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General DiscussionTips for 3k player

Tips for 3k player in General Discussion

    Hello there,

    Well I'm trying my best to get out of the 3k rmm. Before anything I know that if I'm still there is because I'm a 3k player.

    I can't blame my team ether, but 3k people playing with me are really bad. I always play solo mid, I'm not the best but I'm not that bad ether, most of my games I end up quite well, not all (can't own every single mid game).

    My last games were pretty bad, but I feel that if I don't win the game by myself I don't win at all. Everytime or at least most of my win games are only thanks to me but I'm still at the same level of those 3k players that doesn't know anything. How they are 3k like me? I don't even know.

    I'm not an expert ether, but I do what should be done. Most of my win games I end up with the highest gold per minute, exp per minute, lasthits and denies ...... even damage hero, but how I said before I can't win every single game, some games are pretty hard, bad pikcs vs good picks, etc. All of this doesn't matter, because I can't get out of the eternal 3k raiting.

    I see a lot of games, I'm trying to improve my gameplay everyday but still is don't enough. Watching some replays trying to find what was the mistake or the mistakes, I don't really know. Probably my solo mid is not THAT GOOD and is my fault for not winning the game by myself killing the 5 of them with no help, but is annoying. Sometime a little help would be really nice.

    Mid vs counter pick, no courier, no wards ...... ok I can play that way, is much harder but not good at all. So what I do?, buy my own wards, my own courier and farm. People crying for ganks when they don't help me with a single courier or mid gank ..... if they feed is "my fault". I don't get it how they can't farm if the supports are ganking mid all time and they don't (they stay there to farm .... but where is that farm?, don't know).

    I can't take towers and barraks by myself on early and mid-game .... no tp, no buyback, no deward, no help pushing and 0 split push. The tactic of the other team is quite simple, just focus on Muspel and gg the rest die easy.

    I'm not here to discuss how bad are my teammates or what they do, I want to know how to improve my game, some little tips. I'm much better on mid than before but still not enough and I don't know why (that's the biggest problem, and probably I'm still doing the same mistakes over and over).

    I get first blood, early kills, mid advantage, a lot of farm but I can't win every game by myself. Is my fault if I die when I have some advantage, that's true .... but if I'm alone vs 5, even if they're low lvl they can kill me. My teammates doesn't know how to use this advantage to farm or get the lanes far away so that they don't feel confortable.

    That's the biggest problem I guess ..... the late game. But how I said, if I've no help I can't take barraks by my own vs 5 or defend barraks vs 5 because they are all dead or far away with no tp.

    I'm looking for an advice from veteran gamers. Is really hard to play very good every game, different players, different picks, bad day, good day, etc .... but I don't even have 50% winrate. My team plays againts me, feeding, crying, insulting ..... etc I've some games that I don't give a fuck and I kill everyone who get infront of me but not enough to get out of 3k mmr or 50% winrate.



      At 3k MMR, mechanical skill > all.

      I play at 3k occasionally thanks to partying with really low MMR players and dude, so many mistakes are made everywhere. You just gotta capitalize on them. Work on your twitch reflexes and last hitting. Learn how to feed on the idiots at this MMR bracket.


        3k flat or high 3k?
        high 3k Roam and make kills happen
        3k flat idunno stomp?

        GG | dudutsai

          If you can win mid hard enough then learning how to press an advantage is the best thing you can do.

          Also treat your teammates like they don't know anything. DON'T assume they know what you're thinking, and spell everything out, because in all honesty you probably don't think about what your teammates are thinking either. If you are ahead and want to group up say exactly that! If you need them to stun after your stun without stacking stuns say exactly that!

          Communication can be hard sometimes, especially if your teammates don't speak English, or if they are flaming, but if you can actually carry a game by yourself then you shouldn't be losing. Part of winning is making sure your trash tier teammates don't throw too, so if you care enough about winning then you'll not flame them back, because a team that is suffering from within is in my experience generally an auto-lose.


            Flat 3k, he's in in the "Normal" bracket.


