                                        And OP, what was the average of your first calibration game?


                                                                          Be lucky if you escape 4k mmr in a month.


                                                                            I got 4.6 on this account


                                                                              I was playing around 6kmmr also about 20 games before calibration then after some terrible games and low priority I dropped down to 4.5 for calibration, also calibration (in my case anyway) worked like this +/-100 mmr per game win or loss could see that flat increase or decrease in average mmr, I abandoned one game not proud of it however this interestingly enough didn't count towards one of my 10 calibration games, So if your really desperate to dodge a calibration game you can always abandon it and in my case it didn't count. Have to say though I have seen examples of 'calibrating' players in 7.5kmmr average games cant find the links but im sure you could if you googled it.

                                                                              Este comentário foi editado

                                                                                @Vertoxity I said i will try, should be hard but possible to do in a month...

                                                                                Eternal Ember

                                                                                  I know you're depressed bro. You calibrated I guess 3.5-3.8k only :-)


                                                                                    I don't know if that was for me, but I calibrated 4495 both for my solo/party on my smurf.

                                                                                    You have to agree, a lot higher than 3.8.

                                                                                    Makingplays, gl man. :-)


                                                                                      Good luck!


                                                                                        I'm still trying to get to that HS mark. since I still cant do RMM


                                                                                          I'm thinking of some conspiracy theory over here: What if Volvo recognized my account as smurf from the guy that logged before me, since i made it in net caffe, and punished me for that? I mean ppl with much worse stats are getting 4.4k and i got 4.6k? What ya think?

                                                                                          Dune, the Desert Planet

                                                                                            Your GPMs and XPMs are pretty in synch with mid-high 4k players. Play more, win more and ez out from worst bracket known to man kind.


                                                                                              that 47% ranked winrate, guess that 6k smurf dream is over, back to the main


                                                                                                rolfmao HAHAHAA what a dreamer


                                                                                                  LOL, 4552 mmr.