General Discussion

General Discussionfirst ranked game 5,6k average mmr

first ranked game 5,6k average mmr in General Discussion

    4.6k is not that bad, since you've played a lot more party games then solo i think you should have higher party mmr if you're gonna play it on this acc anyway.


      I didn't play a lot more party, pretty sure it's like ~65:45

      and it's not like I fuckin care. If I calibrated at 1200 it wouldn't mean anything to me.


        it means you are 4k shit and got boosted by havoc to 6k



            Holy crap, the truth has been revealed.




                more like an insider boosted havoc to 5,6k then he dropped xdddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddd

                Havocs a funn yguy though, i like him


                  well if u stomped the 1st game and have this kind of stats 30/1/20 K/D/A with 40K HD.. I'm pretty sure you'll stay in the 5k range in your 2nd game.


                    Whats Havoc's mmr now? I heard he's sth like 4.5k xDD


                      I got matched vs him yesterday and he dodged :happytears:


                        cnine TRAIN ME



                          I can answer all your question thru chat/voicechat, whatever you prefer. Although I'm not gonna actively coach someone cause I basically don't have time nor interested in dedicating to do so. I'm sure if you have good questions, my answers can be worth more than immortals and buggatis.-


                            I calibrated at 10k mmr zzzzzzz 2ez


                              How can you play 19 games in a single day? :D


                                Dedication? Nerd? Autist? Retard? I'm different to most people.

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                                  He's a robot. That's why he's different to most people.


                                    "Whats Havoc's mmr now? I heard he's sth like 4.5k xDD" As if you've got any higher than 4.5 yourself even on a smurf which is pretty bad considering you can roll your ass on a keyboard and get that on a smurf.


                                      I am 4870 atm which i EARNED myself, while you got yourself your profile boosted and still dropped to 4.5k with 8k games. So i would considering shutting up if i were you. You also said lots of time this wasnt the case, but it's now confirmed you dirty lier.


                                        Earned is relative. Your main is still 3k?

                                        "So i would considering shutting up if i were you" or then what? You'll convince yourself that Alison boosted me again. Please don't stress yourself so much, have a little sit down and cry.

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                                          This is my main for 8 months now and it will stay that way. I calibrated at 4.2k and i'm now 4.9k so whats your point? You got your profile boosted to 5.6k and dropped to 4.5k, i would feel ashamed if i were you. And no, my old profile is 4.2k, practically same as yours.

                                          "more like an insider boosted havoc to 5,6k then he dropped xdddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddd"

                                          That's the 3rd person who said the same thing, smells fishy dont you think? You cant buy everything with money Havoc, when you will learn that :D

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                                            Cause its been an on-going joke ever since you decided that it wasn't possible for me to climb solo. I mean I knew you were a little challenged but this is just amazing that you have actually convinced yourself of your own theory.

                                            Is there a stack you haven't been kicked out of for being overly egotistical without the skill to back it?


                                              wagamama calibrated 4.9 if im right, probably the max calibration


                                                ^you might be right


                                                  Havoc - wise words from a person who gets his account boosted (even DD sama, which is legit 6k+ player and carried you in many games, confirmed that) and you're still denying that? :D You sound more and more like Benao, i would go see a psychiatrist if i were you

                                                  I wonder why people cant win party games with you even tho you have 3.9k party mmr.

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                                                    Are you high? I didn't confirm anything. You're obnoxious.


                                                      dd only confirmed that he is really a 4k player who got boosted by havoc ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


                                                        I can input I don't think Havoc has never been legitemately 5,6k by what I've seen and got a feel of by playing with him, but that's not a reason why I've played a lot with him lately.

                                                        When the atmosphere is good, it's fun to play with Havoc. He has a great personality and he sounds like a feggot.

                                                        Nevertheless, I don't understand why you are discussing this? Makes no sense. It's like I was when I was new to dota, calibrated at 3,5k and went to dotabuff ham talking as if I knew anything about Dota when I was total shit. Discussing how other people are bad when I'm shit myself makes no sense.

                                                        Calm down guys, woaww. It's fucking TI5 GRAND FINALS BOYs, MURICAAAAAAAA!! ^_^


                                                          "more like an insider boosted havoc to 5,6k then he dropped xdddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddd"

                                                          So this is suddenly a joke? A joke that many people that know Havoc well said too? :D I know you like the guy so you're changing your opinion now when he's in the topic, but damn... Do i really need to paste screen of our conversation about how "skilled" is Havoc?

                                                          I'm bringing this up, cause even he (Havoc) tries to convince everyone how good and funny he is, i know the other side of him which is shitty as fuck. Yeah, i was 3k too once (at the same time as DD i think) and i'm now close to 5k and what? Havoc is giving me shit, although i'm higher mmr and better player then he is and if i made new acc 1 year ago thats my fuckin business and no one else. I earned my mmr, it's time for you Havoc that you stop giving your acc to high mmr players to boost it for your and accept you fuckin suck and you're low 4k player.

