General Discussion

General Discussionselling this acc for cheap

selling this acc for cheap in General Discussion

    4900 mmr, low behavior but i can show u a trick to avoid long q times and toxic players, GTA 5 on steam and some other games, around 50 dollars worth of dota 2 sets bought, can share smurf acc too Guardian 5 MMR high high behavior score. Pretty much just getting rid of them maybe someone else has use of them.

    Este tópico foi editado

      "Be very selective about the content u consume on the internet."

      "just keep that shit away from your brain guys"

      "Do yourself a favor and do not even stoop as low to have any of that loser shit enter your brain, let alone participate."

      Mr.Winner is here. cancer itself afraid living inside you. indeed you are a winner in that sense


        i'll offer you 3 dollars


          make it 5 and its yours



            Suerte en Archon tambien ...

              do you really need money for dope that desperatedly?