General Discussion

General Discussion2k thinking hes 3.5k

2k thinking hes 3.5k in General Discussion
Ape Prime

    My friend is 2.3k , and he complains about being matched with noobs. I asked him what mmr he thinks he is and he said he should be at least 3.5k. I tried to explain to him that he belongs there for a reason, but he keeps insisting that he deserves a better skill bracket. He also said that I'm lucky to be at 3.8k.
    Can someone provide sources or clarification that the mmr system is accurate and he belongs at where he is? I will link to him this page as soon as there is enough evidence to make him realize that.


      Tell him to add me and I will get my 3.5K friend to trash the living hell out of him. Give me a link to his account and I will prove why he's where he is.

      Low Expectations
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          im 3300, lets have some fun


            Not sure if there is a hard source or evidence that can explain this, and is more of a self-realization thing.


              U cant i have friends between 2.5k and 3.6k thinks they r 4.5k-5k and say im lucky that i grinded to 4.9k mmr xD


                Nope, I can prove someones filth with hard evidence.


                  The power the mind has to self delude can not be understated. Your friend is probably hopeless.


                    @YNIT Dota Exchange no it can't be his matches are in very high bracket


                      He's just a retard. If he can't comprehend it, then there's no hope.

                      Ape Prime

                        this guy
                        he doesnt even play with me anymore because he doesn't like it when i tell him he ain't 3.5k


                          I have a friend which is pretty similar, he was 1.9k at one point but he's 2.2k now. He think it's luck that I was calibrated at 3.9 and gaining mmr, he also asks if I believe he's better than the people he's against a lot. We queue unranked a lot, and it's painfully easy to see the countless mistakes they make. Sometimes forgetting to use dust, static farming with heroes like nyx, never TPing away from heroes with no disables/after they used their stun, just tons of positioning in general.

                          I'd say the only thing you can do is 5 stack with your friend, and have all four other players be upper 3k so you go against equal mmr players. Though that doesn't work very well, because it's not like people play perfectly every game, and at 3.5k the 2k might still do okay.

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                            Someone did some math about MMR a while ago here but I forgot who.

                            EDIT: oh yeah

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                              that's good, cos you dont want people like that as friends anyway


                                Pudge picker,
                                I knew it

                                Dire Wolf

                                  He's terrible trust me, I have one friend who is downright awful, like so completely clueless and he's in that same mmr range, like 2500 or close to that. He pays zero attention to his builds. Like on a PA he will build phase boots, battlefury, dominator, bkb every single game with zero regard to his lineup, enemy lineup or his farm situation. And he does this on every hero. He is completely one minded. Like he'll rush skadi on slark cus skadi is good on slark. That's his reasoning.

                                  He also sucks at last hitting and denies. I mean I suck at it too at 1000+ his rating, so maybe I'll give him a pass there.

                                  He also has zero comprehension of other heroes capabilities and constantly makes mistakes there, I do not know if it's cus he has no dota knowledge or cus he overestimates what he can do/underestimates what enemy can do in the moment. For example, again let's use PA cus he likes her a lot, he'll try to like solo gank a mirana equal level when all he has is battlefury. Mirana will leap away and he'll chase her like a dumbass, get a huge arrow to the face and then die. Then he'll bitch about it like wtf I have so much more farm than her, wtf? Cus he is clueless about hero abilities and such. Or he'll like dive a pudge on a tower cus pudge is down to 200 hp but he forgets oh wow pudge is going to ult me for 3 seconds while the tower hits me, then he'll hook me and I won't get a single hit in. He just never considers stuff like that. Or like vs necro, he'll dive a necro who has half hp and die, and go wtf necro heals himself? He is so op!

                                  Finally he has zero map awareness. You have to ping the shit out of him in games so he doesn't get ganked. You have to tell him in chat go farm top lane cus it's pushed in cus he'll still be trying to farm bottom while it's pushed to enemy tower. He'll tp into 5 man dives on towers and get instagibbed but won't tp to a team fight where he could do something.

                                  Mr. Nice Guy

                                    idk,i think that i should have higher mmr too. my friend told me too that i am there for a reason,but i think the reason is that my mmr started with 1k ( played at lvl 13). last month,my winrate was 63%,now is 63-64 or smt like this. i saw a lot of people with winrate 50% in highskills :-?? maybe i should make another account?

                                    Sister Fister

                                      Buy your friend a 3.5k account and tell him to pay you back double if he drops under 3.2k in a couple dozen matches.