              How often do you watch mini map? Or do you even look at it? You need to watch at minimap every 10 seconds or even 6-7. Checkign all time the map and other players their lvls/items and positions.
              How often you lasthit 100/100% your free creeps at midle? Probably you miss much
              How often you do right items for heroes you play? Very rare,as I can see almost every game you made bad item choices
              As well your mechanic is bad, and you are slow.
              So work on all of these and you ll get out of 3k


                No, I play always on high bracket since long ago and some games on very high brackets.

                blablabla you're right that there're a lot of mistakes but not in all games, some games they play quite good (teamwork > me alone). Most of that "idiots" are always with me, yes sometimes I see one or 2 on the other team but this is not usual, the usual thing is when they are with me.

                Even if I'm trying to help them, buy this, do this, help there, buy tp .... they do not listen. They just say "stfu noob and gank", so I give up on that and I'm always playing 1vs5. When I'm ganking I'm not helping my team, I'm just getting extra kills, exp, gold for me, I pretend that they don't exist.

                Most of my loss games is the same replay ..... the enemy carry get a lot of farm and kills (easy kills since minute 2) and even if I win mid and get advantage, they have more advantage because my team feeds more than I can kill (even when I was 15 0 10).

                I love when I win mid vs 3700+, but they have 5 3500-3800 and my team 3100-3300. Sometimes I think that Dota wan't to kick my ass at least that is what I feel when this happens.

                After playing a lot of solo mid now I can notice how good is the other solo mid, so when the other player is not good enough I just get over him all day and win the game with huge advantage, but when they are good is better challenge and even if I get him the team help him a lot. For exmpale, yesterday I own mid lane forcing the enemy to return to base like 3 or 4 times, but his teammates were smart, and tp mid to defend and harras me until the other is over there again full hp/mana/bottle.

                What was doing my team? don't know. Crying and saying "GG MID NO GANK". How can I gank if they have wards, I said 30 times deward first, then I gank all day, but there is not point to get over there losing precious time for no kill. I told them "they can see me, watch how they get back" but they just say "gg mid" xD.

                Yesterday on my invoker game (one of the last one) I get guinzo min19, that was my own game 1vs5 all game and my teammates saying "I'm feeling carried" .... well of course you're because I'm playing alone vs 5 and even so I'm winning, so you're right to feel that way, 25+ points as a gift to my teammates.

                Should I gank more? I try to gank only when is 100% safe cause high lvl death = ruin game. I feel depressed when I loss playing gat damn well with the highest score in all kind of thing but how I said before teamwork > me alone (late game).

                I don't think that lasthit is the problem, I'm always or at least close to this:

                5 minutes = 25 creeps
                10 minutes = 50 creeps
                20 minutes = 100 creeps or more

                (only on games that I get confotable on mid, if the enemy supports keep moving arround the map and making some harrass on me, this numbers would be lesser, but here again if my team do the same .... but they don't)

                Early kills, first bloods, a lot of denies, ganks, rune control .... but what ruin my game is the late game carrys on the other team, with some little help from the supports they can kill me even if I've huge advantage, for example void, etc.

                At some time I loss control of the game but how I said before I'm not sure when and how. The carry of the other team is trying to get my lvl and farm so I think "Ok that guy is on my level", but the difference is quite simple. They have decent team with decent ranking and I don't, and that's the gg on late game.

                BoGi93[muted], I'm looking the minimap everytime, even more when I play with invoker for sunstrike. I do not do equal to pro players but decent minimap control.

                100% lasthits? well in some games I get every creep but in other don't, but at least 70% when I'm playing bad.

                I try to build items that help me out on every game since I play 1vs5 this is very important. But probably I make some mistakes sometimes, that's for sure. I check everytime I can the build of every enemy hero on the map, specially mid on the 1v1. Like today with my pudge vs blood on mid, he think he can heal every time with just creeps with NO HEAL ITEMS, so I just fuck him on lvl 1 and show him that big mistake was my GG and it was, easy game for me since I get a lot of regen, lasthits and early bottle when he don't thanks to that early harras for not buying healing items for the start.

                I can be anything but not slow ..... my invoker doing all the powers in 1 single teamfight is not slow.

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                  if enemy has wards somewhere, find alternate routes towards your target. tp on your own tower.
                  when you gank, try to let allies get assist gold.

