The dreaded third brother in the Spirit family has been introduced into Captain’s Mode in 6.86. Manyplayers have been vocal about not wanting the hero in the game, as he introduces a very unique skillset. He can initiate early on from longe range and can displace opponents from the safety of their own tower or potentially save teammates from danger. On top of that, despite being an excellent ganker, he is also strong in teamfights.
While the first big tournament on 6.86, the Shanghai Major Qualifiers, did not see too much Earth Spirit play, he played a very important role in the first major LAN, StarLadder i-League. And today during MDL’s first day, he was picked or banned in 29 out of 31 games
Before we can talk about Earth Spirit and his position in the meta though, let’s talk about what he brings to the table.
There is a reason why Earth Spirit is not as popular in the public scene, despite being considered one of the stronger heroes in the game. His skill ceiling is quite high, or to put it simply: not everyone is capable yet of using his skillset to its fullest potential. The 6.86 nerf certainly didn’t help the scenario, as it nerfed his early game impact quite significantly.
Enabled in Captain's Mode.
Reduced intelligence gain from 2.4 to 2.1.
Reduced Boulder Smash damage/stun radius and stone search radius from 200 to 160.
Geomagnetic Grip now requires Aghanim's Scepter to be able to pull allied heroes.
The Int nerf stings, but it’s nothing to go crazy over. The Boulder Smash nerf is also somewhat negligible; it’s just something to get used to.
Geomagnetic Grip now requiring
Aghanim's Scepter in order to pull allied people is the big one. Pulling allied people out of danger was one of the features that made him so strong. It was an in-built and free Force Staff. Earth Spirit is still strong, but this gives him a more balanced scaling. His early to midgame has become weaker, but he scales much stronger into the lategame now.
Earth Spirit’s early game is truly a first world problem. His skills are all good enough that you want them maxed early. It’s one of the reasons why, when he first came out, people tried to play him in core positions. Similar to Tusk, there’s an argument to be made that he could potentially be played in the offlane (if we disregarded the current offlane meta) as a utility core with a lot of setup potential. But he shines brightly in the support position for now.
The broad public seems to think that maxing Geomagnetic Grip first is the way to go, but looking at the professional scene, the pros seem to think otherwise. Boulder Smash is prioritized first, followed by Geomagnetic Grip. In some scenarios, Boulder Smash is not maxed, but after 3 skillpoints in it, some players switch to max Geomagnetic Grip. Overall, it’s a build to maximize damage and Boulder Smash scales better due to the cooldown decrease. One could argue that skilling
Rolling Boulder would be good as well, as the cooldown decreases significantly, but there’s only so much utility for the Rolling Boulder without a Boulder Smash and/or a Geomagnetic Grip to follow it up.
As for items, Earth Spirit is rather flexible. You definitely want to go for an Aghanim’s Scepter, as it greatly increases the hero's utility, but before that there are a variety of standard support items that he benefits from.
Earth Spirit is a ganker, initiator and just overall an active support. He’s not the type to sit back and farm up a bigger item, although he requires both farm and experience. His skillset is perfect to initiate a teamfight, but his range also allows him to disrupt an enemy’s initiation.
The meta is still in its early stages, where it’s wrapping itself around the strongest heroes. Chen is currently everybody’s darling, but Earth Spirit has shown during StarLadder that he too is a hero that teams are willing to draft for or even around him. Often you see him paired with a
Death Prophet. Partly, because she is rather popular and strong by herself right now, but also because she synergizes with ES.
Earth Spirit is almost always played as support in the professional scene right now, but as mentioned before, there are merits to playing him as a core, which Team Secret's w33 tried earlier today.
As of now, the hero is first pick or ban material. He is a hero that nobody is afraid of picking up, because he can fit in almost any line-up. He is a flexible hero that doesn't steer your line-up into a specific direction in regards to a game plan or strategy, yet can help you in many scenarios to execute these strategies perfectly. Evil Geniuses utilized the hero to fend of pushes and exploit bad positioning during StarLadder, while LGD's MMY puts heavy emphasis on applying pressure onto various lanes early on.
