General Discussion

General DiscussionWhat are the strongest factors of individual gameplay?

What are the strongest factors of individual gameplay? in General Discussion
Die by the sword

    In the scoreboard here on dota..

    Is it gold?
    Is it Damage?

    On example is that positions 1-5 deals dmg and gains gold in that order. That means that if pos 5 gets more gold, exp or dmg then a pos 4 or 3 it generally means 3-4 played bad or that pos 5 did an awesome job.. Question is how you evaluate in such a complex game!

    Feeding Player

      As a pos 4/pos 5, the scoreboard is not really truly reflective. Your game impact would instead be priority.
      1) Number of supporting items(Dusts, smokes, wards)
      2) Game Impact (Assists, low deaths if possible)
      3) Laning Impact (are you able to help your cores win the lane? If due to your ganks your mid is level 7 while the opponent is 5, you suceeded well)
      4) Itemization
      5) Fight impact (as a support, you need to know who is the biggest threat you need to get rid of. Shackling an enigma would be more useful than shackling a god's strength sven, for example.)

      Dirty FeeDeR

        Using brain

        Die by the sword

          Then im the best player in the world, thx bye!

          Dirty FeeDeR

            @Shinra Tensei

            Maybe:),But 100%you are the best player in your own world and that's what matters

            Este comentário foi editado

              Just don't forget to use your brain. THIS IS THE STRONGEST FACTOR OF INDIVIDUAL GAMEPLAY. :lick:


                Don't Autopilot

                casual gamer

                  Some 5/4 do a ton of damage e.g luna or aa as a 4 versus something like a tree might do less damage but still have very high impact

                  Damage and gold can both indicate doing a good job as a low farm priority but for gold esp you have to make sure the gold ur getting is farm ur teammates arent going for (not hard at low mmr ppl just not farming)

                  Do try to minimize ur deaths, a lot support heroes you don't have to suicide and cutting down on ur deaths simply with positioning or conservative use of a glimmer cape type item makes a huge difference in both the enemy cores' progressions and your own

                  And yeah winning your lane is a huge game changer in terms of what it does for your map control in the first 15ish minutes, especially as the dual offlane. If you push the 1 into their jungle and then follow him as 4 you're massively inflating your chances of winning


                    Impact, which is hard to measure.

                    A Pa with just deso+bkb against a 4 stun lineup has way more impact than a PA with deso+bf+satanic against the same lineup. But the ability to use brain is not unlocked for most D2 players. XD

                    Most games, the pos 1 gets good lead in lane, makes shitty items, then flames teams like "I won my lane, but you all suck". I remember a pos 1 void flaming everyone on our team for losing the game, while he was rushing mkb for 20 mins against a team with no evasion.

                    Die by the sword

                      I buy items..

                      adapt or die (PING ONLY)

                        map awareness and where to farm based on their movements



                          learn what every position should do and think about it again
                          Should supports farm?
                          Should mid gang?
                          When carry should come and fight with us.


                            Number of denies a support get is also impt. There was one pos5 player who complained about getting bad teammates, however, when I checked his denies, it was disgusting. Supports should aim to get 5-20 denies in game. Coz most of the time there will be creeps dying at both sides at the same time and usually your core will go for the last hit instead of the deny.

                            And as support you are supposed to be using your clarities 24/7, otherwise you are not following Speed's advice.