                  Not everything goes to what you planned, try to read your teammates like what Elsa said, you probably aren't thinking what they are thinking.

                  Do you always mid? try laning for a change.

                  King of Low Prio

                    everything you 'think' you are doing right, you are not doing right. Accept that you are doing everything wrong and only then can you fix those mistakes. Even pros make mistakes often BUT they learn from each mistake and try and minimize them as much as possible. Small things like 'had I right clicked X creep 5secs earlier I could have gotten both creeps instead of being locked in the backswing and miss one creep' add up.


                      first of all, if you are getting paired with really dumb teammates, your opponents are also really dumb, the thing is that they capitalize on the mistakes you and your mates do and you don't do the same, which is your fault, nobody's else

                      again, except very rare situations, if you end up the game with the gold advantage and you are a core hero, if you didnt win the game it was your fault again.. think with me, if the other team is stomping so bad you wouldn't have space to farm, which means you wouldnt have the highest GPM. if you achieve the higher GPM then the space is there, which means that when your team is "noobing around" they are actually creating space for you to farm, and you do not capitalize on that, again, your fault. the funny thing is that every player of your team also think that they are the best in the team and are paired with complete retardeds, have you ever thought about it?

                      if you honestly get first blood, level and gold advantage playing mid, its all ur fault dude, SERIOUSLY
                      mid heroes usually can dictate the tempo of the game, if you want to push or just keep things calm, and you can snowball out of control once you get that advantage


                        The strong boast their fangs whilst the weak sharpen theirs


                          nryn I play always mid because is the only way I can win. When I play as carry, no support with me vs trilane or bad support with me.

                          If I play support ..... there is no carry on the game, few days ago I won a game playing with Keeper, just luck. I feel really confortable on mid and that's why I play always there.

                          I know that I can get other route to the final gank, but sometimes I'm going to gank but they know and they just go to kill me ..... and my team? you think they move? xD no, they don't even know why I'm dead even If I told they I'm going (MICROPHONE AND MINIMAP).

                          Sampson even if I say what you said, I can blame myself but if there are not something to fix it would be impossible to get out of 3k. You're saying "all you do is wrong, accept it and fix it", fix all? that's not fix at all.

                          To improve you need to improve on little things and then combine then, you can't do all at the same time, maybe you're right and all I do is wrong, but I can't fix all at the same time. We all be 6k if every player can fix everything just for read "fix everything on your gameplay".

                          SLEAVE I thinkg that you're wrong. Even when I end up with the highest gold per minute and loss sometimes is not my fault. Maybe I can kill 5 of them, but not 5 at the same time, and if my team is really bad I can't defend by myself my barraks vs 5 with nice combo.

                          No matter how good you're if they play as team even if they're really bad .... you will loss. Teamwork > good player. Even Dendi get crushed for this (highest level, lasthits, gold, and still loss) so don't tell me this isn't true.

                          Probably you're right and is all my fault, 100% mine. Even so, I can't fix anything if I don't know what to fix. I though a lot of times that if someone good see how I play and give me some personal tips after seeing my gameplay that would be a real progres. But just playing rankings or pubs I feel just normal progress on micro, 0 progress on the real game that is on pro scene. Maybe some expert player can know what I'm doing bad and what I need to practice, that's the real help that helps players to improve.

                          Just playing and keep asking me the same question doesn't solve anything and I'll be 3k for all my life.

                          Some examples:

                          "Well you farm fine, but is not enough, get more practice on lasthits", now I know what to do and what's wrong.

                          "You can't harras properly, view some videos and practice only this", now I know what to do and what's wrong.


                          But if I just see my replay I can find some mistakes, but lesser mistakes ... no the real problem like the examples above.

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                            I really don't get "no support/no carry if i don't" situation. what do the other 4 do then?

                            If they don't farm or they don't harass? and it happens almost every time?