                                      THICC BABY SHUM

                                        if ur deserve higher mmr then you yo have right now, then you will get it by playing, bad gams will happen and good once will, there will be more good once if u rlly earn it.


                                          I do think there are viable cases to be lower mmr than you are at though. Probably pretty situational.

                                          I'm sure I'll get flamed but personally I don't think I'm 3.7, I'd guess 4.5ish.

                                          Reasons? I played a LOT with my friends who are mostly casual pre-ranked, so our mmrs balanced out over time and I was originally placed quite low, meaning I have to grind out, I don't like grinding, especially when you feel everyone is retarded, so I just continue to play with my friends for fun.

                                          As of now, I grinded 3.3 to 3.7 in like 30 games with meepo, but got sick of carrying idiots so got burnt out and stopped.

                                          I play with 4 and 5k stacks as often as I can and tend to hold my own, sometimes I make mistakes but it's generally from overextending to not being used to playing against better players. In one game, they saw my at the time 3.5k mmr and my 5.1k friend and they thought we swapped accounts. In another I almost beat #5 NA (carry vs. carry). Of course, my low MMR is dumping their team's stats to balance slightly, but with 4 4-5k and 1 3.5 it isn't going to do all too terribly much.

                                          Also I have a 4.9k smurf (made when I was 3.3). do you really think it's going to place me 1600mmr higher? (And I was still winning on my smurf w/ 60% win rate for 15 more games after calibration)

                                          But anyway, inb4 flame.

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                                          THICC BABY SHUM

                                            whats ur solo mmr?


                                              currently 3.7 like I said. i got burnt out playing solo. it might be 3.8 right now I've started playing a bit more, I want to get out of this shit bracket, but I'm debating just using my smurf full time instead. every solo queue game feels so bad. I had 85% win rate when I was pushing 3.3 to 3.7. and when I play on my smurf at 4.9 it's still 55% win rate... but every game feels like you are playing 1vs.9 i had some games with intentional feeders, or you get people who throw because you pick meepo. they think meepo is troll hero in 3k.

                                              .. I literally have " > Don't give up!" bound, and it has saved me a few games...

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                                                ^ lol its random who your teamates are, Valave isn't intentionally putting peruvians on your team ahaha


                                                  It's just a theory. Probably wrong. Just ignore that.


                                                    Belive me, if you are 4.5k you will get there with a time.

                                                    Just keep playing.


                                                      I know that, but I just hate the grind, that's the problem lol.


                                                        Lol i dont think i deserve the 1k mmr too, i think i deserve the zero mmr. Lalala

                                                        THICC BABY SHUM

                                                          because you try to throw game everytime lol

                                                          [DFG] Whale King

                                                            A-lif has played real well whenever we queue


                                                              To all people complaning about how good they are but are somehow stuck in 2k mmr:



                                                              I've boroved account of my Internet friend ( Poopy), he's 2725 at this moment(2675) before I played games on his acc.


                                                              Hell, I'm about sub 4k player(I have 4.2k smurf, but I don't play on it), currently sitting at 3.8k mmr on this acc, and LET ME TELL YOU, there is NO such thing 2k stuck somehow in that bracket and he deserves bigger raiting.

                                                              Games I've played was fairly easy, even without tryin' so hard I managed to won them. 30/10 SF was a bit tough after we managed to feed them without any reason(playin' too greedy, I went Dagon-Eblade.. lolz) - but that's my fault.

                                                              So, no. If you're 2.3k you'll get outlaned and outplayed most of the time by 3.5k player.

                                                              Can't even think what would have happened if 2.3k player laned on mid againt my SF, since Invokers/Qops/Storms/Pudges can't handle my sf as 2.7k player, I don' think 2.3k would have any chance.

                                                              One more important thing is, if you're about your mmr, it really doesnt matter if you have 2950 mmr orr 3050 MMR, since it's very close, almost no difference.

                                                              You're still 2k player if you have 3050 and you stop playin' solo-ranked.

                                                              What makes a 5k player 5k player ISNT the actual raiting, it's the amount of games played on that raiting.

                                                              So, you can have your "3k" raiting just by luck, but dont be delusional, you'll get owned by some "true" 3k player.

                                                              Same goes for every bracket-skill difference, I think.


                                                                your friend is a deluded scrub. Until he realizes and accepts the fact he is a scrub, he will never improve. He does not really how bad he actually is.

