General Discussion

General DiscussionWhat cheese heroes still work (assume not smurfing)

What cheese heroes still work (assume not smurfing) in General Discussion

    Huskar, Meepo, Brood, Arc Warden, Lycan, Lone Druid the traditional lastpick cheese, I rarely see them get played and even when they do it doesn't feel as intimidating as before (with the exception of Arc). Are they still good lastpick cheese within your own bracket, or is it not worth it anymore unless smurfing lower brackets?

    Gazz   ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

      Scary cheese heroes for me lately is Riki. A riki with battle fury + aghs then daedalus is so strong. It makes your team also to spend sents/dust hence delaying your poor support item timings.

      Worth mentioning is OD and Wraithking.

      卍pudge king卍

        1.First you pick a carry that contributes to lane kills and secures creep farm.

        After you pick something that lanes well Vs the enemy and is good with whoever you're Laning with. Pick something that

        2. Punishes the enemy farming sidelines.

        3. Pushes lanes easily.

        4. Punishes the shakers/earth spirit tusks sitting behind lane farmers.

        5. Has an op timing for smokes

        If you draft properly and play with a plan you'll win 80% of your games. The other 20% has someone hard griefing you for a free loss. Or maybe you're griefing yourself sometimes


          Riki was never really cheese, he's either been in-meta or out-of-meta because of ability reworks and global changes. Before, he was a bad hero, he was just hard to deal with for lower brackets and then non-factor in higher brackets and pro games. Then the various ability changes and reworks they gave him. Now, he's solidly in-meta.

          Willow's Alt Acc

            There is no such thing as cheese hero. If u need one I suggest you to play Willow mid xd.
            Pudge King advice covers pretty much everything, but you only need that when you reach Divine. Focus on basics and map movement instead. Every hero will work in low bracket.


              beast or lycan is very stronk dis patch if you want easy mmr prolly

              Gazz   ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

                Riki was never really cheese

                I consider him cheese coz in our bracket, they dont know how to deal with him. Especially when fat.


                  alchemist and lycan is very good in some game

                  Este comentário foi editado

                    ursa and having *** is very good in some games.