Wait did they release a new diablo game for mobile only or just diablo 2/3 on mobile? Im def buying the wc3 remake i think, dota 3 will actually be real. Also blizzard just cant help themselves with the female characters on overwatch at this point
Blizzard's marketing always have been top notch, that's how they've been selling their mediocre games for the last few decades.
This one will probably sell too.
theres no way this shit is mobile exclusive right
oh my god it is
what a name.. "immortal"
looks like sticking to bfa is the way to go, sadly
hey arin what ur favorite char from deltarune
sadly i didn't get to it yet as i'm still dealing with midterms and projects
i don't intend to get off my chair for several hours or until i finish the game after i start it up
bfa is so fucking bad actually
it's about 3-4 hours long i think if u snoop around while playing
Wait did they release a new diablo game for mobile only or just diablo 2/3 on mobile? Im def buying the wc3 remake i think, dota 3 will actually be real. Also blizzard just cant help themselves with the female characters on overwatch at this point
mobile only
new game for mobile. no d2/3 on mobile.
theres a new overwatch female hero?
Yeah the reveal was like 1 hour ago im expecting the r34 in like 2 hours tops
stiory will be between 2 and 3 tho, no?
feed me more with those highlights spunki, please i beg you
poor devs man theyre getting fucked on stage
retards that do zero market research deserve to get fucked in the ass
lmao that guy shouting fuck off
now i understand why they increased security for this blizzcon
Blizzard's marketing always have been top notch, that's how they've been selling their mediocre games for the last few decades.
This one will probably sell too.
mediocre x D ur mom mediocre
last part of shameful attention whoring
if i were your father, i wouldn't let you return home
you're just jelly that i'm cuter than your gf
well played
how do you post picture in comment
who is arin on foto?
> loses 22 mmr out of a game which didn't even start (the horn sound).
I'm happy as long as you are arin
that sounds pretty gay
this is why you have no friends arin
i assure you there's far more reasons for me to not have friends
i remember when i first started coming to this forum there was a funny guy called bws.... anyone knows what happened to him
arin pro starcraft Pog
How does ember deal this much damage
When I play ember it only feels like tickling when I sof
hey spunki are u still into russian pop music?
check this out(if u haven't already):
VERY good album