General Discussion

General Discussion2k thinking hes 3.5k

2k thinking hes 3.5k in General Discussion

    Yea...Valkyrie you say it's impossible to win when the enemy carry is on a killing spree in 5 minutes....what about when YOUR carry gets on a killing spree in 5 minutes? Don't complain about that do you?


      In every game ive played in 1k tier, there is always a guy feeding on my team(died more than 5 in like 6 min, i did flame some of em lol), hell ive managed to win, just play mapo sir. Mappo is OP in this tier..


        if a carry can't go above 400gpm it is definately not my fault - so it indeed has a lot to do with your team. especially on low mmr. when your carry knows how to farm / counter push etc, everything is fine - if he feeds like hell you can't do shit.
        i know my play is far from perfect, but i know my strengths and weaknesses and play around them, some just like to show their weaknesses in ranked apparently.

        @frostychee: when my carry gets so many kills early on i don't complain - thats true. the thing that matters here is whether you try to come back or just give up and write gg and ff all day long while feeding. when the enemies give up it was a game that i didn't really enjoy - when they fight their way back into the game and maybe even get ahead themselves i do enjoy it. in the end its just a matter of mentality i guess..

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          @Shred you to bits You played 2 games where your team did as well as you. Stop stroking yourself ffs.


            @ Seems like you can't realise it's not about the team.

            Ofc they will do fine when you give them space. I can play countless games on 2k and I'll probably win at least 70% of them if I go mid.

            If I play Shadow Fiend, I'll probably win 90% of the games.

            Hell, do you see my stats? If I can have almost 55% winrate and it's all from 3.5k-4k games on SF, what stops me to have bigger winrate on lower brackets?

            Keep in mind I'm kinda noob to people with higher MMR, and even ME can win the games you clearly CAN'T.

            But I'll stop arguing with you since you're delisional and I can't help you with that.


            All Shadow Fiend games on his ACC are MINE, so I guess almost 6 KDA and 100% winrate is some kind of luck?

            Not to mention I almost broke all of his important records.

            And that's nothing wrong, since I'm expirianced player then Popy is.

            But the fact you can't handle is that you're not as good as you belive, that's what's holding you down.

            I'm not stroking my self.

            I think you need to understand that, in order to belive what I'm talking about.

            So yeah, from time to time I borrow his acc to play games on him, since playin' against weaker players gives me room for improvment, because I can see where I make mistakes.

            Can't explain exactly how it goes, I guess someone will understand me.. :)

            So who knows? Maybe I'll drop to 2 KDA and 20% winrate in few games, because 2k is really that hard?

            Stay tuned and see.


              >first account.
              >calibrate at level 13.
              > get 1.2K mmr.
              >OH SHIT OH SHIT OH SHIT.
              >make new account.
              >calibrate at level 13.
              >get 1.7K
              >awwww yiss <3.jpg
              >grind up to 2.9K
              > ez lief 4 months.
              >start to grind again.
              >lose 200 points.
              ;_; y dis happen to me


                I'll have to admit, this thread is full of face palms.


                  @Shred you to bits
                  Not going to argue with someone who plays a couple of games and thinks thats the basis of every game


                    Yeah. In order to prove you are 4k player but somehow stuck in 2k bracket, I have to play at least 10000 games to prove you you are wrong.

                    Some facts:

                    You are 2k because you need to get better.
                    You will never get beter if you don't realise it's not about team-mates. Some games you will have decent-one, other you'll have terrible-ones.

                    One way or another, it's easier to win with decent people, ofc, but if you're really better, go mid, pick high-impact heroes and abuse that from the start = win the fucking game.

                    If you win mid, it's really huge advantage for your team. So even if you have really brain-dead teammates, it doesnt matter.

                    People will just right-click them and with right items(you'll create them space with winning mid and shits). It doesnt even have to be right items. An Antimage with Dagonlvl5 in early 20 to 25 min will do more then enough dmg if you're really better then your bracket.

                    Point? YOu're not doing something right, or you don't have "auto-win" hero.


                      if you've played more than several hundred ranked games and are still hovering around 50% winrate the problem is with you and not your team


                        I did not say you have to play 10000 games. I am saying you jumped to conclusions just as you tried to do with my statement.
                        Some facts:
                        You are 2k because you calibrated there.
                        You will rise in mmr if you are better but it won't be a steady rise.

                        If you are in 2k mmr you won't be able to go mid, because everyone on your team wants mid or feed.
                        Apparently everyone's advice in 4k and up is to pick "high impact heroes" which usually translates into starting level heroes and you will have to play them every game to rise in mmr. Which is normally extremely boring playing any hero 1000 times. Plus you arent really skilled if you can only play 2 heroes that take no skill.

                        No offense @Shred you to bits but your most played heroes made me cringe


                          "Heroes that takes no skill"

                          Such as?


                            No, it's okay.

                            I see you're nice person, you just have wrong opinions on some things.

                            I had no problem going mid in 2k bracket. I just mark it asap and tell them I'm mid.

                            Yes, it can be boring, if you don't like the hero.

                            But if you do, it's fun. I like SF, I like Pudge, I like Slark, Void, Terrorblade and ES aswell.

                            I'm playin' curently Slark game on my friend's acc, he's 2702 mmr atm.

                            I'll probably go mid, if they let me. If not, I'll try offlane.

                            Will let you know how it ended.

                            Btw, keep in mind it's not just a few games.

                            I've played at least 10 games on his acc, and 5 games on my real-life friend acc(he was 2.9k) when I played Slark game on his acc, I went 16-0.

                            One more thing, you can't be good with all heroes in Dota.

                            You need to know how does heroes work, but you can't have high-impact with all of them.

                            You can win games even with Techies if you're good with him.

                            At the end of the day it's not even about mid, it's just about heroes you're good with.

                            Just stick to some dudes, don't try to learn them all, it's not possible anywayz.

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                              @Shred u to bits

                              I'm sorry but I have to argue about your statement "it's not about the team"

                              You don't know how many games I've been playing support to help the carry. I buy wards every 5 minutes or so and of course buy dust whenever we need it.

                              But of course when I switch lanes to gank, one or two minutes later the carry would feed 'First blood!' and the message of "Why no report MIA?" being said, despite the wards showing clearly a gank about to happen to my carry.

                              Not about the team? I suggest you play support in a shit tier and try supporting your half retarded allies

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                                Well, playin' support is a different story. It can be about the team I guess if you're playin' CM or Shadow Shaman.

                                I'm not much of a Support player anyway, so I sugest playin' some supports that can go late..

                                Maybe Omniknight? Or Lion with Scepter? Lina comes to my mind aswell. She can support, but she's not usefull late-game if she's got nice items..

                                I'm not sure if I'm right about this, since I'm not Lina, Lion or Omnikngiht user, it's just my guess.


                                  Oh, First Slark game:


                                  Will play one more, since Alch abbandoend after I killed him, lolz.


                                    "So yeah, from time to time I borrow his acc to play games on him, since playin' against weaker players gives me room for improvment, because I can see where I make mistakes."


                                    We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!