General Discussion

General DiscussionGuess I was right

Guess I was right in General Discussion

    btw this topic wasn't even talking about race it was talking about continent.

    saving private RTZ

      lel, NA won their first international they are suddenly best region? so they sucked their own ass until this year?

      King of Low Prio

        Pretty sure EG has been stomping on Eu Trash for a while, but hey trash eu still buzzing bout TI 2

        King of Low Prio

          NaVi is back guis


            what ? EG stomping eu ?

            secret is EU based team and they got 7 wins and 3 loses against eg in past season how is that stomping ? :D


              Why are you guys so salty over nothing? You know Korean doto will stomp on everyone in TI6 anyway, so no need to bicker

              King of Low Prio

                Secret never won until they pulled NA players onto their team

                saving private RTZ

                  players? only rtz is american boy. zai is swedish


                    Eg never won until they pulled Terrorist players onto their team

                    saving private RTZ

                      oh and bout that, how is EG resuld of NA pubs? there are only 2 players from USA and one of them is actually a hontrash, so US pubs has nothing to do


                        rtz is russian/canadian

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                        Pom Pom 🍕

                          Pakistani doto best doto.

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                              Maybe thats why NA pubs are harder to play in. NA DOTA BEST DOTA

                              NA 4k =CN/EU 6k

                              King of Low Prio

                                rofl these EU kids are such salty little kids that they are denying that they are American/Canadian players. 'NAW BRO THEIR ANCESTORS CAME FROM EU SO NAVI STILL DA BEST'

                                its just sad man


                                  i dont see what pubs have to do with international?
                                  unless i slept under a rock and us pubs suddenly became good?


                                    nope still same shit with imbeciles all over the place



                                      saving private RTZ

                                        "Harder to play" lmao because you all suck

                                        3k EU = 9 k mmr NA

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                                            at least kitrak has logic

                                            Bad Intentions

                                              Give USA/NA doto their props man, they beat the best of the best in the best doto tournament. USA/NA doto should be the best doto for now.

                                              saving private RTZ

                                                Lel i was just joking i dont give a fuck about servers

                                                Just that EU> NA in everything

                                                top kek