General Discussion

General DiscussionAre you a new player struggling to pick heroes? Don't want to buy Dot...

Are you a new player struggling to pick heroes? Don't want to buy Dota Plus just for the role selection grids? I've got just what you need! in General Discussion

    - Download file "hero_grid_config.json" from Google Drive:

    - Replace this file in "steam\userdata\*your user ID*\570\remote\cfg"

    - Take backup of your file first if you have created your own grids

    - If file is not getting read by the game, create a random, temporary grid and repeat the process

    New: If you are a new player, this is the best grid to use. Heroes are divided by difficulty; easy, medium and hard (best to pick easy heroes) and supports and cores. Generally, a team has 3 cores (1 in each lane) and 2 supports (1 in each side lane).

    Roles: This is a bit more advanced, with heroes arranged in the roles they are generally played in. Some heroes are only played in a single role (hard support, soft support, off lane, mid lane, safe lane) while other heroes may be played in multiple roles (versatile support, versatile utility, versatile core, versatile carry).

    Classic: This is in reference to how heroes were arranged and selected in the original DotA mod and the old Dota 2 client (pre-Reborn). It doesn't offer much functionality, only nostalgia.

    Function: Earlier, there were filters in the pick screen that highlighted heroes based on their functionality i.e. utility, disabler, nuker etc. This was removed, but since many people found it useful, this grid is for them. For obvious reasons, I haven't included the jungler filter.

    Periodic: A 'periodic table' of Dota 2 heroes. All heroes are arranged in the order in which they were released into Dota 2. The second-to-last line of heroes at the bottom are those released after Dota 2 left beta. The last line of heroes are those original to Dota 2 and released after patch 7.00.

    Dota Plus (Rank): These are 7 grids all according to the Dota Plus Role Assistant. This is how players in each skill bracket pick heroes and play them in particular roles. Generally, you need to subscribe to Dota Plus, which is a paid feature, to access these grids.

    P.S. Link to individual images of grids.

    Coup De Grace

      Mate thanks you for sharing. I believe this really helps a lot of players. Great job.


        Wow! Thank you so much man. This is what we need.

        DAMN FINE

          yo this is nice


            You're welcome. Glad you liked it!


              Good for new players, but misleading for more advanced players. Many of the supports in hard support are much better to be played as pos4. Another way is to classify them them would be according to their durability and damage output. Heroes with low damage and low durability at the bottom right, while heroes with high damage and high durability at the top left.


                First two grids are based on Dota Plus grid for Divine and Immortal ranks. This is how they pick the heroes in those roles.


                  replace that downloaded script with which one?


                    There will be a file with the same name in the folder I showed in your steam files. That is, if you have created your own grids. If you haven't created any, there won't be a file, so just copy mine there.