                                                                Miku Plays

                                                                  im 3k and i think i need to stay at 2.5k :< too much tryhards no fun TT.TT


                                                                    Nice to see another post full of bro's stroking off to some mighty fine mmr. I can't do that because I have a lower mmr in the normal range. I must suck because I don't have the pro micro skills to keep that one salty team mate from feeding courier or able to tp into 2 lanes to babysit everyone.
                                                                    Naw but seriously the games in this bracket come down to who has the least retards and or who has the better team. Every game no matter how much someone feeds you never see any tp to help or set up ganks. It's a complete lol factory in which the first 15 mins of the game are pretty much the decider. Havoc has apparently coached people around my mmr so he should now. You can request some help from team mates but there is a good chance they will be peruvian so good luck. Also everyone apparently thinks they are 5k because they always want middle, all the supports rarely buy wards, carries follow builds blindly and have no idea how to execute anything more then a basic instant stun.

                                                                    Tbh Pretty sure I am shadow banned or some shit to get this shitty quality of games.

                                                                    L > BLACK MAGE PARTY

                                                                      No one deserves anything, we can play up from wherever we are if it truly is lower than our skill level

                                                                      My friend started off at like a 2.5k level, and just watched a lot of clips and spent a lot of time working on his game mechanics, and he's now steady at 3.5k

                                                                      I calibrated at 2.6k and I'm still in 2.9k, it fluctuates between 2850 to 2990, and I think for now I've reached my peak, where I can't just keep climbing.

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                                                                        Can mmr reach negative? Lowest I saw is 8 mmr.

                                                                        playinginursockdrawer mm soc

                                                                          The best way to get stuck in any bracket is to think that your teammates are the reason you're stuck.

                                                                          "How can I get out of this bracket if I'm better than everyone else in it?"


                                                                            Let me share a tale of a brave carry who faced down his feeder team:
                                                                            The horn blows and little dost thou know so does your team. You head to your lane and sense something is terribly wrong. The other carry came to safe lane D:. As you politely ask him to leave he reaches into his pants and pulls something out. Suddenly you realize the limp creature is his panis!!! After slapping you across the face with it multiple times he proceeds to yell at you in Spanish and you leave the lane smelling of taco's and disappointment. On the way bot lane you notice your mid is flexing his pro last hit skills. Suddenly your dank announcer pack yells in da dank voice of his "First Blood". The mid appears to have lost his cool and freezes only to utter out two words "Missing middle".
                                                                            As you finally arrive at your bot tower things look up with your two supports here to support you. You bop a creep across the head for some ez gold. The other support goes mid to help gank and it's just you and 4th position support. You glance over and see a wicked look in "its" eyes. As swift as the wolves of icewrack your support bops a creep. Being a respectable carry you brush it off and quickly bop another as you politely ask the support to back da fuq up. "It" agrees and you go back to da grind only to a hear a maniacal laugh and to your utmost horror you watch as a large nuke slaughters the enemies creeps and in the background you are greeted by the announcement of a double kill middle. You slowly look up to your scoreboard and notice 3-0. Almost on queue your other support calls your team a noob and happily slurps on your salty tears.
                                                                            Shaken but not completely broken you go forth to kill the enemy support that came to the wrong mudda fooking neighborhood. You land your stun and go in for the last blow while simultaneously you notice a large hook thrown in your direction and are subsequently brought in to a large fat man who proceeds to produce excessive amounts of feces in his britches. You succumb to the terrible stank as the last thing you see is 2 chat wheels activated at the same time, one from your mid who yells "Missing Middle", and another from the enemy support which will haunt you forever"Bait".
                                                                            As your sodium levels are despairingly high, you march back bot only to see 5 enemies stroking themselves as they all gaze upon your sore rear. With no purpose or directions they all throw themselves at you and you see a specter of days past scream to you: "Stay in the trees". As you are brought down ruthlessly and are violated by the enemy team you see your team die one by one to the enemies and with your last breath mutter "ez katka" and die.
                                                                            Finally pushed back to your tier 3's you look at your inventory then back to your hero and whisper to yourself in a soft sad voice "We could've been so much more" and cry as your kda drops to feeder level and your team says "GG <insert player who got killed for first blood> report noob". Your body beaten and bloody is taken by the enemy team one more time as they all roast marshmallows outside your fountain listening to your teams muffled cries. One of your creeps looks back and with tears of sadness in his eyes he gives up and allows your ancient to be taken in his last act of mercy and kindness. The enemy team salty and butt hurt to see it end kill the brave creeps entire group right in front of him, before they finally end his misery. The enemy carry screeches "Commend me". In your last act of rebellion you squeak "Gtfo" and close your doto.

