54.28% winrate in Ancient. That makes her the 4th best hero in that bracket and she was just released so people haven't mastered playing her yet. Obviously broken and OP hero.
She is OP at the moment, same with Grimstroke and MK when first released.
Her 2nd deals 300 dmg 60 slow and can be also use as escape tool. MK spring deals 350dmg and 80 slow but thats a 4sec channeling time and a smaller aoe.
Her ulti is fine. But whats make it stupidly strong is its synergy with her 3rd. Her 3rd need to get nerf. Granting him 60 dmg and 50 lifesteal on 12secs cd is op enough, but her 3rd can also be cast on an ally. Dmg + lifesteal > LC atk spd + heal, not to mention LC buff only work on one unit (its a great dispel though, which can be better on some scenario).
Her ult isnt that strong. Its like troll ult, when timed right its OP. Smart players can do something bout it. Her 3rd man.
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Stop nerfing Marci ayaya. She is not broken ayaya.