                                                          I said what i meant too, let's enjoy Ti5 now :)

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                                                            i like havocs voice, i always feed in games with havoc to hear his voice more often


                                                              I remember Havoc carrying me to victory like it was yesterday :')


                                                                I said it in a sarcastic way cause people talked about this earlier. I know nothing about it nor do I care.

                                                                I've got nothing to prove anyone. I don't play with Havoc cause I think he's good at Dota. I play with Havoc cause he's a friend. Havoc is fucking shit! WOW, I said it here. You think he's gonna go emo now? Havoc very much know his position and never has an ego for that reason. He knows his position, unlike you.

                                                                Anyway I'm done with this conversation. Stop being so stupid, this is worse than Bogi vs Blunt

                                                                the realm's delight

                                                                  what people dont know is that every 5,5k+ player from dotabuff has been actually boosted by me


                                                                  also what ppl dont know is that im actually a girl



                                                                    ^thanks i fapped


                                                                      and that you are a GTA god ^_^


                                                                        btw they are all shit, look at all those 6k,5k players getting carried


                                                                          "Havoc very much know his position and never has an ego for that reason. He knows his position, unlike you."

                                                                          This conversation is still up cause he has no clue how bad he actually is and he actually convinced some people he is 5k player (which he is not). Idc about his personality, he can be a large dick when he's in bad mood and flaming all the team and raging like a little kid. I remember from the long time ago how he raged upon whole stack while feeding like a morron out of position every single time.

                                                                          He can be ok too (like every person), but a lower mmr player then me (i'm still shit and i know it and working on it) wont give me f*ckin shit and telling me how good he is, while he obviously suck even more. And that with 8k+ games meaning at least 3 times the time i used on Dota.

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                                                                            I have the skill to get mid 5K but not to maintain it, everyone gets lucky and has good streaks which I fortunately did I have gone up and down multiple times between 4.8-5.3 with 4.5 being my lowest and 5.6 being the highest. Wasn't boosted just lucky to have team mates to carry me, which kinda makes sense considering I support 99% of my solo queue games.

                                                                            Glad earning high 4K means so much to you, rating doesn't mean as much to me which is probably why I can't maintain it. I don't care enough to sit down and improve my mistakes I just want to go next. You'll figure this out too one day when you grow up a bit more.


                                                                              when i feel like i am bad, i can always pull out this game and feel good about myself and to remind me how professional i am


                                                                                Sorry just to clarify. Your saying I am not a 5K player and this is based on the many times you've been 5K right?


                                                                                  Basing on every single guy's opinion that played with you. You dont have the talent nor the skill to get mid 5k without getting boosted and that's well know by anyone that ever saw you play. I just won Slovenian league vs 5-6k players who play competitive mostly and i know what i can do. For the difference of you. Mmr will come soon, it's only matter of time.

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                                                                                    well, havoc is still a way better player than u are, 1234. havoc might be high 4k/low 5k, while for you mid 4k is a cap. why are u shittalking so much even outside of dota games?

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                                                                                        Lol Triple, look who the cat dragged in :) you're talking about my cap (4.9k atm)? You can only play Timber and even with it you're sometimes terrible, while on other heroes you play like 3k and you're judging me as a player? You only win with your 3k and low 4k friends you play all the time, try playing for once with strong stacks and then be smart. And yes, i play 5k average games all the time, it wouldnt hurt you too see one every now and then.

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                                                                                          ayyy lmao
                                                                                          lets judge my mad 2k skills plz

                                                                                          i dont care about my mmr, do I? u can call me 2k or whatever.
                                                                                          the point is that havoc is still a way better player than you are, and i played enough with both of ya. if u think hes ls, it doesnt say anything good about you as well cz u r worse.


                                                                                            iM on dA fLAme TraiNNn


                                                                                              Rofl, you're a friend with him while you hate me and you're still trying to convince me your words means anything? You're so delusional haha :D Do you really think yours or Havocs opinion mean anything to me, especially cause you 2 cover each others asses? I saw enough of plays from both of you that i know for a fact i'm more consistent on this level then either one of you. Havoc can play descent support, but by no chance a 5k support cause i'm playing with them regulary and he's not on their level.

                                                                                              I'm not going to lose any more words on you or Havoc, we just dont get along and should leave it at this. You're a descent timber player (i'm at least being objective even if i dont like you, for the difference of you), but overall i'm a better player then you, that's a fact. I remember few games we played together average around 5k - you fed like crazy with no impact, flaming me while i was best on the team. You're average 4k player who cant carry higher mmr games.


                                                                                                Blitz (7k main) calibrated 4,5k
                                                                                                My friend (6k main) calibrated 4,6k
                                                                                                Another friend (7,2k main) calibrated 4,8k
                                                                                                So yeah, there's definitely a cap


                                                                                                  I played with my mate who is 6k+ and we won 9/10 games. All about 5.5k+. he still just got 4.6 on that one.
                                                                                                  And i dont know what the fuck you are on about since you fucking DID get 4.6


                                                                                                    try stop watching anime

                                                                                                    Swap Commends

                                                                                                      and your original mmr is 3k ? plz dude thse smurf players are so fucking bad just played against storm who was smurf he didnt even care about game fed couriers...etc..