General Discussion

General DiscussionComment on the Dotabuff above you

Comment on the Dotabuff above you in General Discussion
NextStep ®

    G: Veno and SB. 2,279 games.

    B: username and display pic. lame shit

    Bad Intentions

      good: veteran zombie player, a good undying is a good teammate early mid
      bad: its undying or bust, i stack some heroes too but you really stack undying to the death :]

      Banho dos Campeões

        good: win rate as Venon
        bad: 13 denys as bloodseeker is your maximum? wtf!

        Dune, the Desert Planet

          g sick win rates and kdas
          b most likely inflated by stacking and/or normal games


            g: hello fellow mid player! nice plays on your main heroes!
            b: we can try some other roles, right?


              han solo again :)

              G: plays mostly offlane
              B: i think cant play mid well


                Good: Plays a mix of carry/mid/offlane. Your mid heroes have pretty impressive stats.

                Bad: Support could use some work I guess. And maybe farming carries.


                  G: dedicated support?
                  B:low skywrath winrate


                    G: nice last ember match pretty good overall stats and mirna

                    B: Plays a bit of supports


                      G: dat Timber winrate! Invoker player! and dat AM winrate
                      B: lost longest game, sad riki and tinker winrate




                          G: sf sf sf sf sf, slark, sf sf sf sf sf, must be good to play mid every game.
                          B: wr<50%


                            G: Invoker most played
                            B: Invoker most played


                              Good: Decent winrate with teammates, shows you are willing to work in a team.

                              Bad: Normal skill, probably using NP to throw games.

                              Edit: because ninja'd.

                              Este comentário foi editado
                              Primordial Soup

                                Good: Winrate/Main Supports

                                Bad: On a losing streak + 28 abandons

                                Dune, the Desert Planet

                                  good love your top played heroes
                                  bad play more ranked

                                  John Matrix

                                    G: obvious but dat TA..
                                    B: only 16 games with Dazzle?!


                                      Dazzle, holy fuck, L I K E.
                                      Dat Ogre.

                                      Dune, the Desert Planet

                                        g very nice sf player, good mid
                                        b win rate :s

                                        gertouille la fripouille

                                          G: a good mid player
                                          B: Too much tamplar


                                            G. Nice supp
                                            B. Hate supp


                                              G: high win rate in ranked for this month
                                              B: ur avatar, is dat u?


                                                G~ Nice puck, nice kda and items for him.

                                                B~ As any other sub 4k dude, maximazing your farm is way important. U seem to strugglet with that, so I'd say master farming patterns and you'll impove


                                                  G : LEGIT SF!
                                                  B : how do you get 48 winrate dude? :3


                                                    G : great winrate on meepo :)
                                                    B : 20 heroes with less than 1kda average :c
                                                    man what happened to your ck game lol 0.07kda is like 1-14-0 xD

                                                    gertouille la fripouille

                                                      G: Nice winstreak dude :3

                                                      B: Faceless's winrate


                                                        G : Good winrate with supporters
                                                        B : Terrorblade

                                                        Dune, the Desert Planet

                                                          G - aba, pl, wd, good overall winrate
                                                          B - scourge <50%


                                                            Good: Impressive KDA ratios.

                                                            Bad: Pretty much only plays core heroes.


                                                              Good: no abandoned games (almost none)
                                                              Bad: Too much Lich

                                                              Este comentário foi editado
                                                              Make love, not flame

                                                                G: nice hero pool + your nice treant just got buffed a bit :-)
                                                                B: few ranked compared to overall matches, no -cm

                                                                Dune, the Desert Planet

                                                                  g superb winrate and kdas
                                                                  b mb a smurf

                                                                  u que cm on West, mb we will meet in game ~~

                                                                  Este comentário foi editado
                                                                  NextStep ®

                                                                    G: The kda and winrate of TA. Overall kda and winrate of most played heroes.
                                                                    How i wish i can play TA.

                                                                    B: hardly support


                                                                      g: You must like zombies, very high skilled zombies
                                                                      b: super limited hero pool, should try some other things

                                                                      Este comentário foi editado

                                                                        g: fxxgot name
                                                                        b: favourite hero not over 50%


                                                                          g: <3 avatar
                                                                          b: you like playing axe a lot??? GRRRRRRR


                                                                            G; lich support and a void carry

                                                                            B; only plays normal and on a kind of losing streak


                                                                              good: nice Invoker win rate & kda, overall winrate
                                                                              bad: no love for support heroes

                                                                              Dune, the Desert Planet

                                                                                @ cronos
                                                                                Good: all rounder, all top heroes have nice stats esp DP, TA and LoA, nice avatar
                                                                                Bad: 45% win rate on scourge side. How?


                                                                                  G: plays cm the most with high win rate. u must be a demi-god. TA and brewmaster user

                                                                                  B: aint using micro heroes. chen brood meepo etc


                                                                                    G: good mid player

                                                                                    B: puck dagon i hate it :( better build something in my opinion hehe dont take it too deep coms ^^

                                                                                      Esse comentário foi removido por um moderador

                                                                                        good: emberspirito ^_^

                                                                                        bad: bounterhunty

                                                                                        THICC BABY SHUM

                                                                                          good: wins with ursa

                                                                                          bad: got supported by top io in the world


                                                                                            G: Tiny
                                                                                            B: Sniper


                                                                                              G: SF PICKER
                                                                                              B: <50% WINRATE


                                                                                                G: Lot of support with good winrate
                                                                                                B: Nature's prophet


                                                                                                  G: High winrate and KDA on Troll Warlord
                                                                                                  B: win rate