General Discussion

General Discussion6 agi or 20 attackspeed

6 agi or 20 attackspeed in General Discussion

    assuming you have 57+35 damage and 70% lifesteal and 100 ish attackspeed for 8 seconds wat is better

    i like 6 agi more though for cs ing but wat is better total damage or something

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      spawn dummy in demo mode =)


        and see dps after 20 hits or whatever


          i have no idea wtf is this question
          +6 agi or +20 as is what u get at min 6 when u buying treads
          +70% lifesteal is like when u are playing at min 30 or sth

          u get the agi early for laning and u dont care about neither of them in mid/late game


            Its for brood level 1 q is 70% lifesteal


              oh no sometimes you wanna buy robe of magi/band of elvenskin rather than gloves so im thinking wats better for laning phase lol


                6agi = 6 dmg, 6 as and 1 ar
                if it's dps i think 20 as would be better but 6 agi gives a lot and you could trade with 1 ar

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                  i dont think anybody even think about buying gloves for laning. for lane either u go damage or ms
                  for making attack speed benefits work, the target should be stationary. thats why if u pick wk/brood jungle u want gloves not damage. u hit for longer times and it means u can benefit from extra lifesteal or potential extra attack which sometimes means u did more total damage

                  like on brood its 0.14 sec difference. in 8 seconds its like 1 more attack if u attack a non moving unit. in lane u cant stun a hero for 8 seconds, he runs away so that 1 extra attack never happens. u just go for damage or u get ms to kite them. u are mostly last hitting anyway


                    nice thank you for that

                    ye but i saw some guy buying glove tho so i was thinking about it

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                    Dirty FeeDeR

                      What about slark?would buying attack speed in laning stage make difference for him?

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                        no i dont think so
                        3 things matters in lane to me; regen, ms, dmg. (in the most important order)
                        good slark players buy a lot of regen


                          the only heroes where buying gloves is good i find are like slardar/void types that want to proc.
                          but even then u get more hits in with boots, its just better to buy gloves when hitting creeps, so i guess sven does it too.

                          Die by the sword

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