Earth Spirit can win you the laning stage, he can salvage the midgame and he can be the difference maker in the lategame. His skillset doesn't require many items to thrive, but becomes that much stronger when he does pick up items.
He has the potential to, if future balance patches don’t hit him too hard, stay in the top ranks of heroes for several patches. Similar to Batrider or
Tusk, Earth Spirit provides a utility that is unique, something that no other hero can replace. It’s not that his damage output is overwhelmingly strong (although that certainly adds to it), but his skills will always be useful and strong. Batrider has been nerfed a lot in the past 2 years, but no matter how low the numbers on his skills dropped, as long as the meta game remotely allowed him to be effective, he would always return.
That said, it’s very likely to see further nerfs and reworks for Earth Spirit, but historically speaking Icefrog doesn’t nerf the core concept of the hero and rather balances out the numbers surrounding it. Earth Spirit is here to stay.
1st comment!
I have to agree with AdmiralBulldog, Hes quite overrated
Interesting hero I guess
I'm a couple of spots away from being top 100 with him. Fantastic hero.
"he scales much stronger into the lategame now."
No, he really doesn't. His lategame is worse than before because his int gain is worse, and the scepter granting pull is something he used to always have.
I love Earth Spirit. I hope he does not get nerfed too much. :c
жалко реал что его фиксанули(
I think the late-game scaling is referring to the fact that his aghanims gives him the new enchant remnant, which I think is a rather strong skill when used offensively, mainly because the target because untargettable in the stone form so it can't be saved by any skills or items from being pulled and then smashed by earth spirit, so that's 2600 (3000 with aether lens) units of distance the target can be potentially moved from his original position. Very strong for initiation if you enchant remnant the enemy.
I fuckin love earthspirit...thank you volvo
he sucks
Also, scaling is only really a relevant concept within the scope of a game. Not across shifting patches and meta.
So while he may not get stronger late than he used to pre 6.86; within 6.86 games, compared to his now nerfed early game capabilities, his late game definitely shines a little more. So within a single game, his late game scaling is greater compared to what it was within a single game in 6.85.
hard to play :(
Люблю героя, но меньше стал его брать по причине глупых правок, а анимацию раскрутки починить не могут. И добавили идиотскую анимацию призыва камней((, все что нужно было добавить герою это пасивку как у Pudge, нет надо было придумать еще 1 скил, могли бы призыв камней улучшить при касте на игроков. А в то же время можно зайти в игру посмотреть на героя, и обнаружить штук 10 недоработок. И зачем убрали 50 дамага с раскрутки? теперь камни в ранней игре вообще бесполезны. ИМХО. вот хочу такую анимацию этого героя.
Thank you for noticing the introduction of this hero in specific. Seems like forever has passed since this Spirit was allowed in CM.
Also, currently the Enchanted Mango has a win rate of 34.36%. Together, we as a community, have the ability to fix this problem and end this horrific tragedy. Please help. It is our duty as gamers to give this item the respect it is due
I love having something to read everyday. Keep up the good work!
I hate that icefrog only looks into pro games and shit and only balances stuff according to that.
Sick4 hours ago вот хочу такую анимацию этого героя.
неа, хуже.. удар ногой круче выглядит, а на видео получается уже какой-то боксер или каратист спирит, да и палка где будет в момент удара?
The only problem with earth spirit it isn't that good to be a support making him offlane or mid is better.
I love Earth Spirit(although I hardly win with him), but I friggin' hate that he always gets nerfed. A lot of heroes got an aghs boost now, ES had that already, so no biggie there. It''s actually worse than before, cause even with aghs you have to enchant ur teammate first to be able to grip them. And ofc you'll have to purchase the aghs for that and that is not so ez with a nonfarmer support hero. Batrider doesn't really need the aghs, does he? But he could farm it much more faster than ES... fuck it. The only good thing is - and it's quite nice - that Stone Remnant is now placed in front of you when on selfcast and that makes the use of boulder smash much more easy. Still, pls stop nerfing him ffs!
