General Discussion

General Discussionso many brain damaged people playing these days

so many brain damaged people playing these days in General Discussion

    every game that I play safelane, I have mid laners who feed 3 or more kills to enemy mid before min 10 and we lose all lanes and enemy wins in 30 min or less.

    Am in the hidden pool I don't understand ?


      You are in Archon bracket, if the players were good they wouldn't be in 2k mmr. Easy enough to understand?

      Your 1 year ranked win rate graph. Seems normal.
      You had matchmaking roll in your favor went high, didn't adjust/improve your gameplay, now system is slowly bringing you to your skill bracket.

      Steps to climb MMR:
      1) Acknowledge that you are 2k and you suck at the game. You are not some "high level player" stuck at low mmr cause of matchmaking.
      2) Watch your own replays, fix your game play.
      3) Focus on your own gameplay instead of watching others.
      4) Winning requires focus, switch game mode or stop playing if you are not in a good mental state. Bad mental state => bad decisions => Loss
      5) Stop playing the game on auto-pilot.

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        noobs everyone complaining about teams weirdge


          Fair enough, I don't by any means think I am better than I am. I did peak in June at reach 3.1k.

          I was more talking about the fact that I have mids going 1-14 KD, and all the lanes get lost it just seems so hard to win. I don't know maybe people haven't figured out the patch yet.


            If your mid died once already, there is a chance they will dive him under fountain. Consider tping and getting free kills - you can win games just by that one play. You cant rely on team to make space for you on 2k.

            Besides you play too many heros. Narrow your hero pool. Other thing - 15% support role. Play more supports so you become a better core player.

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              What AD.GokU said is wrong. The game is played by 10 players. So you have 9 reasons vs 1 reason with yourself for losing games. Stop focus on yourself. Focus on other 9. For me I have been trying to wait for team fight with teammate who keep on farming all the time. :axe_laugh: My teammate is the worst enemy in DOTA :rage:

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                @apipe Ursa is your worst enemy in dota because you pick him in wrong role. Just tell me if you need coaching with hero picks, I can probably help you! :)


                  Im happy not to play dota anymore. If I was to play with an offlane ursa I would get hemorrhoids.


                    btw whats the thing iwth midlander insta picking their hero in ranked roles. Isnt that exactly the point of ranked roles? no one can steal the guys' lane, so why... another funny internet trend set by some russian depressed instgrammer?