General Discussion

General DiscussionAfter I activated shared history, dotabuff didnt receive all my matches

After I activated shared history, dotabuff didnt receive all my matches in General Discussion

    I saw the "take action" post on dotabuff and I activated my shared match history. I have a new acc, which I hope goes well. I have a record of 13 wins and 8 losses but dotabuff didnt get all matches. It only shows 4 wins and 8 losses. Why is that? Will this be resolved? If anyone has the same problem please enlighten me :P. Thank you!


      If you changed your setting to private after we gathered the data for a match, your participation in that match wasn't public and we don't have it in the database.

      Este comentário foi editado

        So any matches I've played in private setting will never get into your database? I didn't change it back to private and I'm not planning to do anything like that. I support dotabuff's innovative DBR.

        Este comentário foi editado

          i have the same problem, i enabled the feature of match sharing history but dotabuff is not recieving my matches i totally totally like DBR plx help me what to do so tht dotabuff may recieve my match history


            Are there any plans to retrieve the information from the games not currently listed?


              I have the same problem too.I want to see all my matches here!


                i too


                  i enabled the "share match history" option last day and it still doesnt record my games either


                    I have same problem.I playe 13 games while I havent activated sharing match history.I really want to these 13 games show up in my statistic.Please DotaBuff do it somehow :).


                      Hi sh1thalfeR, do you see all of your matches in your profile now?


                        I play many games while I havent activated sharing match history.I really want to these games show up in my statistic.Please receive all my matches!!!


                          same here.. please fix this



                            I just deployed a fix for this. The next time you play a match, our systems will get the rest of your missing history. It may take some time after your match for this to happen, up to a few hours in some cases.


                              Not working for me either.


                                @Danleco, how about now?


                                  ok dotabuff now recieved a match of mine form 2 hrs ago might be working now


                                    Nice Jason, I'm looking forward to this, I won 18 out of 18 matches while dotabuff was down so i hope it gets added =)


                                      @ToBiaS, look right now?


                                        Jason i have a question.
                                        In old dotabuff when i finished the match, i could instantly alt tab to DB and refresh to see my match there..
                                        But right now it takes like 30 mins or more for the matches to be shown. Is it because your servers are busy filling those missed matches from downtime and will be fixed after a few days or it will stay like this because of webapi limitations?


                                          @Jason: Thanks it has been added now!

                                          Este comentário foi editado

                                            Hi Viruser,

                                            There are a few things contributing to the delay in matches arriving:

                                            - The Web API exposes match results more slowly than the other method.
                                            - Our servers are indeed busy filling a backlog of matches as well as a backlog of player reconciliation jobs (for players who were private but are now public and want all of their data).
                                            - I haven't yet had a chance to analyze the metrics of our new data processing system and tune it appropriately

                                            Before the switch to the WebAPI we had an average delta of around a minute between when a team won a match and when it appeared on Dotabuff. We don't expect to get it that low with the WebAPI, but it shouldn't be 30 minutes either. My best guess right now is that we'll be able to get it down to around 6 minutes pretty easily, and possibly further over time.


                                              Jason, do it for me pls. Want all my matches


                                                Could u update my matches while it was down? :>

                                                <3 dotabuff!


                                                  nvm, already got it


                                                    Yo Jason!

                                                    I'm having the same problem as ToBiaS, would be awesome if you could fix it for me aswell!



                                                      @NinaDobrev should be all set


                                                        @FETTTO^__^ done


                                                          yo Jason, do it for me pls. Want all my matches
                                                          <3 DB


                                                            same here :/
                                                            Played 7 games while it was down. Can you fix for me too?


                                                              @Leg.Sith | MaceWindu done

                                                              If anyone else is having the issue, please play a game - our system will take care of it within a few hours after your match completes. Thanks!


                                                                Jason u know what im asking for, ty :)


                                                                  I cant see my matches eather while dotabuff was down. Should I do something to fix that?


                                                                    done done


                                                                      Can you fix for me too?


                                                                        thank you very much!1!
                                                                        stay with DB
                                                                        valve retard.....)


                                                                          эй а как же я ((


                                                                            Good to go now. Thanks for the quick update.


                                                                              but what about me?!


                                                                                Thank U very much!


                                                                                  Same for me..

                                                                                  feminism owns

                                                                                    It looks like a lot of my old games got up today. GJ db for the work


                                                                                      Thanks a lot for the replies in this post. @Jason you are really doing a great job here, discussing with the community. I got my games by the way. You will all get them at some point, don't worry! I'll continue supporting dotabuff!


                                                                                        If anyone is still experiencing this problem, please play another public matchmaking game and then wait a few hours. If that doesn't fix it, post in this thread and I'll look into it.

                                                                                        Thanks for your patience and cooperation!


                                                                                          mine not working :)

                                                                                          hUi @ VuLz.InT-kiLlEr

                                                                                            Keep working dotabuff
                                                                                            I like dotabuff so so much <3

                                                                                            Steven Senpai

                                                                                              Played game while dotabuff was down. Can you help me get those matches?


                                                                                                The game that I played while dotabuff down will automatic update, or not?

                                                                                                I still don't get it. Can you fix for me too? Thanks :)

                                                                                                Drunk Doto Best Doto

                                                                                                  Thankyou Steam! now my dotabuff stats are the same as in-game stats. all matches before this update are now recoreded and updated on dotabuff! woohoo


                                                                                                    same here, all my games are not recorded, so my ingame stats and dotabuff stats are different

                                                                                                    Captain Pepega

                                                                                                      just play a game jesus cant u guys read


                                                                                                        mine too please... few match before i active the share... please add it up thanks