General Discussion

General Discussionfirst ranked game 5,6k average mmr

first ranked game 5,6k average mmr in General Discussion
Óðinn H

    thought 4600 was cap? Guess it's just what you tought cause you SUYCK ASS

    Disclaimer: Real first was 5800, but someone left on pickscreen cause someone faked abandon XDDDDDDDD


    Game 1: 5600 averge mmr
    Game 2: 4300 average mmr
    Game 3: 4400 average mmr
    Game 4: 4600 average mmr
    Game 5: 4500 average mmr
    Game 6: 4500 average mmr
    Game 7: 4500 average mmr
    Game 8: 4500 average mmr
    Game 9: 4800 average mmr
    Game 10: 4500 average mmr

    Calibration: 4674

    My unranked games were actually 20 times better than ranked. Holy shit this is the worst shitshow I've ever been a part of. If you're 4k you should be fuckin ashamed of yourself. t_T

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      one of my friends got like 4956 or something, but im pretty sure you can't get more than 5k, keep playing and post again


        first game 5600 average, this one is 4300. Sure the calibration israel Rofl


          dd u actually won them all, nice one sireee and shit u got 150+ games so fast


            you can get lvl 13 way easier and faster


              but i guess some people enjoy playing acutally


                DD, can you post avg mmr for each callibration game you play?


                  i know a 6k slark who calibrated some accounts too, 1st game will be your unranked mmr but the 2nd game onwards they will cap it i tihnk


                    ya I will


                      you do know average mmr is not you own mmr??

                      Óðinn H

                        Uhm, yes? How is it relevant

                        Totentanz to The King: M ...

                          He means even if you are in a 5.6k average game, you could be as low as 4.5k.

                          Totentanz to The King: M ...

                            Which seems to be the case when you look at game 2 and 3.


                              calibration is so dumb actually i had an account that started at 4.4, i threw games with tiny tossing allies and only lost 100 each game


                                sam they will always cap your 2nd game regardless

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                                  Theres no cap for mmr after calibration i believe.


                                    ya im saying even if you have unranked 6k/7k mmr, your second calibration game will always be capped back to low 4k


                                      i calibrated at 4.9k though i lost 5 games from 10 calibration my first game average was 3400 i got totally disappointed but ..

                                      game 2 average : 3600
                                      3: 4100
                                      10 : i guess it was 4600 but im not sue and after 10 game i calibrated as 4.9

                                      then i won 8 games in a row and im 5100 ( i just wanted to say im not 4k ^..^ )


                                        nothing else to expect from krauser

                                        Welt aus Eis

                                          you can't calibrate above 5k, get over it already


                                            losing 4.3k average games mate?


                                              i loss 9 game got calibrated at 5.2 that was when dota 2 introduced mmr system

                                              Óðinn H

                                                ya I fuckin suck dude t_T

                                                Actually 4ks seems to have a strategy to go 0 items into battlefury, 0 items into vanguard, PMS on SF etc. Pretty interesting. Gonna analyze those replays.

                                                Actually I'm gonna start tilting playing those games cause it's either hilarious and impossible to focuse cause everybody is so fuckin retarded. Some guys even said they were drunkNhigh at the same time like WUUTTHE FUUUUUUUUUUUUK

                                                I'm shit T_t

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                                                  ^i know people in solo queue ask me why i dont rush naked bf on antimage, why i get stats, and why i dont get ulti at lvl 6 against a team that max manapool is 400.


                                                    but apparently i am not more skilled than those kids

                                                    feels good to be bad


                                                      Meanwhile they get crushed in their lane cause they are not scaling with the enemy. Fuckin 0items battlefury 16minute was some god damn interesting stuff ^_^


                                                        I have 580 mmr :'(

                                                        the realm's delight



                                                            I'm disappointed you didn't stick with the Mio Akiyama name :/


                                                              You told me there could only be one Akiyama ^_^


                                                                were you the top mmr on your first calibration match?

                                                                Sweet Indifference

                                                                  I calibrated at 5020, my friend to 5106 so u can calibrate over 5k, u just need to tryhard your eyes out :D

                                                                  the realm's delight

                                                                    ^ you calibrated 5,1k post calibration nerf?


                                                                      he calibrated 10 months ago)


                                                                        when a 3.3k mmr guy could calibrate at 5k


                                                                          First game means nothing when calibrating even if you stomp it and the average is really high. Next few games will tell you way more where your mmr should lie and good thing is the mmr of the games is rising for DD. From my experience they take your hidden mmr as measure, then for every game you win/lose its +-100 mmr.

                                                                          I'm interested what will you get.


                                                                            actually a russian booster told me that first 2 and last 2 games matter the most and will give the biggest swing in calibration.
                                                                            believe it or not


                                                                              Well, DD played good and won in first 2 games and you saw what happened so idk about that. It may be true, may be false. We'll see.



                                                                                Sweet Indifference

                                                                                  Dunno, But I had over >90% win rate, so I am guessing it wasn't an accident that I calibrated that highI had like 30-2 going into calibration if I remember correctly and a decent KDA on every hero so your 3.3k bullshit falls short there...
                                                                                  Also, in MMR calibration u can get +-700 each calibration game, so I am not sure how this 5.6k to 4.3k drop could happen...


                                                                                    ^its not bullshit tho and we are talking about current calibration not outdated 10 months old calibration


                                                                                      first game of calibration u r playing in ur hidden mmr even if its higher tahn the cap. u go down in 2nd game. thats pretty much common knowledge.

                                                                                      lm ao

                                                                                        wish i was dat gut. git gud =)

                                                                                        Este comentário foi editado

                                                                                          i am 9k mmr


                                                                                            Some people still didn't understand... The first match having 5600 average mmr doesn't mean his mmr was that high, it just means that there were players 6k+ and some 4k, so the AVERAGE was 5600. He was probably somewhere between 4.3k and 4.7k I would say.


                                                                                              YOU dont understand
                                                                                              cap is applied on the 2nd game retards
                                                                                              also OP is 6k on his main so..

                                                                                              Este comentário foi editado

                                                                                                cap is a good thing

                                                                                                it should be capped at like 4k

                                                                                                any good player will have no problems to get back up vs 4k scrubs

                                                                                                and smurfs will take much longer to start ruining games for normal players


                                                                                                  Reason I shared stats was cause people were interested for whatever reason> Science, understanding how the current system works or w/e.

                                                                                                  It indeed seems very much like the first game is exactly as your unranked mmr. Much like how you get EXP from your last Low Prio game, or being able to spam pings in your first game after you get muted.

                                                                                                  There's a pattern.


                                                                                                    I'm never going to smurf again, I just wanted an alternative account cause of different reasons
                                                                                                    -> main being tradebanned
                                                                                                    -> an acc to chill on

                                                                                                    I actually thought I would get mentally sick thru those games


                                                                                                      i get mentally sick after every game


                                                                                                        i get mentally sick before even clicking find match