General Discussion

General Discussion6.84 --> Which heroes are going to dominate?

6.84 --> Which heroes are going to dominate? in General Discussion

    Obviously sniper and troll dominated 6.83, so I want to know who you think will dominate 6.84?

    I think bristleback/Natures Prophet/Leshrac/OD/Zeus


      Enchantress is one of my bets. (for the pro scene)

      I am pretty excited for supports for this patch. There are a lot of buffs to the role in general.


        Spectre, Naga Siren, Lone Druid, and (I believe!) Timbersaw.


          i think the point of this patch is to have a lot of possible combinaisons, no real domination

          bb definitely not, same for furion

          i think lesh/od/morf/naga will rape
          ench will rape yea, depends of how the meta turns in practical

          bear looks cool but its actually still just a bear, he didnt get real buffs exept agha

          i hope ppl will stop pick agilities hero, and go full int, full teamfight/gank, i dont wanna see boring fucking right clickers anymore.

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          kvasius # KSVM

            Lina, she doesnt get nerfed.


              ^she did. laguna range is rather important, but crucial point is new eul's mana cost.

              kvasius # KSVM

                Oh. Mised that part. But in most cases she isnt as nerfed as trololo/sniper/stormerino.

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                  tbh she's less digusting than troll/sniper, so I like it this way.

                  Dire Wolf

                    Ints and supports in general over farming carries.




                      Pom Pom 🍕

                        DP will definitely make a comeback getting healed during her ultimate too with the new item, and tower armour got nerfed so she can melt them faster.

                        KOTL should be a top-tier support with the cooldown reduction on chakra. For example if wraith king throws his stun and gets chakrad, he only needs 2s after the stun duration to cast it again (that stun also slows for 2s after the stun too, so it's easy to get a double).

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                        Livin' Real Good

                          I was thinking about how they nerfed Juggernaut, then i thought about Centaur's " Stampede" Ultimate reducing 70% of all incoming damage, if it's a global ult, Centaur can just pop that and greatly reduce Jugg's damage. His will probably do no damage if the team is bunched up together and Centaur uses it, am i wrong? I think Lina will dominate, she didn't get any nerfs besides the Laguna Blade Ags' range nerf, which honestly doesn't really effect her much at all, a few enemies might barely get away cause they're aren't in range, but that's the same for all point target abilities involving a beam, Dagon as well.

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                            Furion imho.

                            midas-> aghs -> Octarine Core -> blink/damage items


                              Lesh, Naga, LD, Ench, Brood, Visage

                              Gonna dominate sooooo hard, if i will touch dota again


                                That agah on centaure, or how to say, go to fuck useless kunkka's boat

                                Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                  LD Aghs is overrated. He is still good because of pushing buff though. Also Pugna is gonna be good with the rise of magic damage and pushing at the same time.

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                                    slark with the upgraded shadowblade item.

                                    will be awful.

                                    Giff me Wingman

                                      pub -> slark, WK, Oracle, Ursa
                                      Competitive -> WK, Weaver, Cent, Ench, LD


                                        It is more about the 20% AoE-EHP increase on the already very strong Radiance on Sylla


                                          i hope LD comes back, looks well set up. Early radiances will be great. Alchemist is going to be used a ton early but then will sort out to where ever he belongs. i think he will be a low top tier, high mid tier hero.

                                          Giff me Wingman

                                            Think about it, a bear that can use BoT, has basicially 2 lives, can splitpush like a tiny, which also has an escape and a very high movement speed. I do think Aghs is pretty powerful on LD and worth it. I can defintely see a lot more LD coming.

                                            Dire Wolf



                                              Cus they nerfed quelling blade, ability to solo rosh, stout shield, creep gold. They buffed hero kill gold. They freed up inventory slots for supports. The 25% spell cooldown reduction should help a lot of int heroes out.



                                                I read the patch now but I didnt fin this: "They freed up inventory slots for supports"
                                                How you mean?


                                                  MORPH 4 SEC STUN


                                                  Dire Wolf

                                                    "Observer & Sentry Wards
                                                    Observer and Sentry Wards now stack into one inventory slot. Double clicking toggles which ward type is currently active "

                                                    "Guardian Greaves
                                                    New item formed from Arcane Boots, Mekansm, and a recipe

                                                    Arcane Boots: 1350
                                                    Mekansm: 2300
                                                    Recipe: 1650
                                                    Total: 5300

                                                    +55 Movement Speed
                                                    +250 Mana
                                                    +5 All Stats
                                                    +5 Armor

                                                    Passive: Guardian Aura - Provides 2 armor and 4 health regeneration aura. When a target's health is lower than 20% it instead provides 15 armor and 15 health regen

                                                    Active: Mend - Restores 250 health and 160 mana to nearby allies. Removes negative debuffs from the caster upon cast. 45 second cooldown

                                                    Note: The dispel only affects your hero "

                                                    Guardian greaves is a tad expensive for a support but it combines mek and arcane boots. So you can potentially carry a tp, boots, mek, observer and sentry wards in 3 slots. Plenty of room for a wand or bassy you keep all game or urn or whatever.


                                                      @Hello Friends
                                                      u cant be more wrong about ur heroes.
                                                      wk oracle ursa are basically bad, compared to others, nothing changed here.

                                                      and if u think weaver is gonna be picked cuz of agha, again u cant be more wrong.
                                                      the only way to me profitable would be to play weaver support. and that'd be good, only there are others supports in the game way better, so no one will do it.
                                                      bear is still just a bear, u have to farm 5k gold to be able to farm without ur daddy, which will leave you way behind, not like bear flash farm.

                                                      wk :> nc, alrdy expressed his aghs on another thread.

                                                      ench and cent are the only ones that are good in ur list.

