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General DiscussionComment on the Dotabuff above you

Comment on the Dotabuff above you in General Discussion

    Nice alchi, improve your gameplay a bit tho :)

    Airi ♥


      good: ursa = WOW! with that number of games, you might be the best ursa in this forum
      bad: sad about the lich (not really bad, but, am i the only one who thinks lich is one of the most efficient supports in the game? support over micro-wise, but whatever), and maybe ranged supports in general, not that it matters tho, splendid ursa!

      Este comentário foi editado

        nice lich you got ;)

        Airi ♥


          maybe using alot of lich since dota 1 helps, you know, alot of us here in the country still play dota 1, dota 2 is just getting there, and i would say i am overwhelmed on how advancely skilled those people around here, like your ursa, how did you do that? having wisp as a teammate is imba but with that amount of games, you really mastered it, i like it


            Good- Nice variety of heroes and supports
            Bad- Low variety of carry pick, Slark/Sniper winrate


              Good: nice Timbersaw stats
              Bad: Tinker below 50% :(

              positive influence

                good:dat tinker
                bad:wtf antimagurr :O


                  good: dat invoker swag
                  bad: that SB game in recent history... bash lord in an all-pick game? FOR SHAME


                    good: dazzle <3<3 shallow grave
                    bad: your juggernaut kda makes me sadpanda + winrate

                    positive influence

                      good lesh and alch
                      bad your invoker needs a bit of practice

                      @cuddy,i swear it was like the 3rd or 4th game with bara my whole life,i hate that stupid shit.i only wanted to see how broken he is now

                      Airi ♥


                        good: invo and TA.. nasty
                        bad: i'm not the only one who sucks on pudge and rubick lol


                          You were the 1111 post.


                            @الفلبينيين غبي

                            Good: Visage most played hero!

                            Bad: I don't know how you guys (you and several others) manage to score your most deaths record with a tank hero.


                              Good : Support player with over 50% win
                              bad: ROOOOOOFF


                                good: ur top played heroes <3 / gd winrate
                                bad: last 17 games only wisp/ursa tryharding


                                  @الفلبينيين غبي we basically abused the mm system + played acceptable

                                  @KORD1G nice antimage so far

                                  positive influence

                                    good: i like that mirana
                                    not quite sure if bad :SO MUUCH BEAR


                                      good: nice records
                                      bad: so much deaths on storm spirit :O


                                        Good: Cool name

                                        Bad: Terrible at dota


                                          good: weird name
                                          bad: pudge picker


                                            i take those as both good things wheres the bad lol


                                              Good___Niceeeee win rate !

                                              Bad___he s name is krgrgrrkrkrkrkrk ...something


                                                nice magnus :)


                                                  Good: amazing ursa :o

                                                  Bad: so many ursa games D:


                                                    Nice: Jakiro wr and k/d/a
                                                    Bad: Sd wr


                                                      Good: nice slark
                                                      Bad: most of your top heroes are boring


                                                        good: winrate
                                                        bad: picks free food (pudge)

                                                        Jedem das Seine

                                                          good: profile picture
                                                          bad: drow ranger picker


                                                            nice nyx games ;)


                                                              good:overall winrate
                                                              bad:Chaos knight and nature's winrate

                                                              ╰_╯ GeneraL ♕★♥

                                                                Gd: On a winning streak
                                                                Bad: That fatty guy winrate

                                                                SMELLY APE

                                                                  Good: lost 1 game for the last 20 games, good pudge
                                                                  Bad: pick too much pudge :)

                                                                  ╰_╯ GeneraL ♕★♥

                                                                    only 14% of my games are with pudge :/

                                                                    Gd: Invoker winrate is fine, KDA is gd
                                                                    Bad: pick too much invoker :)


                                                                      Good: Only wins recently :D

                                                                      Bad: overall KDA could use some work!


                                                                        Good: sick luna
                                                                        Bad: Venge.

                                                                        SMELLY APE

                                                                          GOOD: seems to be amazing supporter
                                                                          BAD: highest gpm 620. w t f


                                                                            Good: DUDE LEAVE CARL ALONE FFS!!
                                                                            Bad: says highest 620 gpm is bad. maybe some people dont get idiots on the other team.
                                                                            also qop

                                                                            Este comentário foi editado
                                                                            positive influence

                                                                              tallented support player
                                                                              that qop tho:|



                                                                                good: good variety of mid heroes
                                                                                bad: doesnt play support


                                                                                  Good: brewmaster WR
                                                                                  Bad: Winrate with friends.


                                                                                    GOOD: NICE MOTHER SKILLS
                                                                                    BAD: YOUR CARRY SKILLS IS NOT LIKE A PRO

                                                                                    bukah bukah

                                                                                      good: balanced hero picks
                                                                                      bad: low KD ratio

                                                                                      Este comentário foi editado
                                                                                      Have a cow

                                                                                        good: nice carry KDA
                                                                                        bad: pudge

                                                                                        angery mang

                                                                                          Good: Nothing
                                                                                          Bad: Too much Windrunner + Bad Ratio


                                                                                            good: u can't win with bara
                                                                                            bad: ur herochoice, seems to me like a bad farmer too.


                                                                                              good: winrate
                                                                                              bad: too many games with boring right click heroes!


                                                                                                good: Kotol, gief me mana! (love it with rubick :) )
                                                                                                bad: need a lil bit more winrate :)

                                                                                                Este comentário foi editado
                                                                                                angery mang

                                                                                                  I don't farm at all. Notice any farming heroes? Anyway.

                                                                                                  Good: Epic Longest Game.
                                                                                                  Bad: You lost. And you were Viper. With a negative KD ratio.

                                                                                                  Airi ♥


                                                                                                    good: nice Veno, GJ!
                                                                                                    bad: not so bad, but Riki on ~25% of games is an eyesore. Try support for some time

                                                                                                    angery mang

                                                                                                      I only pick Riki when the apposing team picks TryHard heroes in an All Pick game. Which is quite a lot.

                                                                                                      Good: Good Lich - You play Supports for days.
                                                                                                      Bad: Nothing - Really! Not the greatest records but your overall ratio and team work is fantastic.