Against elusive heroes like puck, someone in team has to rush early orchid if the team has no hard disables.
I've lost a similar game to ember, who rushed maelstorm+scep with no defensive items only cause my wind ranger, after winning lane decided to make maelstorm+deso (and queued daedalus) instead of rushing a orchid after mael.
Itemization matters a lot. Your team went hard disables at 50+ mins of game, at that point the puck has controlled the game enough for the 2 other cores to come online.
That puck literally won without any defensive items.
Judging from that game.
1) Your disruptor played like a total shithead, if puck managed to dominate against him.
2) Weaver (assuming 4) decided to go for scep, instead of a orchid. A 22 mins orchid instead of 29 min scep would've kept the puck in check.
3) Medusa made swift blink for god knows what reason. Wasting all the gold.
4) You Made orb of corruption at 17 mins after maelstorm. That's wasting 1k gold on a useless item. The puck had no defensive items till 55 mins, and she still dominate you. Doesn't mean the hero is broken, just means you suck.
Puck's shift is strong, but so are many other spells, if enemy doesn't counter them at their power spikes.
Simple speaking, your whole team made retarded items and you lost the game. Maybe next time, try to understand the enemy lineup and don't just make items that helped you win last 5 games.
This is the common problem in 3k mmr. Players just make same items and skill build or even worse make shit items every single game regardless of enemy lineup and then bitch about "This and that is broken".
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Just asking because I played a game as ember and the puck was an immortal smurf in the legend bracket, and he was pretty much permanently phase shifted when fighting. I would land a searing chains on him when he was on a creep wave (like 1/5 chance of getting) and he would just phase shift like no business.
Should he at least take dmg from the root during phase shift if rooted, or should it reduce the duration by half or something? Just something negative so he doesn't get a free pass from roots
IMO if puck can phase shift during a root, I should be able to sleight of fist, as ember technically ends up in the same spot as he was when he returns from sleight of fist