                                                      anything shorter

                                                        In my personal opinion being able to ignore Terrain gives a team probably imbalanced ganking and disengaging material. Out of all the Agh Upgrades, it would have to be Cent's that made me the most excited. I mean, now he has a valid item to go after the whole tranq-blink-pipe/blade-heart. Now sure yet where it sits in terms of priority, but I feel like it could easily replace Pipe due to the 70% reduction.


                                                          Have team stampede into rosh pit off cliff while other team roshing gang buster style


                                                            i really don't think oracle will be bad with constant debuff removal on ulti.

                                                            Frankly, I think it is to early to completely write off hero buffs.

                                                            Greygrey the Sailor

                                                              I don't think heroes will dominate, I think finally each hero that is extreme will have 1-2 items to counter it and a handful of heroes to desolate it.

                                                              I really think that for the first few weeks things are gonna be filthy, average out, then filthy again. Putting my money on slark being the bringer of filth on both occasions. Also guardians and oct core will definately make bristle possibly the best hero in the game. If on 4 heroes bristle gains the same amount of damage he deals as health and then more back if he is hit from behind?

                                                              Im the Bully of my School

                                                                with WK aghanim the LC was so fucked it was funny. he didnt even won the duel even if he had aghs and killed our dragon knight cuz of my WK aghanim ( make teamates revive for 5 second . everyone in 900 zone )

                                                                Im the Bully of my School

                                                                  so now i know wk aghs counter lc . playing 6.83 is dumb now


                                                                    Imo , tiny leshrac timbersaw lycan antimage death prophet zeus maybe we will see position 2 wk alchamist

                                                                    Imo am will be so strong (im happy about it) no one can see that except me maybe im wrong


                                                                      AM will be strong against heroes of the meta but he isn't buffed directly or by items.
                                                                      I think Invoker and Tinker will be picked again, they was my favorite heroes...
                                                                      The meta will be around int heroes and agi will be weak, so many sources of evasion. PA hard countered by silver edge

                                                                      Im the Bully of my School

                                                                        why the will . just say present :p.

                                                                        play the test client . and am was picked once only in 45 games alrdy

                                                                        Im the Bully of my School

                                                                          and ppl say that this patch about intel hero they are wrong. that Glimmer cape give 66% magic resistance and invisiblity for 5 second . and everyoen use it alrdy so op and anoying item :

                                                                          Im the Bully of my School

                                                                            that octarine just another item. glimmer cape counter intel heros and spells so yea in a way the game is balanced i guess untill we see some heros emerge. like alch.

                                                                            plz do

                                                                              dire team: oh they are roshing? hey cent, u got agha rdy? lets stomp the pit from high ground. gg afk.
                                                                              radiant: oh they are roshing? hey cent, u got agha rdy? lets stomp the pit from across the river. gg afk.

                                                                              need fucking job

                                                                                @TripleSteal- people will build lothar on lina now ?

                                                                                plz do

                                                                                  ^ its a common build to get lothars on lina. nothing new. actually old.

                                                                                  Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                                                                    It still dies really fast late game and it's a lot of investment for an item that doesn't give your bear any stats. I would only buy it after my bear is 6 slotted because until then it can't really split push that well anyway.


                                                                                      LC and NP for pubs

                                                                                      Slark, Wyvern, DK for pro scene

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                                                                                          @reese am is buffed by items , and i can consider creeps giving less gold a buff to him , he is the first hero that can farm to 7 slots so fast , rat is buffed , bot is buffed , hot is buffed , int heroes in game = am is buffed , towers less armour is kinda a buff to him

                                                                                          And the qb with fury is a buff to him


                                                                                            @my time is bad
                                                                                            Sb and blink on Lina are less cancerous than eul was, and it is easier to counter lothar initiation than eul's initiation imo.

                                                                                            Last picking is 4 pussies

                                                                                              I honestly feel like Zeus will be one of the most picked heroes. He already has a presence at all levels of play and if anything he should be stronger.

                                                                                              Hero I truly fear the most based on the patch is good OD players.


                                                                                                ^Why? OD is not even that great now. Did u try Octarine on him ? FYI lifesteal sucks (only good if u ulti), scepter is meh if u don't have refresher (& refresher was nerfed). Only good buff for him is probably Octarine lowering significantly cd on his ultimate. I don't think hero is strong, he is just not total shit as before.

                                                                                                The best heroes will be Nightstalker, Slark, Centaur, Nature Prophet, Tinker, AM, Lina, QoP, TA, Zeus. Also Tony if u have slave Alchemist rushing u aghs. The most imba heroes of the patch for sure are Oracle & Centaur.

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                                                                                                Last picking is 4 pussies

                                                                                                  I'm just going off back when OD was picked more it was a frustrating hero to face or gank.

                                                                                                  Nothing I've seen in this patch looks like anything but a positive to him. So that's where I got that opinion. I tried to get on test but all servers were showing a 500+ ping.


                                                                                                    I have this feeling ck is going to get some work done this patch


                                                                                                      I think Lone Druid is going to be the biggest late-game carry of 6.84. The ability to truly split push with a 6th hero trumps everything else. At least with meepo if you kill one they all die. Now LD or the bear can be ganked and the other one keeps going.

                                                                                                      A core hero would have to be sent to stop the bear, and you can't even really stop it unless you kill it. Meanwhile you are down 4 v 5 in the other fight, and the bear could easily join that fight making it 4 v 6 even if you succeed in killing the bear in the other lane.

                                                                                                      But with that exception - I think INT heroes will dominate in general. Glimmer cloak is going to make map vision extremely unreliable, so ganking heroes with disables and burst damage will win the games. Support can tp in... but that takes at minimum 3 seconds. Heroes will die before they can be saved if support is not standing with them at all times.

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