                              the ppl dendi plays with and against are really good players, know what to build, know enough about mechanics, the thing is that he is better than them. but not that better to crush them by his own.. thats the thing, you may be slightly better than the average players you are paired with, you are just not that good to carry, so basically you belong where you are

                              winning mid lane vs 3700 isnt a great deal as i'm 3kish player and constantly win mid vs 4200 guy (who plays mid also, its not a support etc). the thing is what can you do with that advantage you got from lane, and thats where i usually fail and probably you do the same

                              tell me, all the wins you get is carrying the game by yourself? your team never stomp? i really doubt it
                              in the long run if you do not improve at all, you will get better teammates in the same ratio as you get stupid ones, thats why you are always around 50% WR

                              you cannot win every game, what you have to do is win the games you are supposed to win anyway (stomps) and the games that are very close. if you manage to do that you'll be about 55% WR which will take you out of the 3k hell

                              King of Low Prio

                                The first step is to focus on what you can change. Thinking 'my teammates could have done X, Y and Z' does nothing for improving yourself because you have no control of what they do. I can guarantee every mistake your teammates make the other team is doing the exact same and unless you capitalize on their mistakes you will just plateau.

                                PS I cant stress this enough, dont use mic in pubs. Learn to use the chat wheel or just type it out. There are ALOT of people (including myself) who do not listen to people on mic because of how often it is abused.


                                  become a team player and think of your teammates as equals....
                                  because in the end, you're just a 3k player like they are.


                                    also, be polite
                                    ask people to 5 man dota, to defend, to push etc
                                    but don't be cocky and tell them how to skill or build their shit, it will most likely make you lose the persuasive power you may have

                                    instead, say gj when they do something, even if its buying wards or doing a good job in a teamfight, etc

                                    if you really pwn as you say people will always do what you say because they want to win and they will rely on you because you are owning

                                    that will help but seriously it all comes to practice. speaking for myself, i have a good knowledge about dota, far beyond the general mindset of my bracket, but mechanically wise im as bad as then, perhaps slightly better


                                      nryn I don't know for sure, but most of my games my team doesn't exist. They just speak, rage, insult, feed, mark on the minimap hundred times with more rage, playing as support/carry for that people is not worth it, they don't help. The solution is play 1v1 solo mid and try to win the game. Is that what you asked? I don't really understand your question, sry =(.

                                      SLEAVE that's not true. Good players?. I see a lot of streams for Dendi saying "where is my team?" "why you go back? now I'm dead" "Im asking the same question, whay they're doing?" "watch the minimap" "buy x item", muting people, that's good players?

                                      Not all, but most of my win games are my own wins. Yes my team sometimes do something good like be the bait while I get all of the down, but that's help? really? Supports with mekans that they forgot they have on teamfights, etc.

                                      I said before that not in all my games I win 1vs5, some help is always required even poor help. But they can farm only because of my ganks, my push, my control of the map, etc. If I loss mid is already gg, is quite rare to someone carry me out with free points to ranking.

                                      Some friend told me one time "if you're 3k is because you're 3k", that's ok I accept it. But why stop there? I want to improve but I don't know where to start, I practice everyday vs bots my lasthits, minimap control, micro, etc but I don't see any progress my winrate is the same and I'm still permanent 3k. That's why I did this thread trying to find some advices from expert players.

                                      I'm really stuck here and I don't know what to do to improve.

                                      Yes I get some awesome games some awesome rampages, some awesome victories .... but is not constant .... my -50% winrate shows that.

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                                      King of Low Prio

                                        I dunno what to say ' but most of my win games are my own wins.' is the type of mentality what will keep you in the 3k bracket. There is nothing anyone can say to help you until you get that idea out of your head.


                                          if you play mid the most important thing is know how and when to be aggressive
                                          that will ensure you a lane advantage, also might let you solo kill your enemy etc

                                          and controlling the lane, pulling or pushing it. if you want to control, play the 10 min drill without making the lane cross any side of the river, it has to be in the middle of it

                                          it may look simple (and its not a big shit actually) but you may get a little confused when the catapults are there, because they can tank a good amount of dmg and deal decent

                                          also, another thing that may help you maintain keep equilibrium is doing the 10min drill with TA, skilling Psi Blades and try to reproduce the same thing you did before (make it stay in the middle of the river) while abusing the splash dmg, its really tricky but once you get that down you are probably fine playing vs the players on your bracket


                                            Dont get stuck in the 3k range in the first place, it's really hard to get out of that hole.


