General Discussion

General DiscussionGuess I was right

Guess I was right in General Discussion
King of Low Prio

    NA dota best dota, get outta here with what weak chinese game.

    Bad Intentions

      Yo sampson, i must admit that i always doubt usa/na doto, but yup, so far, na/usa doto best doto.

      Este comentário foi editado

        USA ftw! I watched the last 3 games at the movie theater it was awesome. the bastard wouldn't sell me dota tickets tho cuz I was late so I just bought antman tickets but went to dota instead lol. I was like ok saved me money anyways

        King of Low Prio

          NA dota not US dota

          King of Low Prio

            Yea I just watched all the matches at a friends house

            Bad Intentions

              holy shhhh, yo filthy, they show TI5 on us theaters man? nice :D

              yo sampson, ya know na/usa dota heh :D


                USA won both DAC and TI5. Safe to say we the best now.


                  So 3 of top 4 from are China yet NA or USA Dota is called best?
                  Evil Geniuses won DAC and TI, both, and all you can say is EG is the best team of 2015. That's 'bout it.

                  Bad Intentions

                    ^but usa doto did win it all, its tough to take that away from them tho?

                    the realm's delight

                      yea na dota carried by terrorist






                            russian dota is the best one, and i mean game mentality, not professional teams



                              russian dota is worst one

                              5 man dickholding after each other 0 fun to watch they even farm jungle as 5


                                not professional russian doto, as i said
                                i mean pub mentality

                                like, when im diving t3 at min 12 playing with not russians, i feel guilty and know ill be flamed later. when i do it with russians, i feel like being late cz all of my teammates are alrdy behind enemy's t3.


                                  yeah usa the best getting carried by canadian+2 terrorists lmao

                                  Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                    You can't say NA Dota is best when they can barely bring 2 teams to TI. It's just not how it works, one single team being too strong doesn't mean the entire scene is too strong.


                                      U.S.A U.S.A

                                      King of Low Prio

                                        Sam #2, dota 2 is not as big in NA so we have less teams. We just create quality over quantity. Last week I was told NA was weak because they have not won TI ever and even after we stomp the EU trash they still make excuses. Sorry you guys are old news

                                        Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                          Well, Chinese teams bring both quality AND quantity. 3 teams for top 4, 4 for top 6.


                                            "we"? how are u related to EG? whats in common between you and this team?

                                            lm ao

                                              You know guys, we had a test in third grade and I accidentally put Canada as one of the 50 states of USA. You know what's the really funny thing? When my teacher started considering Canada as one since, "there's no difference between the American and Canadian way of life, what's the point".

                                              Este comentário foi editado
                                              King of Low Prio

                                                EGs style is a result of NA pubs. NA dota creates the top players thats a fact

                                                lm ao

                                                  NA includes Guatemala right? Or what. :/

                                                  Este comentário foi editado
                                                  King of Low Prio

                                                    1 out of every 2 teams NA sends to TI gets 1st place. NA obviously #1

                                                    Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                                      No? TI2 had 2 NA teams, neither made even top 8. TI1 didn't even have a NA team. TI3 had only 1 NA team, again didn't even make top 8. TI4 had the most, 3 NA teams and one wasn't even in the money, the other one didn't make it to the main event and the other one couldn't even make it to the finals. NA = shit doto.


                                                        NA having one good team doesn't change the fact the the NA scene it like 4k pubs.

                                                        Hopefully it will grow with the addition of compleixity gaming

                                                        King of Low Prio

                                                          You keep dreaming about your glory TI 1 days Ill live in the now

                                                          King of Low Prio

                                                            These 4k pubbers stomped all 50 of the shit top EU teams, huehuehehe


                                                              na having a good team formed from 2 talibans and 1 chinese dude



                                                                Last picking is 4 pussies

                                                                  Lol aui is from canada isn't he?

                                                                  Or are you saying there is no true Americans either because PPD ancestors were from Britain.