Yield3 hours ago
Палку использую только в начале, пусть на спину повесят), а по делу я имел в виду только анимацию поднятия камней из земли что на самом деле логично для духа земли, хотя остальные анимации в видио тоже нравятся. С нерфом перемудрили, играл Omniknight убивал Juggernaut с 2 кастов на 8 минуте.
pretty much what I meant!
Хватит его фиксить!АСТАНАВИТЕСЬ!Я ЛЮБЛЮ ЕГО:<3
In pubs hes surely not support. He can win <5k games easily solo.
The most all-around hero in Dota 2. I want learn play with this green fat gorilla.
Yeah I also want to learn this Hero :D
Too late to learn this HERO HAHEAHAHAEHHUIAGA
David Bowie
op lil kid
я в шоке я на старом акаунте играл на нем катка за каткой 350 игр потом решил побить ммр на новом уже с нормальным скилом на этом персонаже потом вышел один фикс потом второй а сейчас третий и просто убивает то что раньше его не было в капитане а сейчас есть и он пикается в каждой игре прям все такие про про ребята это очень хороший перс но в нем есть но если даже тянешь сам но команда раки и уже пипец а не герой или раньше в пабах брал фу фу земляной говно вот тема темпларка или магнус он ничего не может а потом в кап ввели все все пикают все ебашат на спиритах говорю для всех кто давно в танке и с дыркой во лбу это герой только для мас прокаста для мида он тоже хорош но если в тиме сидят раки простите никакой игры не может быть только норм тимплей решает этот перс также как и магнус и трэнт а так флаг в руки тренируйтесь перс хорошый был до фиксов а сейчас его спустили до сапортов сапогов просто дохуя нытиков которые играют на мортрах или на рики вот и фиксят пуджей штормов спектр возможностей велик просто не хрен ныть и играть пробовать выдавить скилл из перса а не просто катать и делать из него дерьмо играйте с ботами часами не лезьте в пабы этот перс должен быть од точеный до минимума как кери и как сап хотя бы на 75 % а так флаг в руки и фидьте если вы считаете (я так просто первый ак слил думал а хера тут всего то пару кнопочек ага болта ! ) так что тренируйтесь а не просырайте пабы
i hate how he is being played as a support in the pro scene because i dominate as a core (usually offlane but can mid) in my normal and high skill games. I believe he has a lot of potential as a core and although he doesnt need that many items...i feel he is being held back as a support. just my opinion
last comment
one more u should to know, Earth Spirit is The only one hero who can stun and silent he's enemies :D
please someone make new SET for it
I just hope Icefrog read this, especially the ending.
Thank you dotabuff for providing dota 2 insights everyday.
Stun + slow + silence + dmg + escape = HERO.
His role and position is to roll and position
Rider 2 дня назад
"Stun + slow + silence + dmg + escape = HERO.
Oh, maybe we nerf invoker to? He is more often pickable hero and he is MORE stronger, especially in late game. His spells and right click damage! Earth Spirit can't dominate in late game. His advantage is leveled by late game.
My best hero. just got a rampage few days ago. feels good no doubt
I can anticipate another nerf after MDL. GG volvo, my favorite hero
I'm really proud that he got into the scene, i've been waiting for this for a long time yet other cry babies nerf'd him to death.
and now another nerf. R.I.P. again
This was one of the best heroes but needed skill and a lot of it, people had to practice a ton to learn how to play him, yes he seemed op, but as i said before it required a monster amount of time to learn him right. Now he is a support... Why? No-one knows, they say its because they had to nerf him, but then when you see a character like Shadow Fiend being played 33% of the games in 5+ K MMR makes you wonder whats balance for Valve. A character that gets kills and damages hard the other team is normal, its supposed to be part of the game, thats why the game was divided into carries and supports, but taking a hero from carry to second class support, is just lame.