                                              Sampson and sleave already gave some advices on what you need to do. It's not always your allies that needs to follow your lead, you need to dance with them.

                                              btw, bots won't help you improve. even unfair is too easy.


                                                Sampson for what I read 4k, 5k games are quite good. Where teamwork win games ..... in 3k there is not teamwork at all. Don't know if high bracket is affecting this in some way, don't know for sure but on my team there is no teamwork, just insults, rage, no help on purpose, sorry but at least for me is like this.

                                                Only 10% of my games maybe with some luck there is some teamwork, no rage, decent people who add me and are nice people to talk with, the rest is not funny at all. Even before the first creep wave my teammates are insulting, and you want teamwork? how?

                                                Or the classic one


                                                "I don't help idiots" ok, nice teamwork.


                                                SLEAVE thanks for the tips! looking to my games I need to kill more on mid. Sometimes I only get 2 kills before 20 minute mark (talking only about the solo mid hero) and is not enough to make huge advantage.

                                                I'm pretty familiar doing what you said, even I practice with Never lvl 1 20 minutes vs 0 bots and try to get the creep wave everytime on the same spot, on my side. That help me a lot on mid games, but there is the problem sometimes.

                                                When I should push?, a lot of times im there on my side farming and getting all the denies .... but the other hero can't farm so he gank and unfortunately he get that necesary kills and that's not my fault, is my team faults. They know he's missing, they know he can't farm, they know he'll be ganking, but even so, they get killed (maybe I don't have scroll that moment, because someone on bot is using for 1 tango).

                                                What I do is this:

                                                Creeps on my ground
                                                Rune time? push and get the rune
                                                Good rune? try to gank
                                                Good rune bad can't gank? go back mid and get back the lane.

                                                I don't wait 10 minutes to rune, I push my wave even minute 2 for the first rune. As I'm playing with bottle I want to spam every spell to harrass and get lasthits/denies.

                                                Should be better to farm 10 minutes with no runes at my ground?. Since I'm playing a lot with TA I always trying to move properly and get the denie/lasthit with 1 single hit but not only that, harrass with the psi-blades everytime I can.

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                                                King of Low Prio

                                                  It might be you attitude that makes people become toxic. Saying things like 'Help?' when you die is just passive aggressive lingo for 'why are you doing nothing you morons'.

                                                  Nobody on the forums can tell you 'at exact 5:23 you should push the lane' because each game is different and what works one match might lose you the game in another match. You might have heard the expression that BKB is a game losing item. This expression comes from people copying pro teams rushing BKB's to start team fighting BUT in pubs where you can not reach the same level of team coordination buying better farming items first(yasha, MoM etc.) and increasing your gpm THEN getting a BKB is a much better route (In some situations)

                                                  Flat is Justice!

                                                    even at 4k mmr, there are crazy *bastards* out there
                                                    I rmb one game, ursa had his aegis stolen by es using a force staff and he started feeding on purpose the entire game

                                                    Thank god, we had a decent push lane up and quickly ended the game b4 es and ursa fed the way for the other team

                                                    While obvious feeders are not as common in 4k, there are frequent players who can play certain heroes decently but sometimes try new heroes and are obviously not skilled at time. Eg, meepo with 1 meepo micro, TA that doesnt plant traps.

                                                    One good method to win, is to find out who that player is, and eat the shit outta him =)
                                                    Another method to tell if u are deserving to get out of your mmr is to play mid heroes, carry heroes
                                                    if u cant win >50% as those. You need to work on your skills first b4 u move on

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                                                      well its not put in a stone when you should push, BUT if the enemy is ganking then you should push to get a t1 or even a t2 if no one gives a shit (and at this bracket no one does, trust me). you may think that this will make you lose some farm, but its actually the opposite, you will get money from towers (which will not help only you but your whole team, every tower you kill is like 1000 gold for the whole team. while killing a hero is 350gold for you and perhaps 120~ or so for an ally who is near you

                                                      not only the gold factor but pushing will give you map control and also will deny some of the possibilities of the enemy team to farm, as they are having less and less safe places to farm.

