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19 comentários

    2nd lol


      3rd bois


        Everyone is getting old


          The perspective and conveyed message of this article is very odd


            Maybe start supporting players more? The wings ACE debacle seems to indicate that the Chinese orgs are in it for profit and don't care that much about the players wellbeing. Problem is, players need to feel good to play well.


              Based on statements made by wings players, it seems lack of organizational support is one of the reasons for wings poor performance post ti6.

              Erase Humanity

                I'm not interested in China, Chinese culture or Chinese scene at all. But I guess this article is a little bit biased.


                  True. Someone need to translate this into Chinese so they can read it.

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                      Their difficulty to adapt and make changes is killing the Chinese scene in general. They just prefer to stick to their old fashioned ways instead of going with change and renewing their playstyles. EPICENTER was a huge testament of that and we will see it unfolds in TI.

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                        There better be an SEA team invited to TI7. I don't care if Faceless or TnC,


                          lfy looks quiet promising at epicenter. but ig got eliminated today and seems to be suffering post dac 2017. the new lgd with yao and old eleven looks good but they lost the grandfinals of 3 major event qualfiers. vg hast played since hao returned I think so lets see what they can do. Chinese scene isn't TOO bad right now.

                          white boy summer

                            couldn't care less about all these one patch chinese metaslave teams

                            Tarog Skwela Undangi Nang...

                              Their underground connection is still strong for having more invites compare to other regions, so embrace d' slot advantage.


                                Odd year, so western team will win anyway.


                                  thank god, chinese games are boring af, the chinese players cant even speak english and their language sounds extremely annoying.

                                  Moar Dakka

                                    TAIWAN NUMBER ONE!!


                                      1. Ban Association of Esport China for IT 17 as broadcaster and sponsorship.
                                      2.Provide escape goat for former IT 16 winner: allow China to assemble 1 - 2 teams to attend TI 17 qualifier.
                                      By the way: Tawiwan number 999^N