General Discussion

General DiscussionComment on the Dotabuff above you

Comment on the Dotabuff above you in General Discussion

    G: Believed in me for 5k
    B: Cursed me on the way

    Totentanz to The King: M ...

      Happy 1 year anniversary to this thread.


        G: Winrates
        B: NP + Lycan picker


          G: winrates and kda
          B: winrate of most played (rubick)


            G: Actually buys detection when needed
            B: A lot of deaths in games which are being won convincingly


              G - Likes to play all types of modes and is very successful in most
              B - 6/10 heroes in top played are under 50%


                G: Dem support heroes, mmmmm.
                B: Winrate on WR and Rubick. :(


                  G: Generally good winrates.

                  B: Needs more games.


                    G: Generally good winrates.

                    B: Needs more games.


                      To every guy regarding my nickname change, everybody here knows me from my picture, and I'm quite sure everybody knows my real nick.

                      I keep changing nickname so people I get matched with doesn't recognize my name = start talking. shut up and play boys!

                      Good: Slark WR/KDR
                      Bad: Played against me twice. Lost twice. GET UP MAN. 2-0

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                        Good: Mirana and Nature are realy annoyng by all the things they do, and Arrow and right moment to tp maybe seems easy to master, but is not.

                        Bad: Too many pubstompers in "most played".


                          G: Morphling :D / Lots of games

                          B: S A D B O Y S


                            Good: That tinker WR and KDA is incredible :o Oh and MAPO

                            Bad: Your other carries :(


                              Good: Rubick most played hero :D

                              Bad: Dem winrates with stacks.


                                good: great support, would want on my team every game
                                bad: 25 abandons


                                  G / Adept @ high risk high reward Shadow Fiend. Great winrate for SF.
                                  B / Earth Spirit wasnt a good idea last week, no? lol ;) Musta been a daily hero challenge

                                  Bad Intentions

                                    g: ohh CM player, good wr on AA
                                    b: you need coordinated teams, you wont survive alone probably


                                      good: spec
                                      bad: what's with that ranked win rate? 47%?


                                        g - spec winrate
                                        b - sub 50% winrate overall, stopped playing SB since he got nerfed

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                                          g - good KDA overall

                                          b - you left ur last game

                                          Oh Shit Waddup

                                            g: overall winrate, nice versatility/ high impact heros in most played + 50%+ on most of them

                                            b: seems to have low win rate with a fair few carries e.g am gyro naix etc. ( this isnt me being all like omfg learn to carry, but its literally one of the only things that came to me cause your profile is pretty damn solid man)


                                              Good: Pretty nice winrate.

                                              Bad: Hardly any supports among your most played (some can be played as support, but since the rest is pretty much carry/mid). Not saying you are a bad carry or anything, its just that this game needs people playing support more :D

                                              vini jr

                                                G - nice KDA on weaver

                                                B - Viper picker :/


                                                  Good - You have on average nice 500 GPM on OMNIKNIGHT

                                                  Bad- Shocking win rate with Tinker (embarrassing the fuck out of me)


                                                    Good/Bad:well cant say anything seems like new id/smurf


                                                      good : invoker
                                                      bad : I envy


                                                        Good: Good mid laner.

                                                        Bad: Ninja'd me. Also kinda low KDAs cconsidering the heroes.

                                                        Este comentário foi editado
                                                        Bad Intentions

                                                          G: youre a supporter
                                                          B: you need good teams most of the time, your frustration will be high in solo pubs


                                                            Good: Pretty good venomancer
                                                            Bad: Low overall winrate and even lower ranked winrate


                                                              G: mirana, shot arrow hit arrow
                                                              B: friends with guiri....

                                                              ok for real, you play too much slark

                                                              vini jr

                                                                G : nice win rate in ranked matches :D

                                                                B : 35 ranked matches :/


                                                                  G : Winrates with everything
                                                                  B : Worst potm arrows I've ever seen

                                                                  EDIT : intended for Mastadoom but I guess it works with you as well :D

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                                                                  vini jr

                                                                    G : Nice winrate and KDA on invoker

                                                                    B : Tinker picker :S


                                                                      G: dat bristleback
                                                                      B: same Radiant/Dire imbalance as me


                                                                        G - Your most play hero has a KDA of 5.13!!!!

                                                                        B - SB is ur 5th most bought item on your account. seem you really like to buy it but it doesn't fit well with ur most play hero expect prophet

                                                                        i just realize i did the wrong guy opps... 2014 >>>>>>> 1950

                                                                        G - most likely can LH very well and i love you trax stats. i hate playing her, can't LH with her and i hate how long it takes for her to cast her silence, and i don't even like her ult.

                                                                        B - very little rank game play

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                                                                          G - youve played a little of all heroes, all with nice k/d

                                                                          B - your friend you play with is bringing you down


                                                                            Good: Almost 55% ranked winrate this month. Nice job.

                                                                            Bad: Dat Mirana


                                                                              Good: Most played heroes are even on support and carry.

                                                                              Bad: US west too hard.


                                                                                Good: Winrate

                                                                                Bad: OH MY GOD STOP PLAYING THAT PA


                                                                                  Good: Nice mix of top heroes, even if there is a few less supports than average (I'm not one to talk though!)

                                                                                  Bad: OH MY GOD STOP PLAYING THAT RAZOR


                                                                                    Good: Top hero winrates, overall winrate.
                                                                                    Bad: 47% Ursa, really :D


                                                                                      good: fellow pudge player :D and slark kda wr
                                                                                      bad: am wr. and u are in love with blink dagger O.O


                                                                                        GOod: Nice pudge
                                                                                        Bad: invoker winrate


                                                                                          good: nice ta winrate, invoker's and tinker's kda ratio,
                                                                                          bad: only few supports played


                                                                                            Good: nice winrate

                                                                                            Bad: 47% lycan winrate

                                                                                            Bad Intentions

                                                                                              g: no. of total games, veteran player
                                                                                              b: mass played bara when he was strong, US server weak server


                                                                                                G` KDA is spectacular on your top heroes. Bloodcyka @ Spirit-o Break-u win rates
                                                                                                B` The squishy type carries (like Luna, PA, AM in the early game I guess) win rates. Seems to do better with the more tanky type carry.

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                                                                                                Forgos ☭

                                                                                                  g: looks like a decent supp player

                                                                                                  b: %46 win rate in other game modes than ap


                                                                                                    G: Great top 2 most played, and great most played overall.

                                                                                                    B: Oh boy the latest matches...

                                                                                                    Arek Akashi

                                                                                                      G: winrates with offlane heroes
                                                                                                      B: Low KDA