                                                      if you don't feel like ganking, then pick a good mid farmer like SF/TA/OD/Viper/QE Invoker, if you left unchecked by 15 min with TA you should be able to get your desolator done, and by that point its literally 2 hits to kill basically anyone at that point of the game

                                                      if you are a good ganker then pick ember, brewmaster, storm spirit (if you can snowball with him then its very unlikely that you are going to lose that match), QW Invoker, QoP, even puck, basically any snowballing hero is fine as you will need the level advantage to set up ganks or nuke ppl down

                                                      when you have the advantage (as you say you usually do) then you shall make the most out of it, dont sit your butt in the lane farming, hunt high priority targets (like their carry, mid or offlane) and kill them, instead of picking up shitty supports here and there

                                                      thats one of the most common mistakes i see ppl doing when they dominate, they just get cocky and start killing supports while the other team's core heroes are getting fat. i dont know if you felt it before, but you start pwning, really owning, you feel like you can kill everyone no probz, but you dont do it.. but yea you win fights anyway so np.. then comes a point where you still win fights but its get even, and then you cross the point when you start losing teamfights, and you go like "wtf man i am way stronger than them, NOOB TEAM". i know it has happened to you before as it happens to me sometimes. Thats the most clear case where you just lost the match yourself, its all your fault. If you have the advantage you can't simply let the other team have space, you have to put them constantly under pressure, being by killing them, being by forcing fights so they retreat, being it by pushing towers, you have to be actively doing something at every single point of the game, or you are really going to lose the game

                                                      thats the whole thing on pubs, most of the games are (or do have the potential) decided in the first 20 minutes, where a team gets a clear advantage. it's not the advantage that make they win but actually its what they do with that advantage

                                                      as puppey once said, when the game goes late, EVERYTHING can happen, like buying back in a wrong time can ruin you a game, or other stuff

                                                      the moral of the story is: if you have the advantage, put pressure. ping your team to follow you, tell them to push towers, do all you can to win

                                                      and if the other team snowballs instead, try always to look for farm whenever possible. and if you feel like you can pick up some squishy heroes, then go for it (if you are totally sure they are alone and they can't kill you), if thats not the case stick to your team and try to win a fight or two, it greatly enhances the gold and mainly xp income

                                                      thats my 2cent bro more than this is just mechanical which you'll have to practice


                                                        Mmmm, I don't think so. I'm always talking with respect and trying to help them, what to buy, buy tp, where we need to wedard, where should be awesome to have a ward, but they don't like people telling what to do and start insulting since they're together or something like that.

                                                        If I'm going bot to the safe lane to get some kills and I kill 2 of them (dire trilane) but the third kill me and my teammates are under the tower just there ..... watching how I die. One simple "help?"

                                                        A lot of times people just don't help on purpose, I don't know why those people are playing ranking and for no reasson at all. I guess this only happens on 3k or 2k where points are not precious.

                                                        But you're right with the bkb. I did the same mistake, bkb min 20 but for what? 1vs3 teamfight? "go smoke" "no I want to farm", and bkb is useless. But with early teamfights bkb is awesome. For my normal games I'm doing bkb after some damage item when I'm playing with TA.

                                                        King of Low Prio

                                                          'Mmmm, I don't think so. I'm always talking with respect and trying to help them, what to buy, buy tp, where we need to wedard, where should be awesome to have a ward, but they don't like people telling what to do and start insulting since they're together or something like that.'

                                                          that is the issue, you are not being respectful of them. You are telling people 'I know how to play better than you and you should listen to me'.

                                                          Play your game and stop with the commentary of other peoples game and you will have less people start insulting you.


                                                            Just to clarify. Even if you have good intentions and are genuinely trying to be nice and respectful to them, in the end, you are dealing with gamers who are probably stressed out and angry, so they'll interpret any kind of good advice you give to them as if you are telling them that they are doing stuff wrong (whether they are or not) and since you know better, they should do as you tell.

                                                            Sometimes just being silent and playing good yourself is better than suggesting stuff unless you can feel a good atmosphere in the game since the very beggining.


                                                              Pick A Hero that can win The game by yourself.

                                                              See every replay when you lose.

                                                              Kill doesn't win the game, ancient is.

                                                              Mikkei Combine

                                                                You don't play thats what you do. Or make a new account, or even play on a high account and learn from failing and ruin their games to piss off sampson.


