General Discussion

General DiscussionPudge pick rate

Pudge pick rate in General Discussion
Boat Anchor

    I don’t get it. He’s in almost every game and 90% of the people who play him are awful lol.

    What’s the appeal? Is it satisfying to land one hook out of twenty that leads to a kill? Almost like golf… where you play like crap but one good shot makes up for it maybe?

    Seriously I’m confused. He’s so highly picked since, well ever.

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    Pál Maléter

      mainly its meat hook with its high range "high skill" usage, pure dmg, bkb piercing and repositioning is strong on its own so even when the hero is weak players will get satisfaction from hook alone
      theres also flesh heap infinite scaling thats liked the idea that you could get 30 stacks and tank everyone

      дотеры балдеют от этой пр...

        Thanks to Dendi, Pudge become a meme in CIS countries. And since a lot of dota players are from Russia, Ulkraine, Belarus etc, people play on him whatever he is not banned


          pudge is a really strong (and obviously fun) offlaner, or any core role really, right now... just wish people stopped griefing and picking him support

          🇺🇦 nezoro 🇺🇦

            I ban him in every game )


              He's basically the mascot of DOTA.