                                                                            R.I.P Brave creep U will be missed <3

                                                                            i love u butt

                                                                              u my friend, brought tears to my eyes

                                                                              i am such a hard time reading that, i am tearing up

                                                                              dapanda, u would fit right in with the creepypasta group, check them out


                                                                                I have 1200+ games, I got calibrated at 1500 mmr when i reached lvl 13, and I climbed to 2500. Now I'm stuck, 50% of the times i get a decent team and I can make the difference, other 50% i get totally retarded teammates and game seems impossible to win.

                                                                                AM gets BF at 37 min and says: "I am learning dota, this is my brother account", brew ended 1-16

                                                                                You underestimate low rating, you simply can't win alone 1vs9 and i'm no 5k player

                                                                                I have 1500 hours and I'm matched with noobs who've just installed dota


                                                                                  uhm thats something to be ashamed about not something you use to complain hehe


                                                                                    The reason many players are low mmr, is they are oblivious to what they do wrong, and to what other players do better than themselves. Basically he is so inept at the game, he is unaware of strengths and weaknesses in players within the game and most likely has a very simplistic view of the game.

                                                                                    sou ruim

                                                                                      My friend who was stuck at 3800 mmr had no problems playing at 4.5k +

                                                                                      Ape Prime

                                                                                        damn guys i just owned him 2-0 in 3 minutes 1v1 sf, and guess what he said? "This is just a warm up, rematch next week"

                                                                                        Polish Hussar

                                                                                          Why So much hate of 2k noobs I'm a 2k noob.


                                                                                            I'm 5k thinking I'm 6k. Same thing...


                                                                                              Well.. <2k really sucks. Right now my solo MMR is at ~1.8k, Party at 2.1k (i use to queue with my brother who has 2.7k party, 2.1k solo mmr) and it is so team dependant..

                                                                                              when you get lucky it easily is a stomp - 15+ kills on a carry is no real rarity. ( for example where i again had a visage on my lane (im am) trying to steal my last hits >_>)

                                                                                              but when you get bad players / flaming retards on your team it is just no fun. they proceed to feed, "initiate" 1v5, don't listen to missings, pings, chat, whatever.

                                                                                              you can announce you play a safelane carry - and what do you get as a "support"? a huskar that definately needs last hits more than a tb or carry of your choice. why? because he doesn't feel like supporting.

                                                                                              and when you play support you can be happy if your carry gets 1 last hit per creep wave.. it just is not fun supporting something like that.. hell, my record for last hits per minute is 9.92 in a game that was over an hour long, so it can't be that hard to get a fking last hit even when you're just level 1... ( )

                                                                                              tbh, i think my mmr is too low as well - just by 200 to 300 points probably since i calibrated when i was new (ti4 bp booster <3)and have learned a lot since then (especially about map awareness and improving farm, which fights to take and what not)


                                                                                                In order to boost MMR, you will need to play a hero with high impact and actually play like you are a couple of hundred MMR above the rest.


                                                                                                  which is easier said than done when your team feeds the opposing hard carry a killing spree <5 minutes.. there are just games that are impossible to carry unless you smurf and have almost twice or three times the mmr..


                                                                                                    How retarded you have to be to realise it's not about the team?

                                                                                                    The same guys are on the other side, they make the SAME mistakes.

                                                                                                    Yes, games can be hard, but if you're really better then they are for at least 1k mmr, you will have no trouble getting your true mmr in no time.

                                                                                                    Other then that, it's just cryin' about your team because you can't see yourself.

                                                                                                    It's been proven dozen times how does this works.

                                                                                                    If you're better, you don't depend much of your team anyways, so you just don't get upset about mistakes they make, since the same happens on oposite team.

                                                                                                    You just play your game and win it for them.

                                                                                                    Hell, did you check my replays I showed you? Doesnt that prove something?

                                                                                                    And keep in mind I'm not even 5k player, hell, imagine if 5k player started playin' on 2k-3k games? (true 5k player, not sub-5k) - since sub 5k player's can't win every game on high 3k, but can win most of them.

                                                                                                    Este comentário foi editado

                                                                                                    We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!