                                                                  Lol it's so easy. If you know in your MMR there is no ward and ward
                                                                  Why not just play support and fill that role?
                                                                  It's not that hard right?


                                                                    Play Lycan, by divine, take towers, win game!

                                                                    like this game :, the flaming from the enemy team hilarious, when I took their ancient

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                                                                      Heres my own tip muspel... Learn to support. any retard can right click creeps and farm eventually but most people cannot support at our mmr range.. I personally like playing on the mid or carry as well, but if i want to win i feel my best role is support... you open up in a trilane and get a first blood and zone the offlaner out for a minute set your carry up to be solo for a little bit, then you go rotate mid and get a kill for your mid or at least make him a little space and rotate back to the carry

                                                                      The first 15 minutes of the game generaly dictate how the game is going to go if you can steam roll ahead for a 10-2 lead or something because of your support rotations even if your carry is a little worse of a last hitter then you he will have the space and extra gold created from the kills and assits he has, and same for the mid lane, a weak mid can beat a better mid player simply with rotations so if you complain no one ever ganks mid for you, Be that guy pick a support instead of slam picking greedy mids like invoker and just be aggressive


                                                                        axe i think that game was just an easy win no matter what... 40 minutes in and AM has a battlefury vlads and half of butterfly... and doom one of the better natural famers has an aghs and MoM...

                                                                        Quick maffs

                                                                          Start of the game mute everyone pick slark and go mid ( you can change slark for TA Storm Necro and maybe some other that i cant remenber )



                                                                            dorkly you mean pudge. that other hero is certainly pudge


                                                                              SLEAVE - Well, that was very good!. I think that all you said will help me out. Watching some replay I realize one of my mistakes and is what you said, pressure. Even when I'm dominating I leave for a while to farm jungle and giving space to the other carry to farm and get the precious late game to change the win game into a loss game. Also sometimes I'm chasing easy kills (supports, etc) and not the real threat.

                                                                              Also I realize that the hard carry with disadvantage gets more farm than me and that's because I think is already win-game and it's not. I play slower since I thinkg the game is over and when I know that something is wrong and I need to play with all is too late.

                                                                              Is really hard to find specific problems like this, I watch a lot of my games and never tought that. Just looking to me with the huge advantage farming jungle thinking that "ok I've advantage so I can get more farm than everyone", some kills here and there, some towers, a few creeps by midas and my advantage is gone, gg. Or maybe nothing like that, some games I've clearly advantage and in the end we won but was really hard on late game (a lot of my games). All of those games was my fault and only mine for give them space and time when the game is over.

                                                                              Greatlubu - I'll try to do what you said, like pro supports I'll watch more games with player perspective from good supports and try to support my awesome teammates. What you said is true, is really hard to see someone who is actually a good support. When a good support is he'll probably get your atention since he will be fucking your lane with rotations and ganks every time he can. And that's why I loss mid lane sometimes and then the game on mid-game.

                                                                              Quick maffs

                                                                                I think you are over thinking, just play shadow fiend snowball with a good gpm and win the game.


                                                                                  I find a lot of people who describe themselves as good mid players are the people who dont gank aftet winning the lane.

                                                                                  Low Expectations

                                                                                    4 Things that can almost gurantee you a win at 3k mmr. 1)carry a fucking tp scroll, earlygame counterganking is much simpler than setting up a gank
                                                                                    2) learn to support, go up because of people with your mentality noone supports
                                                                                    3) splitpush and win because only 10% of your enemies wont carry a tp scroll before you go on their T4
                                                                                    4) Play easy (and tanky) heros like Bristlback, Ogremagi, Viper they crush at low mmr

                                                                                    Flat is Justice!

                                                                                      so much advice, none of it real.

