General Discussion

General Discussiongirls in Esports?

girls in Esports? in General Discussion
Hexy Rose~

    why is there no girl on Ti? I mean is it because team managers know enough that girls can't be as good as boys
    or maybe they know well that girls are made to wash the dishes not ply in pro dota2 teams?

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        Hmm why a game with 95% male player base, 99% in high level pubs of which only a handful of players play professionaly there is no girls. Think I need to wait for bigger brain then me to figure this out.

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          Why is a crusader inferior beta male insulting the most beautiful creatures on the planet? Ah the answer is in the question
          Btw it takes 40 IQ to understand why, look above ^


            OP is a virgin comfirmed , BASED


              SLQ are u Italian


                SLQ soon Archon.
                I predicted this, am I Oracle or what. LUL


                  Couse ti is like chess World Cup, you don't see there girl either. But i believe there will be some girl playing in top teams in coming years.

                  Hexy Rose~

                    @out of fucking herald yes exactly, and we have lots of pro girl players but why no team hires them? my point was here*

                    @SLQ soon you will be crusader baby
                    and don't u call me a virgin I bet I've fcked more girls than everyone in this forum.


                      I fucked more guys then anyone on this forum beat that faqqot


                        @HexyRose :X sit down little manlet

                        @zxc *insert hand gesture*

                        asdasdsadsadsad sadf wer ...



                            Just think girls need to spend time giving birth and not healthy like boys. :lick:


                              Cause you guys are fucking moron sexbeasts who want to fuck girls on stage?better they don't come to TI ,cause gamer tards think about girls as a masturbating subjects.go suck your big daddy gaben dick.

                              [Defense of The Chibi] Mi...

                                Playing in general tournaments (outside of female tournaments) with all-female teams turned out to be a disaster with no success at all. If not for all-female teams, signing a woman in the team with mostly men, even if she's a beast at her role, can bring risks most managers aren't ready to deal with.