General Discussion

General DiscussionHow to play as support

How to play as support in General Discussion

    Hey guys.. tell me how to get vhs play as support?? And what should i do play as support?!

    #sorry if my english too bad


      If you can win with Ursa support pos 4, you are a very high skilled player in everyone heart. :lick:

      DUDE WTF!

        Wow ursa spammer XD

        macrodata refiner

          yeah don't listen to apipe, he is retarded

          macrodata refiner

            but winning as support is so ez, literally just buy 10 salves for your carry and give him one every time they are low in lane

            always pull when lane is pushing under enemy tower

            don't ward in stupid places, ward where enemy don't know to deward instantly

            take farm when your cores are not gonna take it (for example if your mid go roam, take mid... its free gold and xp for you)

            in hard games just go die in the other side of the map where your carry is... make enemy rotate on you and break smokes etc

            flourishing new leaf

              Do what you think you have to do to make the lane ideal for the carry if the carry were you.

              lvjkvkxckb kxcvbcbz cv xcv

                play like ''vhs'' xdXDxd)))xdxd

                DUDE WTF!

                  @MiC : I've done what I had to do as support bro but still hs in ma dotabuff idk why

                  @flourishing : Done bro, i always making space for carry to farm

                  @1/2 : LMFAO xD


                    Why do you care about vhs. I play pos 4 Ursa 0-16 then lost + got 8 reports. I still have vhs in that match :lick: :laugh:

                    DUDE WTF!

                      @Apipe : I want to get immortal rank bro XD but im jealous bout ur vhs. Lmfao

                      flourishing new leaf

                        When you're hovering between 0 and 3,5k behavior score you don't play against the enemy team, you play against your own filled with intentional feeders, afk's and ruiners. I went all the way down to legend 2 or smth on all my accounts just from pure ruin. If I could manage to support or carry these imbeciles like 5-6 games in a row I would get the next 10 games with at least 2 ruiners per game and huge loss streaks.


                          buy tons of consumables while playing lane dominator hero make sure u pull tangos salves and clarities/mangos to ur carry always block hard camp (unless ur chen ench or hero that can clear the camps efficiently (primal beast)

                          pull stacked camps to deny exp/gold from offlaner and pos4 , half pull non stacked camps (either 1 melee creep or just range creep (takes practice to learn))

                          make sure u buy smokes and use them with strongest player in ur team usually midlaner and offlaner
                          awlays make sure u place obs around the places where u fight and deward around areas where ur team mates got killed/ganked or fight about to break out

                          buy either items to shut down enemys strongest heroes (halber/glimmer/force/hex/etc) or shit to save ur team mates (glimmer force solar crest mek /etc)

                          once mid game enters just ward/deward and play around ur cores either sit behind ur carry/stack camps for him or do ganks/protect/push towers with midlaner and carry

                          DUDE WTF!

                            @flourishing : I just found out that the behavior score is useful for matches, I just thought it was just an ordinary score

                            @Vaikis : bro I've done what you mentioned but I'm not getting vhs in dotabuff idk why, just look my assist

                            macrodata refiner

                              You will get immortal rank if you deserve it. Its that simple.

                              Mmr is a reflection of your skill. Its not always 100% accuratebut gives good direction.

                              If you cant get even vhs (=4k mmr avg games) it means that you are still far far away from immortal (or even divine or ancient)



                                LETS GO ARCHON BOYS!

                                DUDE WTF!

                                  @MiC : Thank you for the advice and input, I appreciate it

                                  @Primal : XD LESGOO BOYSSS WE CAN DO IT


                                    You got to do everything it takes to win the game, which means that u have to play better than yr opponents in terms of killing, pushing, itemization, saving, warding n etc.

                                    So it doesnt matter if u r supp or core, u do whatever that gives the highest benefit to risk ratio to maximize yr chances of winning.

                                    DUDE WTF!

                                      @Scaredy : Thank for the advice bro, come party with me.. i need more suggestion


                                        why you dont want to take advice from me im 90% support. LOL i guess you dont want suggestion from archons :((


                                          > abuse heroes or get abused

                                          DUDE WTF!

                                            @Primal : ofc not bro, I accept suggestions from all players from herald to immortal, lets make party with me bro ..

                                            @Kowareta : Ah i like the way u think


                                              Almost dangerous to read

                                              DUDE WTF!

                                                @out of fucking herald : LMFAO


                                                  1. play close to your cores so you can either get kills or prevent deaths

                                                  2. dont go in the frontline thinking you'll make a sick play, the enemy just focuses you down and you get 0 impact. they're supposed to have to go through your core to get to you


                                                    if you wanna get vhs just get 4k mmr +

                                                    simple answer, be better

                                                    DUDE WTF!

                                                      @crumbling : I've done those 2 things bro

                                                      @Chad : what if you can't play in rank? Be better


                                                        Read slowly and understand each of your heroes skill, I seeing a lot of support player think that if they glimpse a sec on the skills pop up menu or read the build guide by creator that they understand 100% of the skills. This is one of the reason why crusader or archon player can’t improve and stuck in their bracket


                                                          just spam primal beast pos 4 while hero is broken. support your team by killing enemy. lol
                                                          if banned get any support hero rush helm of dominator. get harpy gives you and your team half of the map vision unli ward until killed.

                                                          works like a charm

                                                          DUDE WTF!

                                                            @Bear : Lmfao too much selfish player in their bracket

                                                            @Primordial : I cant play that hero bro .. annoying hero


                                                              if u want to climb at low rank as supports dont bother its ridiculously hard. Even if u do everything right if any of your cores are unhappy he will spoil the game for u easily


                                                                if you really want you should pick better picks like veno,pugna,death prophet,shaman,disruptor etc each with their strengths. If u go pick heroes like lion etc that are more for competitive matches u need to play like immortal to get to div. You need to remember you are playing with 4 other animals.

                                                                DUDE WTF!

                                                                  @SIMPLE : LMFAO XD


                                                                    Just b good

                                                                    DUDE WTF!

                                                                      @snow : Done bro but... i get anc II

                                                                      Swap Commend (Il Separatio)

                                                                        @flourishing new leaf: How do you insert an image on this thread? I remember a couple of years ago you couldn't do that :/

                                                                        flourishing new leaf

                                                                          You could always do it.

                                                                          I think there's a pinned thread about it

                                                                          but it should be [*img]picture.png[*/img] Without the ****. the Link for the picture also has to end in .png or .jpg and other exceptions. I recommend to right click the image you want, open it in a new tab. Then copy the link of the new tab. That way you know the image link is correct and not some redirection/dependent link

                                                                          flourishing new leaf

                                                                            I used your avatar (opened in a new tab and copied the link).

                                                                            Give me Carrot

                                                                              Don't feed to not make "The ANcient one" upset