                                                                                      here is what you really do
                                                                                      1. pick am
                                                                                      2. throw your storm bolt at the first enemy you see
                                                                                      3. doom the next guy that comes to save him
                                                                                      4. buy a blink dagger for the extra escape
                                                                                      5. win game


                                                                                        3k shitty support here.
                                                                                        I want to improve, I personally feel like i suck at positioning and decision making. besides those 2 i only suck at farming (when carry is not around), ganking, item building, roaming and everything else.. But i think the most important thing i am bad at is positioning. I almost always die first in team fights, too far to land skills, die a lot and feed enemy.. that's why i always have < 2 kda
                                                                                        And i usually pick the wrong target to disrupt/stun/nightmare/swap etc.
                                                                                        I miss my skillshots alot too, fissure/split earth.. i suck at those things
                                                                                        I don't really care about winning or loosing, i just want to get better
                                                                                        So what's your suggestion?

                                                                                        TL/DR: shitty 3k mmr support, sucks at everything.. what do?


                                                                                          Play Lycan and jungle until you have vlad and Moc, rosh buy BoT's and then Deso. You will win easily, people at our level don't carry Tp scrolls so they have to walk back, Even so you keep you ult for escape!

                                                                                          It is the same principle, ignore team fights(unless you can get a kill and not get killed). buy BoT's and push every lane. Team fight bot? Take towers and rax. DON'T BUY A NEC!


                                                                                            dude, you suck
                                                                                            just play more and learn to identify those players with pontential and selectively only play with them. if by the 1 minute mark you notice you're the best then play as the best and carry your team to victory, its that ez!

                                                                                            if you cant do this you're just too horrible and overrated and eventually you'll be end up in the 2k mmr


                                                                                              PLEASE DONT BE ANOTHER HAEL.


                                                                                                It depends on the hero, not all support need good positioning.
                                                                                                Not standing in vulnerable position is the most basic positioning skill that you should have and it applies to both support and carry.
                                                                                                Example support that need mad positioning skill is like treant, tide, SK and earthshaker but all of those hero are usually buy positioning item like force staff or blink dagger so you need a little farming abilities to compensate it

                                                                                                Not having 2 KDA as a support is normal. The point is you win the game. And if necessary you HAVE to sacrifice your life to save your carry and hope the enemy carries is satisfied with targeting you all the time while your carry is farming safely with good KDA to revenge them later on and win the game.

                                                                                                I agree that you shouldn't care about losing or winning, because if you focus on winning and you see your teammate is the cause of your loss you will mad and flaming them (this even happen in higher MMR). If you focus on getting better you will win because of it in another match anyway

                                                                                                How to improve your decision making is to imagine the situation beforehand and practice your reflex to execute is faster before the opponent has time to respond to it.

                                                                                                Arek Akashi

                                                                                                  pick drow mid , get mid tower stack ancients (Radiant) ez win in 3k.


                                                                                                    and in 4k :)


                                                                                                      My tips for you Muspel:
                                                                                                      - read this guide
                                                                                                      It helped me improve my mid a bit. It explains some tricks that most of 3k players have absolutely no idea about.
                                                                                                      - pick heros that are efficient whole game like ta
                                                                                                      - focus on lasthitting and farming more, ive checked your last 3 games with ta and you have around 100cs/30 min which is not enough for mid hero
                                                                                                      - if your teammates fail their lanes and request ganks/falme you just mute them, dont leave your lane untill you have core items for your hero (for example i dont leave lane as ta unless i have my blink, ofc there are some excpetions like a very good rune or smth) - killing enymy hero will grant you ~250 gold which is one creep wave and its not guaranted.
                                                                                                      - practice 1v1 mid alot if you dont feel like playing regular game, join 1v1 channel in dota or smth similiar to find ppl easy
                                                                                                      Also it will let your practice mid with higher lvl players and you can learn from them. It will give you much more then winning mid against player at your lvl.
                                                                                                      - this is also some interesting lecture that can help you improve and will give you an idea of what im talking about:

                                                                                                      If you cant stomp game playing mid it probably means that you are when you should be and you should find some way to improve. Ive recently dropped from 4100-4200 to 3700 because i was trying to learn tinker, and i can easily stomp games here. Ofc there are some rly hard games with feeders/leavers etc but still i can win 4 of of 5 or smth like that. At higher lvl however i can see that i currently dont play good enough to go higher then 4,2 mostly because of my mechanical skills. Its funny that i see all those missed lasthits etc but somehow i cant prevent that. It will take some practice i guess.
                                                                                                      good luck on your way to 4k :)

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