                                                                  Na dota will never be big kids here play xbox and ps won't and dota is an older game with low reqs that won't impress kids here at all.

                                                                  Last picking is 4 pussies

                                                                    Actually NA didn't have to bother with many eu teams minus VP. They were already out by the time EG would have played them ;)

                                                                    Este comentário foi editado

                                                                      i don't know if sayed sumail hassan , kurtis LING and saahil arora can be considered NA players tho


                                                                        its the arab and chinese genes, 2 stronk

                                                                        lm ao

                                                                          I hef Chinise genes what I do I still suck at Doto

                                                                          Last picking is 4 pussies

                                                                            Sumail isn't they always put his Pakistan flag by his profile but you better believe by choice he will rep USA soon they always do.

                                                                            Right before he becomes addicted to blowing his money on fast life and women...err teens in his cAse.


                                                                              ^i think his parents will manage the money, pretty positive about that


                                                                                The United States of America has always been a group of people united by their choice to live their together by mutual agreement and cooperation. All other nations throughout history were defined by ancestry and birth. But the USA is the people of all the world who decided to live together under freedom.

                                                                                Many have believed this was impossible. Right from the beginning, even in the face of a war with the most powerful empire on earth at the time (Britain) people did not want to accept everyone. A few states refused to join unless those who came as Muslim slaves from Africa were counted as 3/5 of a person. But eventually a terrible civil war resolved even that inequality.

                                                                                But over two centuries America has proven that, however difficult, it is possible for the people of all the world to live together in greater and greater peace if individuals take responsibility for their own liberty to live their lives and we adhere to equal treatment under the law for everyone. Many other nations have slowly adopted these principles as they saw how much better life was in the USA - as they saw people from all nations go to the USA and succeed.

                                                                                Whatever freedoms, whatever peace, whatever long term prosperity you enjoy in your country: The USA is truly responsible for it. At the very least for inspiring your people to achieve it, and often directly establishing it for you. People who live here know how good it is, how great it is to be an American. If some do not understand and choose to be jealous of our success it does make us less proud to be Americans.

                                                                                Currently the people of the USA have made some very selfish choices electing leaders who are hungry for power and do not respect the freedom of the individual and the rule of equality under the law. The entire world is hurting because of these mistakes. But we will learn and correct them. Our current president likes to apologize, but he is a liar. However their are plenty of things we really should apologize for - and I would like to apologize to the people of Ukraine for failing to protect them from Russia as we promised we would do... and to apologize to the people of Afghanistan, Iraq, and Israel who we similarly chose to abandon to their enemies in recent years rather than protect them as we promised to do. I would like to apologize to the people of Egypt who we most recently stabbed in the back supporting an oppressive ruler who they rose up and overthrew at their own expense.

                                                                                There are many more consequences of the selfish choices America made in the last decade, and of those I am ashamed. But of the principles of freedom and justice on which America is built and normally operates I will always be proud. And I hope that eventually everyone in the world can join us, not in a giant single government - but in following those principles that will enrich and protect the lives of all.

                                                                                Este comentário foi editado
                                                                                lm ao

                                                                                  ^I cri


                                                                                    ^^ What exactly does that have to do with NA dota? Shouldn't that go to that mock 'murican thread?

                                                                                    lm ao



                                                                                        I was not interested in promoting that thread. But I am interested in explaining that the identity of American's does not depend on their ancestry or even their place of birth. It's a team that is joined.

                                                                                        Last picking is 4 pussies

                                                                                          ^---minus the Indians we got rid of them :( and now they want vengeance on sports teams with Indian names....

                                                                                          King of Low Prio

                                                                                            EU trying so hard they are trying to deny that they are American LOL


                                                                                              american = indians

                                                                                              rest = europe colony + whatever else happend between them + imigrants


                                                                                                im wondering when will this topic be locked hehe

                                                                                                King of Low Prio

                                                                                                  African dota = the only dota by your salty logic.



                                                                                                      NA DOTO BEST DOTO