General Discussion

General DiscussionStory of Goku

Story of Goku in General Discussion

    Sit on computer and open dotabuff forum for the 4000th time

    Scroll through posts and find someone who is lower MMR then him or crying about losing so he can make fun of them *oh yes*

    Throw around his massive ancient 2 dick that he got easily and casually cause hes actually so smart (unlike u low mmr trash lmao fucking idiot read my paragraph on why ur stupid now)

    Cry yourself to sleep and repeat


      Lol another one?
      Damn low mmr trash just likes me on this forums.
      Struggle everyday, try hard all games, still stuck in herald. While I got easy 4k. Gonna cry??

      Imagine making alternate accounts to trash a random guy on forum.

      Is this your main?

      Este comentário foi editado

        wait goku still stuck in normal bracket?

        Slim Shady

          ^ I have raiden shogun C3 with grasscutter, shut the fuck up inbred sweaty loser nerd

          Also, yes i agree with OP, goku is a bit of an arrogant dried up cumstain, he plays in normal bracket, is ancient 2 (lmao) and talks like he was the guy who created dota 2, basically some inept uneducated clown


            Rly u want me to imagine making fun of someone on a forum? I just need to do it about 3000 more times and I caught up to your resime.

            Lets do Science

              Glad to see dotabuff hasn't changed a single bit in all these years except for the death of ayy lmao :(

              macrodata refiner

                Lol who even is this Goku? Is it this random ancient guy with <50% winrate? Like damn why do you ppl even care what that kind of garbage says about you


                  I believe he calibrated ancient by luck with AA and then didn't play ranked for 9 month to keep the ancient medal. He is currently playing in the normal bracket which is archon.


                    Damn, I'm famous.
                    90_06 is completely right, I got lucky with AA callibration, hit 4k, and now I'm only spamming unranked games, to make sure I can taunt this 1k animals forever. Life's good.

                    @mic, they hate me cause I tell them that, them being stuck in low mmr is their own fault.


                    Este comentário foi editado
                    pinoy supp0rt

                      imagine being an incel weebtard virgin dog in some brown feces village where half his family died of covid and the other half was sold to pakistan brothel. dotabuff forum is his only source of validation LOL

                      idk why this retard thinks im making alternate accounts. Isnt it already obvious that 99.9% of the forum sees goku as the lowest form of filthy sewage rat anus bacteria

                      Dont forget:


                        Don't forget this. This is so easy.


                        Lets do Science

                          dude why are you flaming people when you're just barely floating in the same mmr range as them?


                            Guardian and Ancient is same mmr range. PEPELAUGH

                            Also, if you weren't completely braindead, I am not the one who started the thread. Heck, I had not posted anything in 1-2 weeks before this thread. LOL

                            Lets do Science

                              You got issues bro.


                                Yup, I got issues. No wonder you low mmr kids rot in 1k. All of you have 0 brain power to process even the simplest information.

                                So a guy who holds a grudge from like months back, makes a post insulting me. I troll the guy back, but somehow another low mmr dog thinks I have issues. This is hilarious.


                                Slim Shady

                                  ^ just stop crying and accept the fact you are just another low rank ancient idiot who thinks he is a TI winner in terms of game knowledge and skill bro you are looking like a tilted kid


                                    Salty Guardian dog, You can't even reach crusader. :laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh:

                                    You are closer to 0 MMR than to 4k. That makes your comment even more hilarious.


                                      Honestly lmao'ed at this title you should write dotabuff articles.
                                      the story of Goku the loser whos mother I regularly take out and mingle with. Shes quite feisty and crazy in bed to say the least.


                                        I dont know who is Ultraman but I know his story. The story of Guardian :axe_laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

                                        pinoy supp0rt
