General Discussion

General Discussionwhats my mmr ?

whats my mmr ? in General Discussion

    could you predict my mmr.
    Im mid player. Every game i feel like I dont have a proper offlane / pos 3 , who cant iniciate for shit . If I lose mid lane then most certanly ill lose the game because the offlane and the pos 5 wont make space.


      2k players spamming new accounts in hope of high calibration, then making threads like this. *tsk tsk tsk*


        well i have a lot of hours in the game , and i have genuinly tried to improve , by analyzing my games and watching a lot of pro players stream. Also my main is 3k. I had another account and after i finished calibration they put me on legend 1 , and after 1 game in the bracket they immediatly put me on smurf pool , being matched with divine 5.


          yeah buddy, I got queued up against immortals in unranked...Game has marked me as a smurf too LOL
          Stop lying to yourself you are low mmr cause you suck at game, simple as that.


            mid lane, is the most dangerous lane. Cause what you face is one enemy, but access to from top lane, and bottom lane, make a hard in farm. Cause anybody from top and bottom lane, can come everytime. Most difficult thing is staying at the mid lane.

            this differ mid lane from bottom and top lane. Top lane and bottom lane, have only one route to come from river. Easier to farm. Cause most of top laner and bottom laner, will try to help his mid lane, to farm, and switch possition to mid lane. Cause the mid laner cant stay in the lane.

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                    You sure?


                      legend 3? lmao who cares about mmr in 2022

                      FAKE LEGIT

                        how bout me, guess my MMR, it's between 3 and 4 digits...


                          herald 1